Study Hall

52 Weekly Lessons

 Learn how to think like a Dream Interpreter.

We learn through doing.  Applying theory is an essential part of the learning cycle that culminates in wisdom.  These 52 Lessons give you the practice you want for decoding your own dreams. Here is the suggested way to gain the most from these posts:

  • On Sunday, read one of the lesson’s dreams.  Read only the dream.
  • Think about it until Wednesday.
  • Read the dream again on Thursday and write your interpretation of the dream.  Then read the interpretation provided in the lesson.
  • Think about the interpretation provided with the lesson on Friday.
  • Saturday, sit down with the dream, your interpretation, and the expert’s interpretation.  Compare them.  Where are you in sync, where are you out of sync?  What might these indicate?  Seek to develop and refine your skill in understanding the universal factors at work in every dream experience while appreciating the diverse ways Subconscious Mind communicates the truth it offers.

Take your time.  It is the indepth study that will provide you with the interpretation skill you desire. The 52 Lessons are designed to be studied one at a time, one per week.  Interpretations by our collegiate dreamschool staff offer you the insight into thinking like a dream interpreter.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I was working at the Canadian Space Agency. I was monitoring satellite launches. I am responsible for the administration of a launch program for Canada Space Exploration. There are three launch programs with three rockets each.

Retrieval of the information from the launches is very important and valuable. Getting this information is very difficult. I must get the information on the first or second try otherwise it is like an echo and it’s gone.

I heard an entity [a voice], during this process, speak my name ‘Jim’ very clearly and distinctly. I have the overall sense that there is important work that I must undertake.
JG, Monebon, New Brunswick, Canada.

Symbols in this dream…

Canadian Space Agency: see work
Work : how dreamer is choosing to be productive in life to promote growth and learning
Space Exploration: see outer space
Outer space: represents the inner levels of consciousness
Satellite: gathers information from inner level travel
Three: represents creation
Rocket : vehicle for inner level travel
Echo: vibration
Entity : see ghosts
Ghosts :unidentified inner level bodies
Name: identification

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
Each dream is a personal message to the dreamer about self, offering insight about what he thinks, how he thinks and why he thinks the way he does. The Universal Language of Mind is the Rosetta Stone that unlocks the hidden meaning so the dreamer can understand his dream and apply it to his life. The symbols themselves are universal — they apply to anybody anywhere, regardless of race, creed, religion, social status or economic level. Therefore the interpretation is universal.
The dream symbols used in the dream are personal just as the words someone speaks are personal, expressing a thought in a particular way. The application to the dreamer’s life and life situation is personal. In other words, two different people can have the exact same dream and it will have the same interpretation, but the way the dream relates to their life circumstances may be totally different.

Have you ever asked yourself ‘Why am I here?’ Have you pondered the meaning of life or wondered just what you should be doing with your life? Great explorers such as Marco Polo once traveled and mapped the world, giving definition to our physical existence. Modern day explorers such as John Glenn and Neil Armstrong have stretched the boundaries of our physical existence into the reaches of space.
Jim’s dream is about stretching the boundaries of his existence, his inner space. It is about the exploration of the Self. It is about the choices he has made in his life to accelerate his spiritual progress and how this exploration is leading him to discover his reason for existence.

The Canadian Space Agency is the vehicle Jim is using to further his exploration. It represents the choices and practices he is using towards self-discovery. The satellites that he is responsible for is how he is collecting information about himself. The satellites, like unmanned space probes you might see in the latest science fiction movies, gather information and send it back to the command center to be stored, analyzed and interpreted. The information being gathered is from Jim’s exploration of the inner levels of awareness, perhaps from dreams, meditation or visions.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

Jim’s command center is his conscious Self working with his brain to store information from his inner level experiences. This would be like remembering your dreams, writing them down, then interpreting them and applying them in your life. The inner level experience of dreaming is stored in the brain and on paper, analyzed or interpreted and applied to Jim’s life situations. The true importance and value in the information is in how it will aid him to influence his own life. His description of the information as fading ‘like an echo’ describes perfectly what occurs upon waking, and how a dream slowly fades, becoming fainter and fainter.

The entity or voice is an unidentified part of Jim and a part that identifies who he is, not as Jim the physical being but as Jim the spiritual being. It is this identification that gives Jim the sense of his reason for existence. He will find, that as he continues his spiritual development, this identity will become more defined, more refined.

Jim’s sense that ‘there is important work’ is correct — the most important thing Jim can do is to educate himself in spiritual ways. He has begun his own exploration, his own series of discoveries in his inner space. His discoveries will be just as exciting and expansive to himself as Neil Armstrong’s step onto the lunar surface was for mankind. He will discover inner worlds and lay claim to those inner worlds in the name of spiritual discovery.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I am with some classmates on a large steel bridge. I am up on the side of the bridge hanging a sign to warn of an oncoming flood. Also, we are preparing the bridge for the flood. I look down at the bright red Ford Explorer we are using and I see the water rising quickly below us. I say to them, “Let’s go!” as the water is coming up over the road. I drive us up, out of the water that is now covering the bridge surface. I have this incredible feeling of relief as I drive up the hill at the end of the bridge and out of the water.

I’m driving up the hill away from the bridge and I see a brown Plymouth Acclaim on the side of the roadway with Missouri license plates. I ask everyone in the car with me “Isn’t that John’s car?” Matthew in the back seat nods yes, but nobody cares about it. I don’t understand why no one cares, but I know that I have to drive us out of here so I say “Too late now.” and drive up the hill.

Now we are in John’s car. I am driving and the song “White Bird” is on the radio. I am enjoying the song. My sister is in the passenger seat. She is enjoying the song, too.

I am in the back seat alone. The car I am in is unrealistically long. I am far from the front seat. I cannot hear the radio. I ask someone up front to turn it up in back. I am enjoying the song and I awaken.
(WJD, male, St. Louis, MO)

Symbols in this dream…:

Automobile: physical body, provides mobility for the thinker
Bridge: indicates a means of transition in the dreamer’s life
Flood: see water
Water: represents conscious life experiences
Hill: see mountain
Mountain: challenge or obstacle
Matthew: familiar aspect of self, conscious aspect
Sister: familiar aspect of self, subconscious aspect
Song: represents harmonious vibratory patterns

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

Would you like to know how to deal with stress? Would you like to know how to think healthier, to be kinder to yourself? This dream illustrates how the dreamer handles life situations and illustrates how, amidst thoughts of being overwhelmed or thinking that life is out of control , the dreamer can experience peace and harmony, rather than feeling overwhelmed or thinking that his life is out of control. Every dream offers the same kind of insight, the same kind of practical approach, the same kind of truth to the dreamer.

The first part of the dream shows WD handles challenges, taking a physical approach to dealing with life situations (a transition in his life represented by the bridge). WD’s thoughts are of being out of control or overwhelmed (represented by the threatening flood), but WD will approach this, as he does many things, thinking of himself as a physical being and therefore directing his physical body (represented by the car) to free him from this situation. Have you ever completed a tough homework assignment or a grueling project at work feeling angry, resentful or taken advantage of, but you force yourself through to the end? This is what WD is doing – the hill represents his assignment or project and the bridge an opportunity for WD to change the way he thinks and responds.

The brown Plymouth, like the Explorer, represents WD’s physical body. It is another view or another perspective of himself as a physical being. WD’s thought is that it is “too late”. This represents WD’s forcing his physical body towards a particular outcome – he already has a particular frame of mind and his own approach that he is set on. At this particular juncture of his life and whatever the experience, WD thinks of himself as a physical being, represented also by his friend Matthew, another conscious aspect of the dreamer.

The next part of the dream illustrates the freedom and peace WD can experience when he begins thinking of himself as more than a physical being. In this part of the dream, WD’s sister is riding in the passenger seat. She represents an aspect of his subconscious mind, or his inner self. When WD thinks of himself as a soul and uses his life experiences for his spiritual growth, he will experience harmony (song) in the midst of his activity. This will produce both inner and outer peace rather than frustration. This will also aid WD to live a longer and healthier, more productive and fulfilling life.

The final portion of the dream illustrates how WD swings from forcing his way through life to begin passive. This passivity is indicated by the fact that he is in the back seat of the car rather than driving. This is probably a way that WD avoids responsibility, thereby making somebody or something the Creator of his life until the next crisis comes along. When WD is passive, peace and harmony elude him (someone else must turn up the radio so WD can hear the song).

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

This dream, like all dreams, is a stimulus for the dreamer to cause change. This dream is a stimulus for WD to change his idea of who he is and to bring his identity as soul into his everyday experiences. WD believes he is a soul. He has had some experiences as a soul, but as yet, he does not know he is a soul. As he incorporates purpose into everything he does, as he uses each life experience to cause spiritual development, WD will achieve enlightenment.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I was in Ann Arbor, Michigan where I went to college several years ago. I remember thinking “I’m glad I don’t really want to live here”. It was night and I was walking home pushing a baby stroller. I thought “I wish I had a car”.  A white car drove by and there were two people in it. I heard one ask the other how much mileage she gets on it. I saw three men on the other side of the street and I was a little afraid.I went to a hospital to see a friend. I was watching all the procedures and not liking them.  I saw someone getting a shot, someone else getting a bandage.

Next, there was a scene where this woman was talking to a psychologist telling her about her child that refuses to eat. Then I saw a picture of the child, a young girl, very scary looking (in a night gown with very white face and big eyes) saying “I won’t eat”. She [the mother] was asking the psychologist what to do. (KG, female,Santee, CA)

Symbols in this dream…

Ann Arbor, Michigan: see city
City: condition of mind where many aspects are connected
College: see school
School: place for learning
Night: lack of awareness
Baby stroller: see vehicle
Car: see vehicle
Vehicle: represents the physical body
Men: aspects of Self
Street: see roads
Roads: dreamer’s direction in life
Hospital: see building
Building: the mind, the condition of the mind
Friend: familiar aspect of self
Shot: see healing
Bandage: see healing
Healing: transformation of thinking which negatively effects Self to that which positively effects Self
Woman: aspect of Self
Psychologist: see doctor
Doctor: superconscious mind
Picture: manifested thought form
Food: knowledge

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

Each dream is a personal message to the dreamer about self, offering insight about what he thinks, how he thinks and why he thinks the way he does. The Universal Language of Mind is the Rosetta Stone that unlocks the hidden meaning so the dreamer can understand his dream and apply it to his life. The symbols themselves are universal — they apply to anybody anywhere, regardless of race, creed, religion, social status or economic level. Therefore the interpretation is universal.

The dream symbols used in the dream are personal just as the words someone speaks are personal, expressing a thought in a particular way. The application to the dreamer’s life and life situation is personal. In other words, two different people can have the exact same dream and it will have the same interpretation, but the way the dream relates to their life circumstances may be totally different.
Your thoughts are powerful. They help you fulfill your desires. They aid you to greater awareness. And they influence the world around you. Your thoughts are real. Have you ever worried about something to the point of having an upset stomach? This is a common experience where you can realize the influence of your thoughts. KG’s dream illustrates perfectly how the thoughts you may have throughout the day are reflected in your daily activities, in your night time sojourns, and can continue into the next days. With awareness of the messages in your dreams, then the way your thoughts are carried into succeeding days is a force for change. Let’s look at KG’s dream so you can begin to understand how her thoughts affect her world…

In the first part of the dream, KG is in her college town, a place she admits “I don’t really want to live’. This represents an old way of thinking, thoughts and attitudes she expressed several years ago and not the person she is today. This is now an unnatural or unfamiliar way of thinking for her.

The night time shows that KG is unaware of how her thoughts affect her. Both the car and the baby stroller represent KG’s physical body. Figuratively speaking, she sees her body as a stroller. She wants a car. In her dream, the vehicles illustrate the difference between the body she has (stroller) and the body she wants (car). In everyday life, the stroller must be pushed to go anywhere. A car is driven, it is quicker, more powerful. It is the old thought pattern limits her energy. It is the old thought pattern that slows her progress.

Since a hospital represents a building where healing occurs, the hospital in the dream represents a healing condition of the mind. This tells KG she is in the process of changing the old, unproductive thinking to a new way that reflects what she wants. She wants the goal (the new thinking that will give her the body she wants) but does not enjoy the process of attaining it.

Finally the dream reveals the root of KG’s problem with her body image. The picture of the child who won’t eat symbolizes a long-standing, immature idea that has kept KG from learning what she needs to know to accomplish her goal. Now she is unconsciously (the unknown woman) drawing upon her inner wisdom (psychologist) for healing.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

The thought patterns we build over time become old friends. They become comfortable, like an old pair of house slippers. To change unproductive ways of thinking to positive thoughts and influences, awareness brings the thoughts to light. In KG’s case, she became aware of her thoughts because of her dream. Now she can identify similar ways of thinking. She can begin to live her life differently by thinking differently.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I dreamt this a few weeks after seeing ‘Armageddon’, but it could also be the result of seeing the end titles of ‘Third Rock From the Sun’, which I saw earlier that day.

It’s sunny and warm. Me and my partner are in my hometown’s main street. Suddenly a meteor passes over the train station. It’s about the size of a pick-up truck. At the low speed of 100 to 200 Km/h (just like the meteor of ‘Third Rock’) the meteor flies (floats) along the entire length of the street, while it makes a low sweeping noise. At the centre of town it flies into a building, vaporizing it. This marks the beginning of a fierce meteor shower.

People seek shelter in houses and cellars. Many houses crumble in upon them. Me and my girlfriend flee into the cellar of a house as well. A meteor hits the house and the ceiling starts to come down. We’re in risk of being crushed by it. My girlfriend touches a heap of sand that’s lying in a corner of the cellar and turns into a clay golem. This strikes me as a good idea.

I climb back up the stairs, head for the front of the house. Meanwhile the house is shaking and there’s dust everywhere. When I get outside I touch the front of the house and feel myself being transformed into a living house. Since I feel this will be too clumsy I decide only to transform myself into the front of the house. I tear myself loose from the rest of the house and head back in. Don’t ask me HOW the front of a house moves about. I only know it felt like slowly walking around with really heavy limbs. At the same time I could feel the strength of stone “muscles”. While I’m walking I make a lot of noise. Each movement of my arm goes ‘swoosh’ because of the interaction with the air. I hear the meteor shower is losing its power. What happens afterwards I can’t remember.
JW, male, Belgium

Symbols in this dream…

partner : aspect of self, conscious or subconscious unknown
street :direction in life dreamer is going
meteor : planet:  mode or activity that can be used to bring about learning for soul progression
train station : organization with predetermined goal
building : mind, condition of mind
fierce meteor shower : fire: expansion (see above meteor)
houses : mind
cellars : basement:  levels of mind:  unconscious mind
stairs :  Moving to or between levels of mind
stone : will in subconscious mind
arm : purposeful intention

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
The following dream describes one way we can respond, or react in the case of this dreamer, when unexpected things happen in our lives.

An uncontrolled expansion (meteor) results in forcing things to happen.  It is seemingly out of your control and unbidden.   Your reaction is to fall into old unconscious patterns (cellar) of thinking.  This affects the workings of your whole mind (houses) which is threatening (risk being crushed) to you.  Your subconscious mind (girlfriend) comes up with the answer.

The duty of the subconscious mind is to fulfill your desires and this, from your dream, is apparently happening in your life.  Particularly in times of need when you feel forced.

The next movement in your dream revolves around the “living house”.  This symbolizes your desire to take control of the situation by controlling your mind.  Problem is you become lost in the endeavor.  You becoming the house in the dream is a great image for someone who is preoccupied or absent minded.  It could also be pointing out that you were approaching life this day intellectually, when what the situations called for was much more practical thinking.

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
You might try looking for what you are learning from the situation. For instance, pondering why this has come to you now, at this time in your life, can be very self-revealing.  Once this is determined immediate employ your imagination to create a different way you can respond the next time such a situation arises.  This is the highest use of dreams, when they become part of a two-way communication to better our lives.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I was going back to Lincoln, Nebraska, to talk with my group of old friends at my university Air Force ROTC program to see how they were doing and reconnect with them.  I was accompanied by a friend, whom I did not know in my waking life, but I enjoyed his company very much, and he was also going to Lincoln to join up with his Army ROTC friends.

When we arrived at the building in the university, my new friend immediately connected with his Army friends and began catching up on old times.  I however, discovered my Air Force ROTC detachment had moved elsewhere a number of years back.  I was disappointed I could not connect with my old friends, however was happy that my new friend got to connect with his old friends.

J.M., Male, St. Louis, MO

Symbols in this dream…

Lincoln, NE: A place in mind
Old friend: Aspects of self from the past
University: Place of learning
Air Force: Disciplined aspects of Self
New Friend: Unknown conscious aspect
Army:  Wanting to correct with discipline

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
Military in a dream symbolizes discipline.  The Dreamers Dictionary has this to say:

There are ideals worth fighting for in life.  Anything worth accomplishing requires discipline to overcome inertia and the discord of laziness.  Until the thinker establishes Self discipline He/she will experience inner conflict arising from fear and doubt.  This is the inner war waged until the thinker takes command of all aspects of Self, directing Self toward a singular ideal and purpose of Enlightenment.”

JM is reflecting upon a time in his life when he was disciplined in working with others.  This is symbolized by the air force.  It was a time of learning linked with his childhood (he grew up in Lincoln and does not live there now), and JM is finding himself drawing upon this discipline while wanting to explore how it relates to today (the unknown friend).

What he discovers is a difference in his older ideas of discipline and the new ones which are now being presented to him.  The old ideas of discipline were involving others, the new ideas are involving himself (the army, being a land force would symbolize disciplined ways of using the mind).  JM feels he has lost something at the same time something new has entered his life – if only from a distance, as symbolized by the new unknown friend meeting his friends.
Putting the Dream into Your Life:
The Dreamers Dictionary suggests, when the military appear in your dream, asking these questions:

Do I lead a disciplined life?  How do I understand discipline – is it something I am forced to do to get what I want or is it a refined ability to ceate what I desire?  Discipline is the acquired awareness and personal implementation of the Laws of creation.”

This dream was giving JM feedback concerning how he views discipline.  His subconscious mind is letting him know there has been a transition from JM viewing discipline as something coming to him from outside himself (the shoulds of childhood) to something coming from within himself.  His new ideas of self-motivation are foreign to him, unfamiliar but attractive.  He is embracing them readily and discovering whole new vistas of motivation he did not know existed before.

JM realized he had a tendency to apply himself, working very hard toward what he desires, and then take a prolonged amount of time off as if the creative endeavor drained him of energy that then demanded to be replenished.  This was a pattern he was beginning to see in his life – in finances, relations with others, and so forth – but the remedy still eluded him.  This dream is giving him insight into the nature of the pattern and where he is in breaking the old habits.  JM could admit that he was capable of great discipline and then would fall into undisciplined periods as a kind of reward for having worked so hard.  The new friend, JM believed, represented newly acquired awareness that was freeing him from the past and creating new concepts of his capacity for Self-control in attaining what is desired.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I am decorating my condominium. It is a nice condo in a fancy building. Some of the furniture is wooden with tops on that make a little room. I say I want to see the ceiling in part of the room but somebody else in the dream disagrees.  A worker is backing my Lexus car out of the driveway by remote control. I’m in the car and hear it scratch the side of a brick wall. When I look to see what damage is done, the car is a truck and the car is in the driveway. There is hardly any damage to the truck even though there is a piece of metal on the wall that should have ripped the side of the car apart.

I then go back into the condo building where there is a party. Many other couples are there in a common area. I look on the table for the keys to my condo. There are only raffle stubs for the other people.

I go to get my key from my wife in the other room. (JF, single male, Encinitas, CA)

Symbols in this dream…

Condominium: see house
Furniture: the means to implement the mind’s desires
House: the dreamer’s mind
Ceiling: see attic
Attic: superconscious part of mind
Somebody: see stranger
Stranger: unidentified aspect of the dreamer
Worker: see people
People: aspects of self
Automobiles: the physical body
Truck: the physical body
Couples: see people
Table: means of support
Keys: access to solutions
Raffle stubs: see ticket
Ticket: a means for identification
Wife: an aspect committed to wholeness

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
Do you know that your dreams can tell you about upcoming illnesses? This is true because any dis-ease begins with prevalent thoughts and attitudes that set up the physical conditions in the body for illness or injury to occur. Your dreams will reveal the thoughts of the day that, if promoted and continued, will lead to physical ailments. These kinds of dreams are referred to as health dreams. This health dream illustrates how spiritual development promotes health in the physical body.

In the first part of the dream JF’s remodeling his condominium symbolizes how he is changing the way he uses his mind, improving the structure of his mind. Improvements in mind occur when the individual is successful in self-discovery with activities such as meditation, counseling, or dream interpretation. JF is reorganizing his thoughts, but he is compartmentalizing them as symbolized by the little room the furniture makes. JF is restricting his improvements which is emphasized by his desire to see the ceiling.

To discover what the ceiling represents we must research the meaning of an attic. The attic in a house represents the superconscious mind, that part of the Self most closely associated with the perception of one’s divinity; the ceiling symbolizes the separation between the conscious self and the superconscious mind. An unknown aspect of himself, the stranger, wants access to the superconscious, while JF wants the inner and outer to be separated.
Putting the Dream into Your Life:
The next part of the dream indicates there are ways that JF uses his body (car) unconsciously (male worker). These are causing illness (JF in the car, hears scratch). The improvements in the use of mind are affecting his body (car to truck), enabling him to become healthier (there is hardly any damage). This encourages JF to continue in his new line of thinking, consciously improving his mind thus strengthening his body.
What stands in the way of his mind development is an attitude of frivolity (party) entertained by many inner, subconscious and outer, conscious aspects (couples) of the self. This dream scene further describes why JF wanted that ceiling. JF is looking for the keys to his condominium – solutions concerning his mind exploration. What he identifies (raffle stubs) instead is how he tends to approach life from an attitude of risk. The dream tells him the key lies with his wife – his commitment to his soul progression.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I am in a priest’s office. I see a huge wall hanging made out of gold and mahogany wood. The scene is a landscape of India. I think it is very beautiful. I look at statues of elephants made out of jade and wood that are on the priest’s desk.

MG, female, Columbia, MO

Symbols in this dream…

a priest’s office: superconscious mind, thinking concerned with spirituality
a wall hanging: manifestation of the dreamer’s thoughts
gold: value
jade: stone: subconscious will
mahogany wood: subconscious existence, the creative and spiritual part of mind
India: an unfamiliar condition of the mind
elephants: habits
desk: furniture: means (a way) to implement the mind’s desires

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

Every dream reflects the dreamer’s state of awareness at the time of the dream. At this time, MG was directing her daily thoughts to her spirituality and divinity, as shown by being in the priest’s office. She was noticing and paying attention to the ways that her thoughts have manifested in new or unfamiliar ways, shown by the wall hanging of India. She is pleased with her spiritual progress.

The dream takes MG even further because the value of her subconscious existence as it relates to her spirituality is also reflected in this dream. She is becoming aware of how her subconscious will (jade) has been used habitually (elephants) to implement her desires.
Putting the Dream into Your Life:
MG’s was beginning to notice new ways of thinking about herself spiritually. This might be her relationship to her God and/or with her fellow human beings. She was liking what she saw, and beginning to realize how much she has relied upon subconscious will to implement her desires. It’s a great message for it reveals MG’s spiritual progress and the next steps to be taken.

A viable response would be to use conscious will for spiritual development. Daily meditation and prayer would be likely responses to this type of dream for both bring conscious awareness into the spiritual quest. She can also make choices that will enable her to evolve as a creator. The daily process of creation is how we become more spiritual in our lives because it is through our creations that we learn to be like our Creator, to create with thought.

The creative process occurs in all areas of life, not simply in the area of the arts. With every thought we have and every choice we make, we create an experience to which we can give and from which we can learn. The most valuable learning is about that which is universally true for all. In this way we learn that we are spiritual beings destined to be like our Creator. As MG uses the message provided in her dream on a daily basis and incorporates that into her conscious thinking, she will be able to move forward very rapidly and truly be the creator of her own life.•

The Dreamer’s Entry

I had a strange dream about my boyfriend.

I can’t make out the place where we started, but I was to meet him later on at his house (we live together now and this was a different address). It took me forever to get there, and after I arrived at the first house I discovered there were actually two addresses that I needed to go.

The first place I encountered was a small house. I don’t have a clear vision of the outside, only the inside), it was a little unkempt and his wife (not me) seemed a little dowdy. For some reason the actor Keifer Sutherland’s face was somewhere in the dream and he looked pretty scruffy. Moreover, if I recall, that was the face of my boyfriend, but it was as if I wasn’t there, only looking in from the outside.

I moved on and in the second place I went to, I found some documents on the floor in a corner, documents there that suggested that my boyfriend’s name was something else. The name that I saw on these documents was the name of his deceased godfather, (who in real life had been a highly respected lawyer in his time). I also saw pictures of my boyfriend when he was a child. The color green is very prominent in this second place. A hue similar to a 50’s style or even a deeper hue. It was also somewhat dark in this place. There was sunshine outside but it was filtered through the window. I eventually decided that I was tired and that I was going to go to bed. He came in later and slept in a different bed. When I woke up and saw him from the side, he had the face and hairstyle of my first boyfriend.

That made me wake up and that was the end of that dream!!!

The interior of both places was in disarray, however, the second place seemed to be more comforting and relaxing. The first place seemed to be something out of a science fiction apocalypse survivor movie.

I noticed in another post you were happy to have ages. I have just turned 40 and my boyfriend turned 47 one month before that. I had this dream either one day or several days before the WTC tragedy. I’ve posted to other boards but have had no response and this is just bugging me.

Thank you for your interpretation of this dream.


Symbols in this dream…

boyfriend: subconscious aspect of dreamer

house: dreamer’s mind

two: duality

addresses: goal

(boyfriend’s) wife: unknown conscious aspect

actor: subconscious aspect involved in use of imagination

documents: information

name: identity

godfather: superconscious aspect of dreamer

lawyer: superconscious aspect having to do with Universal Law

pictures: manifested thought forms

child: immature aspect

green: indicates level of mind dream is taking place in, also healing
dark: ignorance

sunshine: illumination from superconscious mind

window: means to perceive from one level of mind to next

bed (sleep): time of assimilation

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

There are two ways the dreamer uses her close association with her inner self. This dream is helping her to identify them.

The first way is limited. This is symbolized by the small house. The dreamer is unconscious about how she uses her mind, hence the boyfriend has a wife who appears out of the blue. Later the dreamer will add that the house appears disarrayed in the dream which would also reflect the lack of attention characteristic of the lack of aware consciousness. The result if unexpected and unwanted change in her life, the apocalypse.

The second way reflects the dreamer’s attempts to identify the workings of subconscious mind and align this with superconscious mind. This is the way the dreamer tries to be in harmony with Universal Law as symbolized by the lawyer-godfather. She uses her imagination to identify cause;– how the subconscious aspect symbolized by her boyfriend in the dream has matured, where it has come from. This effort for self-understanding brings healing into her life. There is much illumination available to the dreamer that is in alignment with the superconscious plan for her existence but it is now time to assimilate what has been recently learned through experience.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

When this dreamer emailed her dream, she placed on the subject line “boyfriend as several people” because this described the dream to her. This is part of the movement in the dream. It is how one of the characters in the dream-play change and is therefore significant.

The boyfriend represents an aspect of the dreamer, specifically a subconscious aspect that she has gained a degree of closeness to or intimacy with. The subconscious mind has many capabilities. Collectively human man lumps them all together in what he calls intuition. The lower form of this is often called psychic or psychism. Intuition in its highest manifestation is the direct grasp of truth. This dreamer is exploring her comprehension of truth from a conscious perspective, from a subconscious perspective, and from a superconscious perspective. Therefore this dream involves the whole Self of the dreamer.

This is also indicated by the houses in the dream. This message is about how the dreamer has been using her mind and what it has produced.

The boyfriend changing tells the dreamer there are three distinct ways she relates to this subconscious aspect.

1] How she views this part of herself in the present, in the now. This would be the outstanding characteristic she attributes to this man in her daily life. When he appears in her dream it is because this part of her inner self is being called upon in the way she is thinking and acting in her everyday life.

2] How she imagines this part of herself to be (the Kiefer Sutherland transformation). This is when she imagines she is close, familiar with, this aspect when in reality she is distant.

3] How she remembers this part of herself. This is different from the present reality and this is why the first boyfriend appears — as a means to convey to her the difference between the past and the present.

Not one of these is better than another, rather in the Universal Language of Mind they are each intricate parts of the dream message. They are like nouns and pronouns in a sentence. This woman has grown, and her subconscious mind is telling her how. Perhaps the dream is showing her how much more secure she is now than when she was younger. Or perhaps it is reflecting a maturing in her ability to give and receive love. Or maybe it relates to changes in how she communicates. However it fits into her life, it is connected to her soul’s purpose for being and she is beginning to become aware of this in ways not possible before.

The action in the dream, the two houses and their states, tells the dreamer how she is using her mind. Pretending, or living in the future, is not the answer for it keeps her away from what she desires the most, the inner harmony and security it brings. Admitting how she has changed, the growth she has made, is the best course of action, and the one she has already started. Now she needs to assimilate and use what she has learned.

This dreamer has been separating what she knows from what she believes. This is healing for her. As she values how she has changed in her experiences, her mind will expand and enlighten because she will open the door to new awarenesses about her reason for existence.•

The Dreamer’s Entry

You guys have given me insight to a dream I had a while back, so I’m
asking for your help again. I had a really strange dream the other night
and I wrote everything down in hopes that someone could help me.
Any insight would be great!  Thank you again!

I walking through Queen’s Park (in Toronto) and there is a water park there with just a waterslide.  There is one guy running the slide and lots of girl lifeguards milling around. I go up to the slide and I am skeptical about its enjoyment and think it rather silly. The slide guy (don’t recognize him) tells me its the best slide ever and that I should try it out.

Suddenly the lifeguard girls become uniformed (ie. Catholic school girls, FYI I went to a Catholic uniformed school) and they proceed to shoot arrows at me and the slide guy. We duck behind the water slide and its mechanics and laugh at the attempts of the girls. The arrows aren’t the typical pointed kind the points are shaped into rabbits and roosters etc. (at work we sell these garden ornaments that are really similar to the arrows the girls were shooting) I keep asking the girls why they are shooting at us and they yell begin to threaten to expose a huge secret of mine if I don’t cooperate with them. I keep telling the slide guy that I have no idea what this big secret is b/c I don’t really have anything huge pressing me down. I try to tell the girls this and they call me a liar. All I keep thinking is why do they think that I have a secret.

At this time I’m not scared of the arrows, me and the slide guy are actually laughing at the situation and flirting etc.

The slide guy then tells me to try out the slide and keeps insisting its the best. I decide to try it and it is fun. I liked it so much I wanted to go on again. But there is no water flow on the slide so its all sticky. Slide guy tells me to get the water flow going. They need the girl lifeguards to press these buttons along the slide which will release a little bit of water. I go down the slide again, but only1-2 buttons have been pressed, so it”s not as fun as the second time.

The slide guy takes my hand and suggests we go to the museum. (The Royal Ontario  Museum is right beside Queen’s Park) We laugh and talk and head to the museum. In the entrance is this cashier of mine ( at work she keeps pissing everyone off b/c she doesn’t show up for her one shift a week and tries to turn the managers, like me, against one another when she is there) I pretend to ignore her, but I see her watching me like a camera angle on t.v. where her head turns as I was past her. Inside the museum I pull the slide guy every which way b/c I’m so excited to see the things inside.  But he doesn’t share my enthusiasm so much and the dream finishes with us looking, happily, in the gift shop at some of the dinosaur toys.

By the way, I’m a history major at school so that could explain my fascination inside the museum, everything else I don’t get.

C, Female 20 yrs old

Symbols in this dream…

Park:  subconscious existence
Waterpark: conscious life experiences
Guy: subconscious aspect
Girl lifeguards:  conscious aspects in control of conscious life experiences
Slide: related to elevator: way to move from one level to another
Catholic school girls:  conscious aspects learning about creation
Arrows: desires
Museum: condition of mind where valued and longstanding ideas are held
Cashier: familiar conscious aspect
Dinosaur toys: way to use imagination

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

This dream begins with the way you are viewing your life experiences.  The message indicates the day of the dream that you were consciously (water) aware of your connectedness with others (symbolized by the park).  In fact you were relying on an unfamiliar subconscious aspect (slide guy) to stimulate your movement within subconscious mind.  Perhaps you were waiting until things “felt” right before making a decision or taking action.

The waiting brought into focus that the control in life you believe you have comes from what you have consciously learned about creation symbolized by the transformation in the dream of the lifeguards into Catholic school girls.  The waiting was also a hesitation which is weakening your desires.  There is something you are avoiding.  You know more than you reveal, but you don’t know how you know symbolized by secrecy theme.
Putting the Dream into Your Life:

The subconscious mind recreates desires.  It adds substance as energy moves through the developing process. This is symbolized by the slide in your dream.  The slide guy is the part of you that understands this process.  Your want and are ready to experience this with conscious awareness (water on the slide) but don’t know the conscious commands for this to happen.  It’s like pushing the right computer button to get what you desire to show up on the screen.  You’d rather it all happen automatically than have to put out effort.

Your dream then reveals more about what keeps you from knowing.  There is a conscious aspect (the cashier), well-known to you, that controls your sense of value concerning the past (museum).  This aspect causes you problems so you ignore it.  You become aware that this habitual way of pretending that aspect doesn’t exist is not beneficial to you symbolized by the slide guy’s lack of enthusiasm.


The problem is you are getting what you want in life but not sure how you do it so when something comes up that you really want you may not be able to make it happen.  The key resides in the cashier.  Identifying her characteristics will tell you the part of self that you have been denying.  Stop ignoring this part of you and take command of it.  Bring your imagination into the present so you can upgrade those old ideas of value.  You will probably find greater meaning to them as an adult than you did when they were initially placed there long ago.

Your dream indicates creativity that incorporates both conscious and subconscious minds.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I dreamed that I was with my brother and we were outside.  I looked off in the distance and could see that a tornado was forming and was undoubtedly headed for our direction.  I began to think that we needed an underground space or basement to take shelter in and that we would be safe there.  We began searching as the tornado drew closer.  Finally we found a basement to retreat to, but I would not go into it without my mother and grandmother, who were in the crowd that was now frantically seeking shelter.  I told my brother we would not go down without them.  Suddenly my ex-husband of 18 years ago popped into the dream and pointed out my mother and grandmother in the crowd.  I was relieved.  I went to gather them, and we were going to all go to the basement for safety.  Then I woke up.

That was my 3:00 am dreamWhen I went back to bed, I had this dream:

I was trying to get to the airport for a 6:30 AM flight.  When I arrived, it was extremely busy and moving slow through security.  Suddenly, there was no parking within a reasonable distance and I knew that I was going to miss my flight.  I frantically was trying to find parking—there was a spot that was close, but when I turned to see it, I could see that it was an unusual space.  It was dirt and kind of deep and narrow!  I did not want my car to squeeze into that spot.  Did not seem safe for my car or the ones next to it.  It was 6:25 am at this time in the dream, and now I was pretty sure that they were not going to hold the plane for me.  I found a spot far away in the parking lot and parked.  I prepared myself to run as fast as I could, but inside knew that I, more than likely, was not going to make that plane.  Then I woke up.

NOTE:  The day prior to this I was notified that I recieved a job I had applied for in a beautiful location.  I would have to be leaving my home of 13 years to move into A MUCH smaller space.  Time is of the essence and, though I have no doubts that I am making the right decision, this is truly a ‘life changing’ event for me.  I will have to sell most of my possessions to downsize and it will be a big transition.  Wondering if these things are really bothering me subconsciously, because I am very happy that I will be moving to such a beautiful area—it’s a good nature-based place for me to be in my life at this time.

Are these two dreams related do you think?

(female/CA, United States   Age: 45)


Symbols in this dream…
1st dream

Brother- Familiar aspect of the subconscious mind

Outside-indicates the eternal environment, which is a part from the dreamer

Tornado- inner turmoil and confusion

Basement- unconscious thinking of the dreamer

Mother & Grandmother-  Superconscious aspects of the dreamer

Ex-husband-Familiar aspect of the subconscious mind.

2nd dream

Airport- how you express your self individually and in a group

Car- physical body

Garage/parking lot – universal mind

Dirt- represents subconscious mind substance

Running- Rapid mental motion


.Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

It is highly beneficial that you remembered what has been occurring in your life that would cause you to have this dream.  It is important to understand how relevant and reflective your dreams are of your life.  This is helpful for people to send in, along with their dreams, what is happening in their waking life.  This connection will help dreamers, including you, to be more aware of how the interpretation plays out into the daily life.

In regards to your question, yes—these dreams are most definitely related.  What is being revealed through both dreams are the distractions in your thinking during the day.  In both dreams, you are trying to get somewhere you need to be, yet there is always something getting in your way, some other step you need to take that isn’t readily available.

There is a sense of hurriedness throughout both dreams as well.   The first dream is saying—slow down!  There are thoughts circling round and round in your head, represented by the tornado.  Worrying causes this.  Stand by your decisions and only imagine what you want!  Once you have made up your mind, stick with it.  No need to go back in your mind worrying or wondering if it’s really the best thing for you.  Stand by your decision and be open to learning through it.  When we are open to the learning and can find the good in any situation, we can never fail.  Failure is only caused by a refusal to learn and grow.

The most important thing to remember from the first dream is even though you’re experiencing whirling thoughts, worry, confusion—stay connected with your inner guidance!  This, you are somewhat aware of and it shows up in your dream as looking for your mom and grandma.  What is the outstanding quality of your ex-husband?  Compassion?  Honesty?  Selfishness?  This looks like the quality of yourself that helped you connect inwardly when you were stressed.

The second dream is revealing that you have an opportunity to reach your goals through some kind of organization, as symbolic that you were trying to catch a plane. You are trying to use that opportunity while it’s still available.  This is represented in the dream by needing to catch the flight.  You’re having difficulty resting, caused by busy-ness in the mind and insecurity.  The best thing you can do is breath.  Calm your mind by taking deep breaths.  When there are circumstances in your life that can be stressful, the best thing you can do is be connected with your inner core and remain calm and collected.  There is a wonderful book that we recommend to you called Master Living by Dr. Barbara Condron.  This book will give you insight into how to cultivate the 10 Essential Life Skills, which include: breath, undivided attention, and concentration.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

The best way to use the information is to practice being in the present moment. The practice of concentration is very beneficial in developing and building the ability to still the mind and recognize what our thoughts are.  In each of these dreams as has been stated it is important to realize that you have the guidance of your whole mind.  When we are able to remain still and present we are able to listen to that inner voice that is connected to Universal truth.

The Dreamer’s Entry

My brother-in-law put my infant niece on a rocky ledge and she jumped off. She landed in a pool of water in a very deep rock quarry. The water was clear and she was swimming.

I started calling for help to save her from drowning. My brother jumped in to get her. He did not get her out, instead he laid her out on a rock in the sun.

Afterwards I found myself sitting at a table eating breakfast with my sister. She was expressing how upset she was about paying money to go to school.
(KS, female, Louisville, KY)

Symbols in this dream…

Brother-in-law: subconscious aspect of Self
Niece: see baby
Rocky ledge: see rock
Water: conscious life experiences
Sun: superconscious mind
Table: tool of the mind
Breakfast: see food
Sister: aspect of Self
Money: self-value
Food: knowledge
School: place in mind where learning occurs

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

The dream symbols used in the dream are personal just as the words someone speaks are personal, expressing a thought in a particular way. The application to the dreamer’s life and life situation is personal. In other words, two different people can have the exact same dream and it will have the same interpretation, but the way the dream relates to their life circumstances may be totally different.

Have you ever thought you had to ‘give up’ something you had to get what you wanted, that you had to sacrifice? Perhaps you thought, to be spiritual, you needed to give up the attractions or comforts of the physical world, after all the disciples in the Bible were instructed to take nothing with them when they went out into the world. KS’s dream reflects this attitude, but her dream is offering insight, telling her she can have what she wants without losing anything.

KS’s niece represents a new idea she is incorporating into her life, an idea that is related to her inner Self or subconscious mind, represented by her brother-in-law. The rocky ledge and the rock upon which her brother puts her niece represent KS’s will power, the foundation she has available to build upon, just as it states in the Bible, to ‘build upon solid rock’. KS can use her will to still her mind and the benefit of a still mind is clarity and presence, the same kind of clarity and presence of mind that permits decisions based on wisdom and insight rather than rationalizations or emotional reactions.

The water in the quarry represents KS’s daily life experiences, her opportunities to overcome limitations, to spread her wings and her imagination to try new things, her opportunity to explore and grow spiritually. KS is afraid that her new idea is no match for her daily experiences. Her niece is swimming however, meaning the idea (the niece) is very much in alignment with her day-to-day experiences.

The next part of the dream is actually a re-telling of the first, with a little different scene, theme and characters. Food represents KS’s opportunities to cause soul growth and her sister represents a conscious way of thinking and responding to situations. The “being upset about paying money to go to school” is KS’s need to see that the value of learning is worth the effort put forward.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
In the first part of the dream, the message is ‘you can have what you want’ and in the second part of the dream, ‘you need to put forth the effort to get it’. A short dream, very simple, but very insightful.

The Dreamer’s Entry

My husband and I go to Las Vegas twice a year in the spring and in the fall. We had just returned from there the 8th of October and two nights later…

I dreamed we had gone to Vegas and I forgot my underwear, panties, bras, and socks. I said to my husband, “I guess I will have to wash the ones I have on every night.

What does this mean? NT, female, Ohio

Symbols in this dream…

husband: subconscious mind
Las Vegas: place in mind
underwear: outer expression
wash: reorganize thoughts and attitudes

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
You are reorganizing the way you express yourself. This is not a radical change, rather it is an inward endeavor revolving around how you express your inner thoughts and desires. You have become very comfortable (underwear) expressing yourself certain ways. The old ways are no longer enough. You now want to refine how willing you are to give as symbolized by washing your garments daily.

The reorganization is tied to what Las Vegas represents to you. For instance, if you see it as a rare, looked forward to, time of enjoyment, these would be the thoughts most important for you to openly express, with honesty and directness.•

The Dreamer’s Entry
What does a dream mean when it is total darkness? Grey images but mostly darkness.

Symbols in this dream…

Darkness: ignorance


Dreaming in black and white, shades of grey tells us in what level of consciousness the dream is taking place. This indicates you are dreaming in the Sixth Level of Consciousness what we term the emotional level of mind. The emotional level is the next inner level of consciousness from the outer, waking Conscious Mind, the seventh level.

There are seven levels of mind, spoken of in every culture on the planet and in all the major holy scriptures of the world. The Conscious mind, the dominant part of us during our waking hours is the farthest expression of our individuality away from our Source.

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
Knowing the level a dream is taking place in is like knowing whether you are in the kitchen, bedroom, family room, or bath. Or whether you are with your best friend, your boss, or a stadium full of strangers. Understanding the levels of consciousness helps us to experience life fully as a spirit and soul as well as a physical person. We can learn about the many parts of ourselves, having more to offer others. We can discover talents, previously hidden. We can even learn how to communicate telepathically in these levels of mind, or astral project, or develop the extra-senses everyone possesses.

Your dream occurs in the Emotional Level of Consciousness. This means at the time you had the dream, you were experiencing emotions that were perplexing (at best) to you. They were unidentified and “coloring” every aspects of your life…you can’t identify people and things when it’s dark. Upon awakening from a dream such as this it would be wise to take stock of your emotional well being. A good cry might be in order, to clear the mind, or for others a workout would at least provide an avenue for pent-up energies that will seek to manifest themselves into the outer, physical life.

At any rate the dream indicates a need to bring the emotions out into the “light” so you can accept them for what they are and go forward.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
When something in a dream…the sky or a room…darkens so you can no longer distinguish forms yet the dream continues this indicates that you are ignoring something in your life – just what would be revealed in the people or things present before the darkness took over.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I just wanted to let all of you know that your dream information is extremely insightful and well organized. It’s very difficult to find good info on dream interpretations and meanings.

This dream is one that I have had on two previous occasions, and I am having trouble with its meaning-

I’m in a warehouse type building with my mother, and we are looking at a big, glass, empty aquarium setting on a platform, pushed up against the wall. I must be wanting to get an aquarium, because I look at it and say that it’s perfect, but I just can’t afford it. I keep saying this, I’m very upset, and we finally leave the building. We are then in a car, I’m the passenger, and mother is driving. We are driving uphill, away from the building. There is a large boulder on our left side.
(Female) \

Symbols in this dream…

warehouse : universal mind
my mother : superconscious mind
aquarium : fish: spiritual knowledge
afford : money: exchange of value
car : physical body
uphill : mountain: challenge/obstacle
boulder : subconscious will

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

This is a dream about the treasures existing within you and your life and your worthiness to use them.

By aligning your consciousness with your superconscious mind (mother) you are aware of universal mind (warehouse). You desire the spiritual knowledge (aquarium) available to you but feel you are not worthy (can’t afford it). Your feeling of unworthiness rules you, and so you rely upon your superconscious mind to meet the challenge (drive uphill). The key comes in the final scene of your dream, the boulder which signifies will.

Worthiness is an undrstanding many people struggle with. Your dream reminds me of my mother who reliance upon superconscious mind came in the form of praying to the Lord every time there was a need. The Lord did supply more often than not, but til the day she died she felt unworthy and struggled with her own beliefs, and fears, about an afterlife heaven and hell.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
True worthiness requires honesty. It requires giving completely. It requires commitment. Worthiness is not a gift, it is a quality built upon values that transcend the material plane. To reassess your worthiness begin by listing your core beliefs about yourself and about life. Next, note which beliefs are your own, based upon experience, and which were adopted or learned from someone else. You will find those you have developed over time, the ones that apply to your neighbor as well as yourself, are the ones that give you a sense of worthiness because these are no longer beliefs, they are understandings.

The Dreamer’s Entry
In reality, I have a small garden surrounded by a tiny white picket fence. In my dream, I awoke one morning to find that my garden had been mowed down and the fence removed. Not only that, but my head had been shaved – not completely – there was just stubble left (as well as in my garden). I asked my aunt who had done such a thing and she said, “Mrs. Ousthouse. She came on a tractor with her son at 3:30 this morning.” I asked why she did it and was never given a satisfactory answer. My aunt said I shouldn’t worry about my hair – that I could get a wig until the stubble grew out.

Then I was walking in a field and a horse ran up to me to allow me to pat his nose. Walking in front of me was a man, who I later came to know as the Sheriff, followed by a raccoon and a possum. I told the Sheriff, who was pushing a grocery cart, that I wanted to sue this Mrs. Ousthouse for demolishing my garden. He said that he was being sued by Mrs. Ousthouse for hitting her; he said that he only hit her after she hit him.

I was so terribly upset about my garden that, in my dream I woke up, was relieved to find that it was only a dream. Then I felt my head and there was, indeed, nothing but stubble. And, after running downstairs, I saw that my garden had actually been mowed down. Then I actually did wake up. The dream was so real that, this morning, after checking my hair, I went downstairs and turned on the outside light to see if my garden was intact. It was.

(CD, female, Churchhill, PA)

Symbols in this dream…

Dreamer: conscious mind
Garden: subconscious existence
Fence: limitation in thinking
Stubble: see Hair
Hair: conscious thoughts
Aunt: see Woman
Mrs. Ousthouse: see Woman
Woman: conscious aspect of the female dreamer
3:30 : see Hours
Hours: way to measure dreamer’s experiences and/or understandings
Field: fertile mind substance
Horse: compulsive thinking
Sheriff: see Man
Man: subconscious aspect or quality of female dreamer
Raccoon: see Animals
Possum: see Animals
Animals: habits
Grocery cart: see Vehicle
Vehicle: physical body
Dream: inner rapport and communication concerning the state of awareness

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
You gained new awarenesses the day before having this dream. You overcame previously accepted limitations (fence) and uprooted some new ideas (your garden mowed down). This might be a tragedy if it happened to you in real life, CD, but for a dreamer it means the potential to begin anew.

Something happened in your life yesterday that affected what you want. The seeds ideas that were limiting you are gone and you are beginning to consciously rethink your life. Looking for the cause, you realize it to be a conscious aspect – symbolized by Mrs. Outshouse. The fact that her son is involved says this aspect has created ideas that are now in your subconscious mind which will eventually mature and manifest in your outward life.

Determining what these aspects mean to you will greatly enhanced your understanding of this dream. For instance if Mrs. Outshouse symbolizes greed to you, the attitude of never having enough is undermining what you are trying to create in life. If she symbolizes determination, the attitude of responsibility motivating the elimination of limitations and starting over. What the aspect symbolizes is important in understanding your dream message. This is also true of the familiar aspect symbolized by your aunt encourages new thinking.

You are the one to decide what the people in your dream mean and therefore represent. Their meaning to you is the reason your subconscious mind chose them to appear in the dream rather than someone else.

To further your new conscious ways of thinking you draw upon subconscious existence and will (the fields and horse). You call upon understandings from your superconscious mind (sheriff and raccoon and possum) to aid in your new quest to discover a connection between the conscious aspect symbolized by Mrs. Outshouse and the superconscious mind. You want to hold Mrs. Outshouse accountable, while she is holding the sheriff accountable (suing).

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
All of this appears as a dream in a dream indicating an inner rapport and communication concerning your state of awareness. For this reason the following information about how thoughts become a reality in our lives may help. Here is the cycle of how the thoughts are created. The conscious mind creates an idea. By concentrating on that desire, forming it well, it is planted into the subconscious mind as a seed idea. When nurtured and cared for these ideas grow and mature, eventually manifesting in our physical lives as a reflection of the desire we created. Your dream is teaching you about this process of creation. Taking greater care in the quality of your thoughts will assist you in responding to this dream, for it is a way to accelerate the “hair growth.”

The Dreamer’s Entry

my child’s dream
age: 8, female
not a recurring dream, not a nightmare

In her own words:

We went to class. It was in a hotel. Me and Rachel (a best friend) were playing Barbies. And we had vegetables so we made eyes, ears, noses, hairdo’s, and mouths, then we played Veggie Tales. The boys were playing baseball in my living room where I live. They didn’t have a ball so they used a tomato. We had a tomato, too. I found the tomato. “Where’s the TOMATO!” Andrew (a boy she does not like) said. I said, “Here, use ours.” He said, “That’s ours, you robber!” He started hitting me. Then we cleaned.

I responded to this dream by telling her it was very interesting, and I had her write it down. Actually she didn’t say anything about the dream until she saw that I was writing down the dream I had. It prompted her to do the same. We have made it a ritual to try to remember our dreams and tell them to each other, and write down the very vivid ones.

Symbols in this dream…

class : school: place for learning
hotel : universal mind
Rachel (a best friend) : conscious aspect
Barbies : doll: imagination
vegetables : food: knowledge
Veggie Tales : stories/tv shows: using imagination with knowledge
boys : subconscious aspects
baseball : sports: manner in which dreamer approaching life
living room : house: mind, common part of mind
robber! : theft: foregoing, losing opportunities
cleaned : reorganization

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
Congratulations on encouraging your daughter’s dreaming! Your interest in her will remain with her all the days of her life and will be the beginning of many years of self-awareness and confidence. Here are additional thoughts that may help you understand where your daughter is and how to help her.

We dream about what we are learning.

Your daughter’s learning is linked to others around her (hotel). This is common to children in this age group because they have yet to develop fully formed self-identity. Consciously she directs her imagination (playing Barbies). This is how she generates new knowledge which in turn affects her subconscious mind (boys). The subconscious approach to life (game) involves all aspects (living room).

Putting the Dream into Your Life

Your daughter is learning about the power of imagination to perceive, listen, sense, express, and form thoughts. This gives her subconscious mind something to respond to that is substantial – knowledge. She is learning how to cooperate with her subconscious mind, feeding knowledge to help fulfill subconscious plans. This is insightful for the subconscious mind, or soul, holds the plan for this lifetime, the ideal for what can be added to the self permanently. Encourage her to respond to opportunities not miss them (robber).

Sometimes she feels like the subconscious mind is giving her something she doesn’t want (Andrew hitting her) and she has to reorganize her thinking (cleaning). Teach her ways to see alternatives. Strengthen her conscious capacity to use that imagination to see other answers, new ways.

The Dreamer’s Entry

There was darkness and we (my husband and I) are by a body of water, a lake I think. We are watching and seeing a form in the lake, with a boat next to it going by. We think it is a huge alligator because at the same time we are hearing news reports that a woman was eaten by the alligator when a group of people were transporting it to another place and she fell out of the boat. Suddenly we are just a few swim stokes from shore, we are in the water. We swim very quickly and climb up the onto the shore. All of this is in the darkness of night.

We are going down a road, just my husband and I, being sure to stay on the side of the road. We are afraid that if we get on the road the alligators will get us. Then we are jogging down the road. The road is dark and winding with trees on the side. I feel like we are out in the country running. Then we hear people behind us running. They are very loud. I hear one say “I think I am tipsy”.

For some reason we are terribly scared. We start to run faster. My husband sprints ahead of me and I run as fast as I can. I feel like I can not run fast enough. I see two people jogging towards me. When they see the people behind us, they turn and run away from them also. They are terrified.

One of them tells me to run like I am angry. I run and I have a hard time saying I am angry. I keep saying “You aren’t going to make me angry” and repeating it. Then I see that I have come into a residential area. There is a person standing on the drive way and she says “Run like you’re angry. Run!” I finally am able to say “You make me angry!” and I run more quickly.

I then see my husband up ahead and the end of the street where it runs east and west, opposed to me, I am running south. I scream his name and as I get closer, I start to give up and feel helpless, like I want him to take care of me. I acknowledge the feeling and wish that I didn’t do this. I finally get to him. We start to run west into a yard and I say “Where is our daughter”. We look over to the corner of the intersection of the two streets and she is sitting there in a baseball glove (she is approx. 3 or 4 years old in the dream). He runs and grabs her up and I wake up.
(TS, 30 Female)

Symbols in this dream…

darkness : ignorance
husband : sybconscious mind
lake : conscious life experiences
boat : organization
alligator : See animal: habit
news reports : timely or readily available information
woman : conscious aspect
swim : how dreamer is moving through life experiences
night : lack of awareness
road : direction dreamer is moving
trees : subconscious existence
run : rapid mental motion
angry : misunderstanding
daughter : conscious idea
baseball glove : tool dreamer uses to approach life

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

You are beginning to pay attention to something you have been ignoring in your life. It concerns an organization you are a part of symbolized This could be a club, church or even your work, anywhere that you are cooperating with others to achieve a common goal. As with all dreams, you, the dreamer, will need to determine just what your subconscious mind is saying to you. Something you have learned recently has led you to recognize a dangerous habit in your life, symbolized by the news reports of the alligator. This could be a physical habit, like smoking or overeating, or a mental habit, like putting yourself or others down or taking things for granted. You will need to determine which habit your dream is talking about. It is one that you have been avoiding and still tend to because you are, consciously and subconsiously, moving away from the habitual ways, still trying to ignore them.

You realize this habit is with you all the time, whatever direction you are moving in life. You try to escape into subconscious mind only to find unfamiliar aspects of yourself that are inhibiting your will power. There are three primary ways people can escape into subconscious mind: excessive sleep, alcohol or drugs. Each are ways to ignore or deny the responsibility of the conscious mind to think and reason.

You are attempting to deal with the unknowns in your life by speeding your thinking, and you are beginning to feel like you can no longer keep this going. One of the common ways people perpetuated denial is to keep busy, to through themselves into work or some other activity that requires their mental attention. As long of the mind is engaged it cannot be open to explore the unknown parts of self. This dream is telling you that by slowing your thinking (no longer keep this going) you can begin to move out of denial and here’s how you do it:

The part of your dream about anger symbolizes your past reluntance to admit a misunderstanding. Only when you are more centered, closer to “home”, can you feel at ease enough to realize you don’t understanding something. This realization restores the speed of your thinking.

You realize you need the help of your subconscious mind symbolized by your husband. You are beginning to know there is a difference between expecting the inner mind to “take care of” everything and wanting to be a partner (running with), doing the work the conscious mind is designed to do. The key comes when your daughter appears in the dream. Being your daughter, she represents a conscious idea you have created through harmony of your inner and outer minds. This idea has been used in how you approach life. Reclaiming that idea, nurturing it to maturity, can help you face the unknowns, conquering those alligators and lighting the darkness.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I dreamed I was in a very tall building eating dinner with my parents. My grandmother was in another room, but I did not see her or hear her in the dream. I remember telling my mother that we had to get out of the building very quickly as water was rising very quickly and if we didn’t leave soon I would be too tired to go. I woke up about 5am Sunday with an urge to write this down. It was very realistic. I never had the urge to write a dream down. I even told one of my co-workers about the dream at work the following Monday.

The following Saturday I had severe stomach pain. I can tolerate a lot of pain, but it was so bad that I had my boyfriend take me to the hospital. While at the hospital I started to bleed vaginally, the emergency room doctor took blood tests and told me that I was pregnant and he thought I was having a miscarriage. He said it was very early stages in the pregnancy so nothing could be done. He sent me home and told me to see my doctor on Monday. Later Saturday evening, the pain in my stomach was intolerable so I had my boyfriend take me back to the hospital. They had me sign papers giving them permission to do exploratory surgery. I was taken into surgery just before 5am that Sunday. When I came to in the recovery room, the doctor told me I was very lucky because I had an etopic pregnancy.

I was taken back to a room while I was sleeping. When I woke up, a young nurse smiled at me, laughing and said, “You were really out of it. You thought I was your Grandmother. You said , “Thank you Grandma. I’m alright you can go home now.”.
My grandmother has been dead for several years before this.

I have had a few dreams that were warnings over the years. So far they have been very protective. I live outside Buffalo, NY USA

Symbols in this dream…

Building: state of mind
Dinner: accepting knowledge
Parents: superconscious mind
Grandmother: superconscious aspect
Water: conscious life experiences

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

At the time of this dream the lessons you were expected to learn in life were a bit overwhelming to you. When you were aligned with, drawing upon, superconscious energy you had some awareness of this and you feared losing the determination to continue.

This is the interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind. It could be referring to what occurred in your life in the next few days but I think rather it reflected what was happening at the time. This would be part of how the stage was set for the later trauma in your life, more a part of what brought it on rather than being about the emergency surgery itself.

The second dream, the one in the hospital, that you don’t recall was very possibly a communication with your grandmother. Those we once knew
can come to us particularly in time of need, just as they were likely to when they were with us here on earth.

We encourage you to record and interpret all your dreams, in time they become diaries of your journey toward enlightenment.

The Dreamer’s Entry

Last week in a dream I had luncheon with Barbara Bush. We had cornbread and beans. It was so very simple. I wondered why she would have kept it so simple.

Maybe it was a suggestion for me to do the same!
TP, Female, Houston

Symbols in this dream…

lunch: time of receiving knowledge
Barbara Bush: Former President’s wife, authority figure: superconscious mind
food: knowledge

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

Sometimes the brief dreams can tell us more than the three page ones. Yes, TP your dream probably is encouraging you to keep things simple, but its telling you much more.

Since the superconscious mind is the part of us closest to our Source, having lunch with your superconscious mind is telling your more than lunch with your best friend! This dream is letting you know that the experiences of the previous day were enriching to your spiritual progression. The knowledge you received was in alignment with your inner superconscious urge to be like your Creator. Sound a bit mystifying? It can be, but living in harmony with the laws of creation in order to mature as spirit is the simplest way to achieve peace, joy, well-being and those things we value most.

The Dreamer’s Entry
For the last month, I’ve had a nightmare that involved my fiancé of cheating on me. Either it was in the form of seeing him with another woman with dark hair or he would tell me that he was cheating. Once I saw or knew, I would always walk away from him, only once I went to walk out of a room and when I went to exit the room, I woke up.

What’s this mean??

MRT, female

Symbols in this dream…

fiancé : intended spouse: aspect committed to wholeness
woman with dark hair : conscious aspect, unfamiliar
walking away : separating

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

Nightmares come to us when we have been failing to receive the inner, subconscious mind’s message. For whatever reason, we haven’t been listening, so in order to grab our attention the subconscious mind will use stronger “language”. The stronger language your inner self is using is your conscious fear of losing your fiance. You want to marry him, do not want him to find someone else and so this dream is a nightmare to you. You remember it!

Now hopefully you can better understand it so you can respond, move on, and when you do you will no longer have this dream.

Your fiancee represents your inner self, your soul. The dream is talking about your relationship with your own subconscious mind. You are consciously willing to commit to your inner self (symbolized by the upcoming marriage) meaning you are willing to actively pursue gaining understandings from life. However, an unknown conscious aspect of yourself (the woman with dark hair) is working against you. She is something you are unconscious of, some way of thinking or acting that you are only now being made aware of because you are willing to make a commitment to your soul’s progression and learning. The nightmares will stop when you figure out just what this brunette represents and take control of that part of yourself. She could represent a quality such as doubt. Or she could represent an attachment to something in your past such as a previously broken engagement. Whatever she represents is the key to making the changes that will stop your nightmares. Then you will stop turning away from your inner self as symbolized by walking away from your fiance.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I’m not sure where I was in my dream but I kept coming up to a situation where someone (I don’t remember who) was in a place where they were running away and someone else started shooting at them and me. I am in the line of fire. I never get hit nor do they. The same situation keeps repeating itself at least three times, maybe more. Then I am on Nolensville Road and walking up the street to get my car and realize I have forgotten my purse. I stop to go pick it up and a car drives up. A man (threatening figure) offers me a ride, actually opens the passenger door and offers me a ride. I feel threatened and say “No thanks, I have to go back and get something”. I know something bad is going to happen. He pulls out a gun and tells me to get in. I start backing off and he shoots me in the chest.

I don’t know if I woke up then, I just remember wondering why I’m not dead and feel no pain. I remember wondering if this is what dead is, no more pain…


(CD, female, Nashville TN)

Symbols in this dream...

Unknown people: unidentified aspects of the dreamer
Shooting: see Gun
Running [away]: rapid mental motion to escape or avoid aspect of Self
Road: the dreamer’s direction in life
Walking: mental motion
Car: physical body
Purse: storage of value, self-value
Man [male]: subconscious aspect of Self
Gun: one way to cause change
Death: change from one state or way of being to another

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

Dreams of death or being chased and shot at frighten many people because they interpret the dream literally they think that someone is out to get them or that the dream is prophesying their own death. By knowing the symbols of the dream in the Universal Language of Mind, the truth in the dream sheds a light of awareness on the dreamer, how the dreamer thinks, what the dreamer thinks and how the dreamer can change the ways of thinking and his life.

This dream is telling CD that she is procrastinating about making a change in her life. The change she desires to make has to do with getting to know herself. She is unaware of her inner Self, her spiritual self. Those aspects of herself are unidentified and unfamiliar, just as the man in the car is unfamiliar or the other person shooting at her is unknown.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
Despite her procrastination in her conscious mind, her subconscious mind is fulfilling the desire to change that she is fighting. She has chosen her path in life, meaning she thinks she is the way she is and she can’t do much about it. She is also seeking her self-value.

There is a need for CD to realize she is the master of her own destiny. She can do and be and become who she wants to be,enjoying a rich and fulfilling spiritual life free from fear, free from pain. For her to change herself and her life requires imagination to envision the new and improved self, courage to make the visualized change and commitment to practice the change each and every day.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I was driving around in a secret land that I’d never been to. It was magical. I drove out of it by a seminary, right into a neighborhood. I drove up to my Grandma’s house. Her house was orange, different. I surprised her, she was watching television by the fire.

On the way in, I passed a man of mixed African and Mexican descent wearing a blue jacket. He looked like trouble. Inside my Grandma’s I massaged her neck. She was in pain, it was hurting so much. On television was an add for my chiropractor as someone knocked on the door.

I opened the door, and as it was dusk, I barely made out that the guy standing on the porch was the guy in the jacket. I expected him to pull a gun so I mmediately jumped on himand grabbed his wrist. He pulled the trigger it was a toy gun witha flag stick coming out of the barrel!

I stared in disbelief and he stepped back, and from his back pocket he pulled out a small real gun. He aimed at me. I was shocked, paralyzed. “Now you’re gonna pay.” Bang and he shot me. I faded out like I was dead, then I woke up.

(DS, male, student, caucasian)
Symbols in this dream…

seminary : mind, particularly spirituality
grandma : superconscious mind
house : mind
television : imagination
fire : expansion
African/Mexican : collection of thoughts foreign to dreamer
chiropractor : superconscious
toy gun : way to use imagination to change
real gun : tool for change


Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

This dream reveals the discoveries DS has been recently making about his imagination. A meditator, DS’s investment in spirituality is reflected by the seminary and his grandma’s presence in the dream. Both indicate spiritual use of mind aligning with the superconscious which is one of the benefits of daily meditation.

DS is making discoveries about the superconscious mind and the expansion (fire) of consciousness that can occur with the use of imagination (TV). These discoveries caused him to confront attitudes previously foreign (African-Mexican) to him. The fact that the dream switches back to his grandma here indicates how DS seeks superconscious guidance when facing foreign ideas. His intent is to help (massage) by using imagination (TV) to cause healing (chiropractor).

The foreign attitude arises again, this time with the toy gun. DS knows how to use the imagination to make a change. DS is stunned by this realization and realizes that he will need to be the one responsible (pay) which causes a change in how he sees himself (like I was dead).

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

This is a great dream about the real changes meditation can make in your awareness and in your life. Through prayer and meditation, we align ourselves with the highest energies available and serve as a channel for infinite wisdom. For DS this wisdom is dawning in his waking conscious mind as he realizes his power to change,  rests in his capacity to imagine and respond.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I was in a mall with a friend of mine and we were looking for our next class. We had some time before the class started, so we decided to go get coffee. She knew the mall better than I did, so I followed her to the coffee shop. She went ot the one that she knew her ex-boyfriend would be at. I didn’t want to stay there because I don’t like him because he doesn’t treat her right.

The coffee shop was in Room 205 and our class was right beside it in Room 203. I decided to go find another coffee shop.

We were on the second floor and I found an elevator. So I waited for it and when I got in, a man was already there. He was standing at the controls and wearing a maroon shirt and I think khaki pants. I didn’t feel threatened. A woman and a man and his son got in the elevator the same time I did. The man already in the elevator said something to the effect that he was riding the elevator up and down, and I just figured he was waiting for someone.

We reached the first floor and all got out. I started to walk around and the room was kind of like a factory. People were working and there were cardboard boxes around. I looked at the people and noticed they all had duck tape over their mouths. They were quiet, and just kept working. I felt like something wasn’t right and realized these people may be being held hostage.

I realized the man riding the elevator could be a part of it and he might have been guarding the elevator. I started to feel nervous and didn’t know what to do. Then this girl I work with walked by me. (She isn’t a close friend of mine, but she did graduate from the same high school as me.) Her mouth wasn’t taped and she just walked by and said Hi. She stopped and looked around and seemed to notice what I had noticed. We just looked at each other, like we didn’t know what to do.

Then my alarm went off.
J.L. female, Somerset, PA

Symbols in this dream…

Mall: stores: place in mind
friend (female): familiar conscious aspect of Self
class: school: place of learning
coffee: knowledge used to stimulate thinker
shop: place in universal mind
ex-boyfriend: subconscious aspect
205 =7: creative imagery
203 =5: reasoning
elevator: means for movement between and to levels of consciousness
man: unknown subconscious aspect
couple and his son: unknown creation of new idea
first floor: conscious mind
factory work: how choosing to be produce in life to promote growth and learning; factory work tend to indicate repetitive choices
people: aspects of self
mouths: means to receive information and to give experience
girl (co-worker): familiar conscious aspect

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

This is a great dream for its detail and movement in action. This is a dream reflecting the anticipation and unsurity that sometimes comes when we initiate new ways and leave the old ones behind.

Your interactions with others, both conscious (as symbolized by your friend and subconscious as symbolized by the mall, is promoting your learning. You want new stimulus but the aspect represented by your girlfriend wants something you’ve already had (ex-boyfriend). Consciously you have determined you don’t want the same old thing, but the girlfriend aspect is still holding onto the past.

It’s an old stimulus, something familiar, and linked to your capacity to imagine (coffee in room 205)….or maybe pretend. What you are now after is reasoning (class in room 203). This could be alluding to the stimulus provided by associates or by a new position or situation in your life. Whatever it may be there’s a part of you that doesn’t want things to be different. Sometime today you decided to take control of that part of you that keeps looking back and find a new stimulus.

This lead you to begin to draw upon more inner resources symbolized by the floors and elevator and unfamiliar parts of self…a subconscious aspect (man in elevator) and an idea you unconsciously created (couple and his son). You have become aware that there are other ways to fulfill your desires than what you have previously relied upon. Maybe you thought the old associates or job or position was as good as it gets, but not anymore.

This realization frees you to become aware of how you have been making the same choices in life, over and over (the factory scene), thus limiting the information you have received and what you have produced in your life experiences. You are figuring out that the comfort or security of repeating the same patterns in life is for you now an illusion of productivity. In reality these patterns are no longer in alignment with what you want for yourself (hostage), but you still don’t trust your subconscious mind’s capacity to fulfill your desires.

The key to your dream and the most productive response to this dream may well be in the conscious aspect symbolized by the female coworker. This aspect has the ability to receive information and implement it in your experience which will come in handy as you forge the new, leaving the old behind. Determine the aspect she represents and you will have an inner strength ready to help you in your new learning.

The Dreamer’s Entry
Last night I had 3 kind of crazy dreams. First I entered my office to find that the office beside mine had knocked out my wall and taken over my office. I had moved to the break room, and I was okay with it. (I get along great with the girl next to my office).

Then I looked across the room into another office, and the room was filled with about 50 totally white chickens. They were all over the office and the girl inside didn’t seem to mind at all. The chickens were quite calm and did not leave the boundaries of her office.

Then the dream switched and I was visiting a patient that I used to see several years ago when I was a home health nurse. I walked into the house and from floor to ceiling the place was covered with ice and ice sculptures. There were two cats in the house and they began to bite at me which was both scary and annoying. I stayed a while for the visit and then left.


JZ, female

Symbols in this dream…

Office: Place in mind where learning and growth occur.
Wall: Barrier
Break Room: A place in mind for relaxation.
Girl: Aspect of Self
Chickens: Habitual or compulsive ways of thinking
Patient: Aspect of self that needs to be healed
Ice, Ice Sculptures: Unchanging life experiences
Cats: Habitual or compulsive ways of thinking

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
What may have seemed like three different dreams are actually parts of one message. When interpreted you will see they are very connected.

Your dream says you have gone beyond previous limits but you’re unaware as to how. You need to relax in growth. This helps you realize the habits you have formed about learning. You have the capacity to assist in wholeness but an aspect of yourself has remained the same – reacting the same over and over in your conscious, waking mind. You are now more attentive to habits and are coming closer to changing them.

Changes have occurred in this dreamer’s life which have moved him (or her) out of a productive way of growth and learning into a passive way of thinking due to many habitual thoughts. This is causing the dreamer’s life experiences to be stagnant and unchanging. The dreamer thinks he has been using his creative abilities to cause change in his life, as represented by the ice sculptures, but is not really doing anything new or different to cause new learning and growth. The dreamer is becoming aware that this way of thinking is beginning to cause pain and fear in his life.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
Suggestions….It would be helpful to create an ideal and purpose for each activity you, the dreamer, engage in. In other words, image yourself being/having what you desire and how it will free you to be/express in more expansive ways. See yourself as delegating authority if you want to be a manager. Image yourself as being kind, considerate and loving if you want to move your relationship toward emotional commitment. Begin being what you desire.

Go even further…Create new and more difficult challenges in life to overcome in order to learn from and cause meaningful change. Set yourself up to speak in front of fifty people. Learn to skydive. Go on a juice fast. Use reasoning to create and cause new experiences that will stretch and build upon what you have already learned and built within yourself. Doing this will help make your life happier and more joyful.

The Dreamer’s Entry
Dream # 1:
Was at work walking in the basement with one of my coworkers/friend. We got onto the elevator as we were chatting. I got in first and her arm got stuck, but the elevator kept going, and she yelled out “don’t worry about it, I will see you up there.” But her arm was still in the elevator. I remember thinking. Man, her arm just got chopped off. I arrived on the second floor. (Where I usually work), got out of the elevator, and she wasn’t there. Went up to the nurse’s station where it was very dim, like at shift change. There were the other nurses receiving report. I told them what had happened. We went to the elevator. There she was. All chopped up into many pieces. I thought to myself. How did that happen? Then assumed she had been on top of the elevator, and crawled in through the crawl space. Her eyes were open and a leg here twisted, and an arm here. Then I stepped back and looked down the hallway and her mother was coming. She is employed there also. She is the director of nursing, my boss. I remember thinking, man, she can’t see this. So I walked towards her. She kept coming. By the time we got to the elevator, there was nothing but a big bloody mess, streaks of it everywhere. But the body was gone. There stood the housekeeper w/ a trashbag. Then I woke up.

Dream # 2:
I was in a coworkers house. I walked in without knocking. Passed this girl I never seen before, standing in the living room. She didn’t say anything. I walked around in a circle looking for my coworker. Her boyfriend was there. He trapped me in the stairwell and began flirting with me. Then she approached and laughed about it. We all talked then began to leave the house, passing this girl, that still said nothing. We walked outside down to my car, we all got in. I looked over to my passenger seat and it was no longer my coworker, but my cousin. I started the car, looked up, and there was this big privacy fence, brownish colored, with these big red things on it. They were round, wet, and stringy. We got out to investigate. Upon walking closer to the fence it looked like organs of some sort. It was a stomach and intestines strung all over, hanging from this fence. A pool of blood lay in the dirt. No grass but all dirt. In this pool of blood lay a diamond ring. I picked it up, knowing whom it belonged to. Followed the blood trail to a maroon minivan, where there was her body all wrapped up in a white plastic bag and taped. It was another coworker. She doesn’t even have a diamond ring. Then I woke up.

Dream # 3:
I just remember this one vaguely. All I know in this one is that my little brother had died. His car went over the rail into the water. He couldn’t get the windows down and he drown.

Dream # 4:
My friend has a new boyfriend. He proposed to her. This ring he gave her was very distinct part of the dream. It was bronze colored. Had this covering, like metals doors that interlock, that open with switch on the side of it. The diamond is enclosed in this. Once opened, the most beautiful diamond I had ever seen is inside. We were just conversing then the dream went to that. That was all of it then.

Thank you so much for your time: Danielle in Ohio

Symbols in this dream…

Dream #1
work : represents how you are choosing to be productive in life to promote your growth and learning
hospital: indicates need for healing
basement: unconscious part of the mind
coworker/friend: when same sex, represents a familiar conscious aspect of the dreamer
elevator: means of movement between and to levels of consciousness
arm: purposeful intention
second floor: subconscious mind
nurses: familiar conscious aspects involved in healing
body pieces: body signifies mental attitudes of the dreamer
mother/boss: superconscious aspect
blood: life force, the truth
housekeeper: familiar conscious aspect

Dream #2
house: dreamer’s mind
girl: unfamiliar conscious aspect, unconscious aspect
coworker: familiar conscious aspect
boyfriend: subconscious aspect
stairwell: means of moving between and to levels of consciousness
car: physical body
fence: a limitation in thinking
organs: stomach/intestines:
the body in a dream represents the mental attitudes of the dreamer. The stomach/intestines specifically
relate how the dreamer understands or assimilates his/her learning
blood: life force, truth
dirt: mind substance
diamond ring: value of commitment
minivan: physical body
another coworker’s body: attitudes of dreamer

Dream #3
brother: familiar subconscious aspect
death: change
car: physical body
water: conscious life experiences
drowned: change

Dream #4
Friend: familiar conscious aspect
boyfriend: subconscious aspect
proposal: intent
ring: commitment
diamond: value

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
It is worth noting upfront that there are a series of people in your dream. Each represents an aspect of you. Same sex dream-people are aspects of your conscious, waking self. When you know them in your waking life, like the coworkers, they are familiar aspects that can easily be pinpointed by describing their outstanding attributes (efficient, pleasant, easy-going, harried, kind, arrogant, etc) that you also share. When the dream-people are of the opposite sex they signify aspects of your subconscious mind, your inner self or soul. You also have one superconscious aspect (the mother/boss) in your dreams. This shows you are experiencing in all three divisions of mind. What the experience is, is revealed by interpreting the dream action.

These four dreams are an arc within the month they occurred. Together they reflect a movement in consciousness, how your mind works and how you have changed, becoming more committed to developing certain qualities. The transition is chronicled through four seemingly separate and unrelated dreams. When interpreted in the Universal Language of Mind the connections become clearer.

Dream #1 is set in a hospital which is a place of healing. This means your intention at the time of this dream was to see how things fit together. You were trying to understand the organic wholeness of something in yourself or your life. This was difficult for you because you were unaware of much of the process. This was symbolized by the beginning action in the basement. The dream was letting you know that there were things you might do or say with little conscious thought, either by habit or purely unconscious. The aspect of you symbolized by the coworker is linked to this tendency.

That aspect becomes very significant when her arm gets stuck in the elevator. This is an interesting image which pinpoints this part of you as the key to your intentions behind your acts. Your motivations are often conscious as you try to understand these patterns. You are separating and identifying what you have created or produced with your thoughts. (This is graphically symbolized by the body pieces.) This change in your awareness makes you more sensitive to your own authority, to what you know (the mother/boss), and you are willing to accept the truth about this. This could well signify that you are realizing you are the one to change and you determine when, who, and what.

In Dream 2 the scene is the coworker’s house. Now you are ready to delve into how mind works. Dream 1 helped you see what your mind has produced. The difference between these two dreams is the difference between function and product. ie. Here’s a working computer (dream 2), here’s what can be created with it (dream 1). In Dream 2 you are again making something conscious that has previously escaped your awareness. The clue is the unknown dream-girl doesn’t say anything. This is your habit of not expressing your thoughts. The dream lets you know how this has affected your inner self (boyfriend) and this is progress for you. Recognizing this habit helps you further identify the unknown aspect in the dream-cousin. What do you and your cousin have in common? Identify that quality and you will know why you limit (fence) yourself. The dream tells you how you limit yourself, by refusing to assimilate what you learn. This is the symbology of the stomach and intestines on the fence. The stomach cannot function apart from the body. The dream shows that you believe assimilation is separate from motivation, purpose, mobility, creativity, intelligence, and all the mental attitudes the remainder of the body represents. The appearance of the body organs on the fence doesn’t fit in the dream anymore than it would in waking life. But in the Universal language of Mind it tells you exactly what you need to know. There is value in you realizing this truth (the diamond in the blood) for the awareness changes how you see yourself.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
When you assimilate knowledge you make it a part of yourself. This is brain entrained with the heart, functioning in more than the physical level alone.

In Dream 3 you have undergone another change resulting from manifesting your desires in your physical life. You are beginning to see how all along you have been getting what you want, even if you at times were unaware that you were asking for it.

By Dream 4, a new awareness has been brought into your subconscious mind, indicating that you are building understandings. You want to create anew and you are realizing on a new level what it will require to create what you desire. You determine what you want is worth it. This is symbolized by the most beautiful diamond you have ever seen.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I have had so many dreams that have come true that sometimes it really scares me. I dreamt that a boyfriend was going to get
killed in a motorcycle accident and he did, exactly as it happened in my dream. I dreamt that my brother, his wife and their daughter were in a car accident but they weren’t killed and that dream came true as well. When I was 17, I dreamt that I went away to college and while at this college, I was about 8 months pregnant and I was standing at the back of one of the academic buildings. Sure enough, I graduated from high school, went to this college and got pregnant in my Junior year and was standing at the back of the same building in my dream watching my classmates go to their classes. These are just a few of the dreams I have had that have come true. My question is this: I continue having a reoccurring dream that

I am in my church in a wedding dress and the man I was suppose to marry never showed up. My mother was in a panic because the wedding was taking place in 5 minutes and the groom wasn’t there. I didn’t even know who the groom was. While I was standing at the doors of the church waiting to enter, a very good male friend reassured me that everything would be fine and he said that he would marry me. So the wedding took place with his son and my daughter as our wedding party.

The dream immediately changed from the church to my mother’s house. It was Thanksgiving and we were visiting family, we lived in another state (not known in the dream). My mother kept remarking how pleased she was that my husband was such a wonderful person. I was sitting in my mother’s recliner feeling very humble, and very much in love with this man, almost as if I didn’t deserve him as my husband.

What does this dream mean? The dream is exactly the same each time and it occurs at least once or twice a month.

Just some information: I am 35, dating but not currently in a committed relationship. I am at the height of my career and not
particularly anxious about getting married right now. Thank you in advance for your response!

AA, female

Symbols in this dream…

church: Represents the mind, specifically spirituality
dress: How the dreamer is expressing self
man: Aspect of dreamer’s subconscious mind
marry: Commitment between the conscious and subconscious minds for fulfillment of desires
mother: Superconscious mind
son/daughter: Subconscious/conscious ideas
Thanksgiving: Dreamer’s awareness of collective consciousness

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
Every dream relates to the dreamer’s state of conscious awareness. Each provides a message from the inner, subconscious part
of mind to the outer, waking conscious mind. Even when dreams forecast probable future events, this is true. So first let’s
look at the message in this dream.

You are ready to make a commitment in your life but feel your inner subconscious mind is not supporting you. This is
symbolized by your readiness to marry and the groom not being present. The commitment involves spiritual ideals that are
important to you on a Superconscious level.

There is a sense that you are to discover something new about the intuitive part of you which you are patiently waiting to do.
As a result, you realize the identity of a subconscious aspect (the good male friend) you frequently draw upon to fulfill your
desires and a new level of awareness is made in your willingness to unite conscious and subconscious efforts.

This has opened new awarenesses of Superconsciousness (symbolized by your mother’s house) enabling you to understand yourself
and other people better. This is creating a new frame of mind for you (the other state). You are very aware that this has all
come about because you were willing to make a commitment, to set a goal and follow through to a point of conclusion. This
aligns your head and your heart.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
Something has manifested in your life that you are striving to receive, to accept with honesty. At first you felt your inner,
subconscious mind would not help you fulfill this commitment. In other words the day of the dream something happened in your
thinking where you felt alone, like you had to do something all by yourself. What you discovered however was the aspect of you
symbolized by the good male friend has been working on your behalf for some time, bringing to you what you desired. Your
conscious mind and subconscious mind have come together to manifest a new awareness.

The dream indicates the new awareness impacts how you see yourself and how you work with others. It indicates you adopted a
more spiritual perception at the time of this dream, which we would encourage you to continue building. Admitting that we are
all connected with one another beyond the surface, physical separations of the human body, frees us to understand how our
thoughts and feelings influence others. You reached an epiphany concerning Superconscious awareness the day of this dream.

An additional note concerning the repeated awareness of precognitive dreams….Since you have made a personal study of earlier
dreams that “came true” now turn it into a science. You can do this in two ways.

First recall the dreams that were precognitive. Write them down in as much detail as you can remember. Now start recording
your dreams every night. In a month, study the difference between the two kinds of dreams. You will find specific indicators
of a precognitive dream become apparent. This will help you understand and therefore be in control of your experience. As a
result the fear will go away.

Second, become more attentive to your waking thoughts. This will also put you more in control of your consciousness and hence
your life. You mention you are not interested in marriage in your physical life right now. Realize for this to change will
require an alteration in this intention. You are in control of this. Precognitive dreams are echoes from a probable future, a
possible destiny. As long as conscious free will is involved those echoes can change any moment. For instance had you told
your brother about the car accident dream, perhaps he would have taken greater care driving or changed his route, doing
something to change the foreseen event. Or if you had been present minded about your pregnancy dream at the time you were
making love, a different outcome could have arisen. Seen in this context precognitive dreams are more than warnings, they are
portals through which we can see where our current thoughts and actions might lead thus giving us an opportunity for a more
aware (often different) outcome.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I am 22yrs old now and when I was at the age of 7 I started having this reoccurring dream.

It started out at this house, that was on an old country road, (the road that has no markings, and where the edge of the road is goes from pavement to grass). There sat this house, and there were no other houses in sight. The house was surrounded by woods. The man who lived at this house was having a yard sale. He was selling alot of things. One thing included was a lamp.

Alot of people had come to this yard sale including this one man. He went by the lamp, and the seller (the man selling the lamp) warned that this lamp was no ordinary lamp. It was possessed by the devil, and whomever owned the lamp bad things happened to them. The buyer decided that the seller was full of it, and wanted to buy the lamp anyway. He picked it up and started carrying it to his car. He got into his car and drove away, and setting by the side of the road was the lamp. The buyer could feel the evil pulses from the lamp.

The lamp set there a while, and soon people were walking past it to get somewhere. It was like there was no other road in the world, and everyone in the USA had to walk down this road. If someone passed the lamp by themselves, the lamp would strike them dead. But if people passed in groups, they were ok. Soon everyone had gotten to this church. This church was larger than the Empire State Building, but everyone piled into this building.

Everyone thought it was safe, like a sanctuary, when this creature came up through the floors. (If you have ever seen the movie Tremors and the creatures in that movie, that’s what this creature looked like). It opened its mouth and things came out and grabbed people and pulled them in as to eat them. People were running crazily around trying to get out of the reach of this creature when this light (it looked like a golden light coming from the heavens) came from the sky. People were disappearing when the light came down. It was taking them to a better place. I saw my aunt being taken by the light, my cousins and other family members but not sure who. When I saw me being taken up, that is when I woke up…

I had this dream for 2yrs once every 2 or 3 months, I remember it now like it was yesterday, I remember feeling the sadness, the fear, the comfort, the pain, and the anxiousness.

If you can help with this dream I would be grateful!!

J female/Sacramento, CA

Symbols in this dream…

House: Represents the dreamer’s mind
Road: Symbolizes the dreamer’s direction in life
Wood: See trees: Represents subconscious existence
Man: Unfamiliar subconscious aspect
Yard: Subconscious existence
Sale: Giving with the expectation of receiving something of value in return
Lamp: Tool for awareness
Devil: Unknown aspect of self, the motivating voice of mind
People: Aspects of the dreamer
U.S.A: See nation: Represents all aspects of the dreamer’s mind
Group: Aspects of self united for a common purpose, often signifies an attitude the of dreamer
Church: Represents the mind, specifically spirituality
Empire State Building: Building indicates the mind, specifically the condition of the mind
Creature (related to a movie): Imaged habits
Light: Symbolizes awareness
Heavens: Symbolizes superconscious part of mind
Aunt: Familiar conscious aspect
Family members: Familiar aspects of self

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
It is important to view this dream in the context of how old you were when you began having it. We will speak more about this in the next section entitled “The significance of the dream to the dreamer’s life”. First let’s begin by interpreting the dream.
The dreamer views the mind from mostly a subconscious viewpoint. The direction that has been given to the mind, the goals set, have been primarily from subconscious mind as symbolized by the house in the woods. You’re unfamiliar with the subconscious aspect directing your thoughts but the dream does reveal somethings about that part of self. This aspect of self, being subconscious in origin, represents your understandings which are many and varied. This is symbolized by the many things the man in your dream has to sell.
The most outstanding understanding is an awareness of how imagination has been used as represented by the lamp possessed by the Devil. There is greater attention (people being drawn to the lamp) and value (the man selling and the man buying the lamp ) being placed upon this understanding, in fact the entire self is being directed toward this end. This capacity to imagine is causing much change in the dreamer’s life. This is the meaning of the individuals who pass by the lamp and are stricken dead. It is also causing the developement of specific attitudes, as symbolized by the groups of people who pass without being harmed.
The attitudes are being developed for the purpose of enriching the dreamer’s spirituality. These are attitudes that effect the whole self, all parts of the self. This enables the dreamer to realize habitual ways the imagination has been used. These are quite disruptive to the new, more enlightened attitudes now being formed. These are symbolized by the movie creatures threatening people in the dream.
This creates greater awareness in the familiar aspects of self. The aunt in your dream is paticularly important because you are both female. She is the only symbol representing your conscious mind that appears in your dream. Therefore determining which aspect of you she represents would give considerable insight into the dream’s meaning for you.


Putting the Dream into Your Life:
This is a most important dream for several reasons, outstanding among these is the fact that the dream started when you were seven years old and reoccurred frequently for two years. In this context, the dream reflects a stage of consciousness that you were experiencing. This would commonly be described as a stage of childhood or a growing stage implying mental and physical body development. The beauty of interpreting dreams is the clarity with which the whole mind can be viewed and experiences understood.
In light of this, this dream is describing the movement of your conciousness directed by the use of your imagination. From the time of birth to age seven the soul is slowly being physicalized. This means that the conscious mind is beginning to develop because the brain is consistently being fed information about the physical world from the time of birth. By seven years, there is enough information-from language to motor skills to cause and affect concepts-to begin displaying basic reasoning skills.
Reasoning consists of three components. All three appear in your dream. Memory appears in the form of the creature and attention appears in the movement of the people illustrating these two parts of reasoning. What is happening in the development of your thinking focuses on the third component: Imagination. Until age seven most of what we know and who we are is a reflection of the imaginations of others. In other words, if we live with our parents our thinking is shaped by their beliefs and what they value. This is important because the soul chooses its parents each life time. If we spend a great deal of time away from home then our beliefs are shaped by those we spend the majority of time with which may or may not be in alignment with the soul’s choice. This is also true of children who watch a lot of t.v. This is true not only at age seven but throughout our lives. The people we choose to spend our time with greatly influence the direction and quality of our thinking just as we influence theirs.
Up until seven, the child’s body is for the most part fulfilling the imaged pattern of the mother. By seven the soul who is the child, begins taking more dominion of his own body. His body responds now increasingly to his thoughts and desires symbolized by the lamp possessed by the Devil (ego). This dream reveals how this change is taking place. First there is the recognition that the subconscious mind, or soul, has been primarily in control of the self. What has happened in the life has been a function of the soul’s purpose for existing. It is now time for the child to become aware of when and how the imagination is used. This means the child can now begin forming his or her own ideas and beliefs from the experiences they have.
When this dream occurs this is what is taking place. At the time, you were beginning to form your own ideas about what you wanted and why. These were being shaped into attitudes that most probably still exist in your thinking.
For instance, I can remember when I first started going to school my mom chose the clothing I would wear. There were a number of reasons for this, she did the laundry so she knew what was clean and since I didn’t particularly like getting up in the morning her choosing my clothes increased the odds that I could get dressed and make it to the bus on time. By the time I was in third grade, about eight years old, I started wanting to pick my own clothes so mom and I devised a system whereby on Sundays we would choose the week’s wardrobe. This is a simple example of the kind of transition your dream is talking about. It may also help you to see why the dream would keep reoccuring because each time you began using more of your imagination the dream would be pertinent.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I had a really weird dream and I don’t know what it meant. I was wondering if you could help me out!

It started out with me and this guy in an office. We were accused of something we didn’t do. I saw a cell phone on the wall and I picked it up and it was an alarm. The police found us, but then I changed to their side and we were undercover.

We went home which was a motel. I was in my room when the guy called and asked if I wanted to go get a drink. I said yes. Before I left I had to change clothes. I was trying to find some clothes to wear when I heard them honking the horn. I grabbed all the clothes I could get and got in the car. I remember I dropped some underwear. We went to go get the drink.

When we got back we heard dogs (police dogs). He told me to run inside. I dropped a shirt and I was afraid that the dogs would smell that and find where I was. He told me he would take care of that. I watched him fo
ld the shirt and spread something like blueberries all over it. We got inside and the lady at the desk called the police on us. The guy dragged me into the swimming pool and we turned into ghosts and started swimming. That’s where it ended.
Any help you have I would really appreciate. Thank you

Symbols in this dream…

Guy: Represents subconscious aspect
Office: Indicates a place in mind where learning and growth can occur
Cell phone: A means for communication
Alarm: A means to draw attention
Police: Represents dicipline
Motel: Universal mind
Drink: See alcohol: Signifies a interference with conscious will
Clothing: How the dreamer is expressing the self
Car: The physical body
Dogs: See animals: Habits
Blueberries: See food: Knowledge
Lady: Would be an unknown conscious aspect
Swimming pool: Specific life experiences
Ghosts: Symbolized unidentafied inner level bodys
Swimming: How the dreamer is moving through life experiences

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
This dream is talking about how the dreamer was approaching life a day or so the dream occurred. The dream indicates she was consciously and subconsciously involved in learning. The dream indicates however that what was available to learn was for some reason not being heeded. The dreamer is aware of this.
The dreamer then tries to communicate and finds disciplined aspects are available to help. The dream then swiches scenes offering insight into what is hampering her learning and why.
The dreamer tends to rely upon subconscious mind which tends to weaken her will. She relies heavily upon how she believes others will see her and this greatly influences how she expresses herself. This kind of thinking even causes her to lose sight of how she sees herself. Therefore her concept of discipline is habitual rather than consciously aware. The ability to detirmine what causes this type of thinking is destorted by the knowledge that this one has gained. There is a conscious aspect (the lady at the hotel desk) working on behalf of the dreamer that it would be helpful to detirmine. Since it seems that she is someone unknown to the dreamer, the dreamer will want to examine how the female expressed herself during the dream. This will give some indication of what the aspect symbolizes.
This internal battle of wills is affecting a particular life experience. This could be your job or school, a pet project or a relationship with a specific person like a boyfriend or your mom. The dream indicates that rather than respond consciously and with reasoning in this experience you tend to leave it up to your subconscious mind to figure out or understand.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
This dream is talking about your ideas about discipline. It indicates a tendency to want to do the right thing and yet be distracted away from that. The biggest challenge appears to be conserning how you are expressing yoourself and therefore how other people see you. In this regard remember you are the only one who has your experiences and therefore you are unique and special. You do not have to live with anyone else, but you do have to live with yourself so what Socrates said twenty five hundred years ago, “Know thy self” could be a mantra for you.
Building will power may not seem like much fun until you begin to realize it is the key to creating the life you want and having the things you desire. A simple definition of will power is the ability to make more correct choices than incorrect ones. At the end of each day take a few moments to reflect upon the decisions you made that day. Write them down in one of two columns: good decisions and the second column, bad decisions. Image where the good decisions are taking you, thus adding energy to that train of thought. Then tackle the bad decisions. Take them one by one and use conscious reasoning to evaluate what went wrong, what you would rather have happen, what you might be able to do about it now, and what you will do tomorrow. Try this for a month and you will be n your way to controling your life-consciously.

The Dreamer’s Entry
The dream starts out with Brit and I and two other friends (guy and a girl I have no idea who they are) hanging out. Brit and the guy friend go and rob a bank ($18,000 is stolen and for some reason I know that Brit has robbed a bank before when we’ve needed money.) Well they are concerned that they
might in fact get caught so the four of us decide to go on the run and make a new start with the money we now acquired.

We are in a truck and where ever we are going it takes 24 hours to get there. I miss my mom so much,
(she has either died or is missing in the dream, but in real life she died 2 years ago of a heart attack) I hear from someone that she is back and I’m so happy. I go to this hospital or something and there is my mom, she looks wonderful and is really thin (my mom was really about 300 lbs in real life). My sister is with her and tells me that my mom had had cancer and is better
now and tells me that my mom made a line of fashion clothing (In real life I do not and never have gotten along with my sister, we hate one another).

I decided to take my mom and sister with me on the trip. So I’m showing my mom and sister this 2 bedroom gorgeous water front condo that I apparently purchased (In real life I never seen this place before). I remember thinking, where are 6 people going to sleep in a 2-bedroom condo, and decided (In a childlike state or something) that girls will sleep in one
room and boys will sleep in the other. I go put my 5 cats into a bedroom to
let them settle in and so that we can unpack without them trying to escape outside.

Now all of the sudden my whole family (aunts, uncles, cousins,
mom, dad, etc.) is gathered at a table for some sort of party or just some weird gathering (In real life I haven’t talked to these people in 2 years). (The strange part is I’m now 10 years old (instead of 23) and everyone around me is the appropriate age of that same time frame (me being 10) but I’m still in the same condo. Suddenly my mom starts yelling at my uncle Jimmy about how poorly he has been treating me. They are fighting back and forth and then my uncle starts blaming everything on me. I jump in and yell that I haven’t done anything wrong to him and that I try to keep in touch and remain close with him, so I ask him why he is lying to my face. He storms out saying he doesn’t have to deal with this (In real life he would
have reacted the same way.).

Now the condo morphs into a drivable condo and
my mother begins chasing my uncle to resolve the conflict. The property now morphs to my grandmother’s property (instead of the waterfront) as my mother continues her chase. My mom makes a really sharp turn and the house flips over and crashes. I run and check on everyone to make sure they are ok and
then realize oh my god my cats. I get into the room they were in and I realize that there are eyeballs everywhere. All my cat’s eyes are missing. I start freaking out crying and screaming at my mother about how much I hate her for this and how it is all her fault. Suddenly the condo morphs into my grandmother’s old house. I find 2 cat cages and stuff my 5 cats into them
to take them to a vet. Some strange black cat is in with my cats that I apparently gave to my mother.

My grandmother volunteers to take the cats and I to the vet. Before we leave I collect all the eyeballs and put them
on a plate so the vet can reattach them but mixed in on the plate there are also cue balls for some unknown reason and there are 27 eyeballs and cue balls total. We leave for the vet and I’m still crying and feeling like we can’t get there fast enough. We are having a hard time finding the vet. My grandmother is yelling at me for saying all those mean things to my mother.
I explain that I didn’t mean them and that I really love my mother (for some reason I know I’ll never see my mother again). We reach the vet and I run my animals in and hand them the plate of eyeballs telling them to please reattach them. The nurse turns and for unknown reason says to me, “You
should have used the stethoscope I gave you last time to monitor the cats, that’s what I would have done because this one is better.” The vet takes my cat and fixes them all with no problem.


I woke up feeling very detached and very sad. I have no idea what this dream means. The other strange thing about this is that I wrote my uncle (from the dream) like 6 weeks ago and he actually wrote me back today (email) and sent a picture.*


Symbols in this dream…

Brit : familiar conscious aspect of self
unknown male: unfamiliar subconscious aspect
unknown female: unfamiliar conscious aspect
bank: condition of mind where value is stored or exchanged
steal: attitude of taking from
truck: physical body of dreamer
mother: superconscious aspect
hospital: healing frame of mind
sister: familiar conscious aspect
cancer: attitude of hatred
clothing: how dreamer is expressing self
condo: house: mind
waterfront: conscious life experiences
sleep: loss of conscious awareness and will
cats: animals: compulsive ways of thinking, habits
family: familiar aspects of self
Uncle Jimmy: superconscious aspect
grandmother: superconscious aspect
eyeballs: tool for perception
vet: doctor: superconscious aspect
cue balls: game: perspective of life held by the dreamer
nurse: (female): unfamiliar conscious aspect
stethoscope: means to measure energy

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
You are wrestling with how much it has been worth to you to complete something. You are trying to justify ideas of being taken from and this has several repercussions. Your body is working overtime, probably stressed out.

The value of what you have gone through is a greater love for self and a willingness to express your authority. This is a new attitude for you and it makes you feel more in control of your life. You still, however, feel that you lose something when you express what you really think. In an attempt to understand this you are looking at the value of being quiet, or holding back, and the value of speaking up. The reasoning you use in this evaluation process is habitual, the same that you always use.

You begin to trace this compulsive pattern back to when you were a kid. It’s been with you a long time. The attitude that steals from you is being a victim. Whenever you feel out of control, like it doesn’t matter what you say or do, you end up with the short end of the stick. This is a new thought for you and allows you a freedom you haven’t had before. You feel more connected to what you know by realizing you are the one who has shortchanged yourself but this is a difficult reality to sustain. You are at a loss to relate your new perceptions with the old habitual ways of thinking. You don’t understand why you couldn’t “see” it all before.

The dream conveys the reason….because of emotional attachment to getting things over with.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
Have you recently finished something in your life? A job? A school year? A relationship? A project? Whatever fits into this category in your waking life is related to this dream. It also has a bearing on your sense of self worth and your health. Admit it has been worth it to complete this happening or circumstance in your life. Just because it may have brought out some unpleasant or even painful memories or emotions is not a good reason to dish the entire experience. In fact these surfacing thoughts and emotions are the mental clay to build a better sense of who you have become and who you can be.

This dream is about your authority, about how comfortable you are with what you know to be true. Although you have made some advances in how you express your authority, you are still holding onto the old way because it is comfortable and you are attached to it. Because of this, it is difficult for you to see things clearly. You want things to go back to the old way, and falsely believe if they do everything will be like it was.

It’s kind of a Pandora’s box…’ve already opened it and the truth has been perceived. Going back to the old way is not the answer. Build on what you know by strengthening your reasoning ability. By being willing to look for ways to emotionally mature, you will be free of the burden of childhood. Due to our karmic obligations to self, patterns establish themselves early in our lives. We become the shy one or the strong one or the boisterous one, and as we age parts of us grow to the neglect of others. This is a way we take from ourselves, not allowing our whole self to flourish and grow.

In some way you have recently become aware of doing this. Be willing to update your assessment of self. Learn to respond fully in the present rather than dredging up past hurts or disappointments. They may have no bearing on your present other than your own compulsive reaction pattern.

Instead of driving yourself to get things over with, begin perceiving completing what you begin as a journey, a process, that enables the real you to grow, evolve, express, learn. By consciously defining the purpose for your goals, you will find be able to give to yourself while you are giving to others. It is important to have a personal benefit in all you do. Create them.

Hope this gives you some direction. Congrats on reconnecting with your Uncle in your waking life. Forgiveness and love are powerful agents in our lives and they help us to remain fully in the present.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I had a strange dream about my boyfriend.

I can’t make out the place where we started, but I was to meet him later on at his house (we live together now and this was a different address). It took me forever to get there, and after I arrived at the first house I discovered there were actually two addresses that I needed to go.

The first place I encountered was a small house. I don’t have a clear vision of the outside, only the inside), it was a little unkempt and his WIFE (not me) seemed a little dowdy. For some reason the actor Keifer Sutherland’s face was somewhere in the dream and he looked pretty scruffy. Moreover, if I recall, that was the face of my boyfriend, but it was as if I wasn’t there, only looking in from the outside.

I moved on and in the second place I went to, I found some documents on the floor in a corner, documents there that suggested that my boyfriend’s name was something else. The name that I saw on these documents was the name of his deceased godfather, (who in real life had been a highly respected lawyer in his time). I also saw pictures of my boyfriend when he was a child. The color green is very prominent in this second place. A hue similar to a 50’s style or even a deeper hue. It was also somewhat dark in this place. There was sunshine outside but it was
filtered through the window. I eventually decided that I was tired and that I was going to go to bed. He came in later and slept in a different bed. When I woke up and saw him from the side, he had the face and hairstyle of my first boyfriend.


That made me wake up and that was the end of that dream!!!
The interior of both places was in disarray, however, the second place seemed to be more comforting and relaxing. The first place seemed to be something out of a science fiction apocalypse survivor movie.

I noticed in another post you were happy to have ages. I have just turned 40 and my boyfriend turned 47 one month before that. I had this dream either one day or several days before the WTC tragedy. I’ve posted to other boards but have had no response and this is just bugging me.

Thank you for your interpretation of this dream.


Symbols in this dream…

boyfriend: subconscious aspect of dreamer
house: dreamer’s mind
two: duality
addresses: goal
(boyfriend’s) wife: unknown conscious aspect
actor: subconscious aspect involved in use of imagination
documents: information
name: identity
godfather: superconscious aspect of dreamer
lawyer: superconscious aspect having to do with Universal Law
pictures: manifested thought forms
child: immature aspect
green: indicates level of mind dream is taking place in, also healing
dark: ignorance
sunshine: illumination from superconscious mind
window: means to perceive from one level of mind to next
bed (sleep): time of assimilation

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
There are two ways the dreamer uses her close association with her inner self. This dream is helping her to identify them.
The first way is limited. This is symbolized by the small house. The dreamer is unconscious about how she uses her mind, hence the boyfriend has a wife who appears out of the blue. Later the dreamer will add that the house appears disarrayed in the dream which would also reflect the lack of attention characteristic of the lack of aware consciousness. The result if unexpected and unwanted change in her life, the apocalypse.
The second way reflects the dreamer’s attempts to identify the workings of subconscious mind and align this with superconscious mind. This is the way the dreamer tries to be in harmony with Universal Law as symbolized by the lawyer-godfather. She uses her imagination to identify cause;– how the subconscious aspect symbolized by her boyfriend in the dream has matured, where it has come from. This effort for self-understanding brings healing into her life. There is much illumination available to the dreamer that is in alignment with the superconscious plan for her existence but it is now time to assimilate what has been recently learned through experience.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
When this dreamer emailed her dream, she placed on the subject line “boyfriend as several people” because this described the dream to her. This is part of the movement in the dream. It is how one of the characters in the dream-play change and is therefore significant.

The boyfriend represents an aspect of the dreamer, specifically a subconscious aspect that she has gained a degree of closeness to or intimacy with. The subconscious mind has many capabilities. Collectively human man lumps them all together in what he calls intuition. The lower form of this is often called psychic or psychism. Intuition in its highest manifestation is the direct grasp of truth. This dreamer is exploring her comprehension of truth from a conscious perspective, from a subconscious perspective, and from a superconscious perspective. Therefore this dream involves the whole Self of the dreamer.

This is also indicated by the houses in the dream. This message is about how the dreamer has been using her mind and what it has produced.
The boyfriend changing tells the dreamer there are three distinct ways she relates to this subconscious aspect.

1] How she views this part of herself in the present, in the now. This would be the outstanding characteristic she attributes to this man in her daily life. When he appears in her dream it is because this part of her inner self is being called upon in the way she is thinking and acting in her everyday life.

2] How she imagines this part of herself to be (the Kiefer Sutherland transformation). This is when she imagines she is close, familiar with, this aspect when in reality she is distant.

3] How she remembers this part of herself. This is different from the present reality and this is why the first boyfriend appears — as a means to convey to her the difference between the past and the present.

Not one of these is better than another, rather in the Universal Language of Mind they are each intricate parts of the dream message. They are like nouns and pronouns in a sentence. This woman has grown, and her subconscious mind is telling her how. Perhaps the dream is showing her how much more secure she is now than when she was younger. Or perhaps it is reflecting a maturing in her ability to give and receive love. Or maybe it relates to changes in how she communicates. However it fits into her life, it is connected to her soul’s purpose for being and she is beginning to become aware of this in ways not possible before.

The action in the dream, the two houses and their states, tells the dreamer how she is using her mind. Pretending, or living in the future, is not the answer for it keeps her away from what she desires the most, the inner harmony and security it brings. Admitting how she has changed, the growth she has made, is the best course of action, and the one she has already started. Now she needs to assimilate and use what she has learned.

This dreamer has been separating what she knows from what she believes. This is healing for her. As she values how she has changed in her experiences, her mind will expand and enlighten because she will open the door to new awarenesses about her reason for existence.•

The Dreamer’s Entry

I called a store after seeing or hearing an ad about the free trial use of an air stapler or nail gun [used to build houses]. I went to a hardware store. A lady was on the phone recommending travel arrangements. A man came out of the office. I was looking at some miniature door models on display. There were numerous such displays marked with numbers such as 7 or 71/2; and these numbers corresponded with brochures for the display. The man said the woman would be with me in a minute. She had been real busy through lunch she also cooked and waited tables here.

A college kid came in wearing a white sweat shirt and glasses. He went back into the kitchen. I asked the lady about the nail gun or stapler and she said they didn’t give free trials, but I could rent one. I said no and left. When I was looking for the store earlier, it was in a building with suite numbers such as 7 or 71/2; just like the numbers on the display I had looked at. — (PGB, Male, 34)

Symbols in this dream…

The Dreamer: the consciousness of the dreamer
Air Gun/Air Stapler: tool for building the mind
Hardware store: place in mind for maintaining and building the mind
Lady: subconscious or inner aspect of the dreamer
Man: conscious or outer aspect of the dreamer
Doors: passage from one level of mind to another
College kid: conscious aspect of the dreamer
Numbers (7, 71/2): structure and form
Lunch/food: knowledge
Kitchen: place in mind where knowledge is prepared
Telephone: tool for communication with the self

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

Imagine that you want more out of life; you’re not satisfied with having a good job/career, a house, spouse, 1.8 children and a dog, cat or gold fish. What else is there? This dreamer wants to find out. He wants more from life. He’s not content with the status quo but he desires self-improvement.

This dream is telling the dreamer how he can be a different person. He wants to try out a new tool he’s heard about. The air stapler or nail gun is symbolic of something else, and like everything and everyone in the dream, is about the dreamer. Perhaps the tool he wants to try is meditation so he will be more peaceful. Or maybe the tool is improved communication skills so he can express his thoughts more clearly. The tool could be creative visualization so he can image who he wants to be or what he wants his life to be like. The dreamer will have to look at his life and see how this fits in.

The dreamer wants a “free trial”. He wants to get the use of the tool without putting out the effort. The woman says that they do not offer a “free trial” but they “rent” the same tools. Her statement says, “ you’ve got to pay for what you want”. If the dreamer desires to change his life, if he desires to improve himself , then he needs to direct his own energy in that direction. He needs to set daily goals that agree with and support his desires.

The Dreamer’s Entry

My dream begins on a large freeway with many lanes, overpasses, and ramps. I am walking in the midst of a large crowd of people all going in the same direction. Many of us get off on an exit ramp. The ramp narrows and descends sharply until I am sliding down a tunnel that winds around and around. I am frightened but excited.

 At the bottom I realize I am in car on a roller coaster. My car levels off and slows. I am traveling backwards and can only see behind me. I feel the car begin to climb and imagine that I am going up and big hill that will have a steep drop. But instead the ride speeds up and I go around a sharp turn. The car swings up and I am scared that I am going to fall out so I grab hold of the top of the car. Then I realize that I have on a seatbelt but I don’t let go anyway.

Then I hear my daughter scream. She is a couple of cars behind me and she is hanging in mid air held to the car only by her seat belt. Then she laughs because she is flying. A teenage girl on one side of her and a small boy on the other crawl on top of their cars.  She sees this and does the same. The she does them one better and takes off her seatbelt to stand up. The ride jerks into motion and she falls off her car and lands on the ground where she runs off. I see her as around 3 years old and scream at her to be careful, stay out of the way of the cars, go sit down and wait for me. I am frantic to end the ride and find her. The ride  ends and I am trying to decide whether to go find her, to wait for her to find me, or to call for help. Then I wake up.

SH, female

Symbols in this dream…

Freeway:  road:  dreamer’s direction in life
Crowd: people: aspects of the dreamer
Exit ramp:  distraction
Tunnel:  means of moving from one level to another
Roller coaster:  game:  perspective held by the dreamer
Hill: mountain:  challenge or obstacle
Dreamer’s Daughter:  conscious aspect created by dreamer

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

Dreams messages are relevant to the present time conveying the dreamer’s conscious state of awareness.  Your dream says you have a clear direction in life, one you and many aspects of you are pursuing.  This is symbolized by the crowd all going in the same direction on the freeway.

A part of you, symbolized by yourself and those who go with you in the dream, gets distracted.  Your attention then gets caught up in emotional reactions that are both pleasant and unpleasant (your frightening and exciting descent in the tunnel).

You begin seeing the direction of your life as a game that you have no control of.  You can’t see where you’re going so you no longer know what your goals are.  The ideas (children), both conscious and subconscious ones, that have been a part of this distraction became apparent to you, particularly a conscious idea you created which is symbolized by your daughter.  This idea is still forming in the inner levels of your mind (landing on the ground) which is why your teenage daughter is 3 in your dream.

This idea is the cause of what you experienced that day. You want to go back and do it again but you’re not sure what you’d change if you did.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

Our dreamer sent her ideas about the meaning of this dream…

When I woke up I knew what the dream meant. (That was unusual.) I left the highway to enter this life which was the ride. I could only see where I’ve been (the past) not the future. I was enjoying all the ups and downs and scary places. When the going got rough, I grabbed on to my car and was also relieved that I had a seat belt. I can’t remember now exactly what those symbolized. Maybe inner strength and self discipline. My daughter chose to take the car for granted and luckily she had a seat belt. But then she felt
she didn’t need that either.

When I first woke up I know exactly what entire dream meant but because I didn’t write it down I’ve lost some of the meaning. I’d love to hear your interpretation of it.

My daughter is now 14 and going through some very trying times, testing the limits and dealing with peer pressure.
This dream could indeed be a macrocosm of your entire lifetime, a view from the soul, which describes your description.  Seen this way, the dream makes a wonderful metaphor of life, the stuff that books are made of.

Dreams are also more immediate.  Feedback from your inner, subconscious self to the outer mind concerning how the conscious self is responding to life.  This is the interpretation we have given your dream for it will always give insight to the dreamer.

From our interpretation you might want to remember the circumstances of the day or so before the dream looking for what the dream might be referring to.  Purely as an example, it might be talking about living the American Dream or trying to do what you believe others expect quitting that “route” only to find less control than you had before.  This could be someone who has everything but wonders about the grass over there – isn’t it greener?!?  And discovers some limitations when they give up what they had.  It reminds me of the person who has a great marriage and family and gives it all up for a fling.  Or the parent who has worked hard to raise their children with strong values then discredits themselves by violating their own principles.  Like the dad who says “you don’t need drugs”, then drinks a glass of alcohol every evening with dinner.  These are just possibilities based on research we’re conducted.  You’ll be the final authority on how the interpretation is relevant to your life.

One thing is certain, by pursuing what your daughter symbolizes you can begin to identify the cause for forfeiting your ideals and beginning to play “the game” of life.  The dream says that’s where you are headed and identifying cause can give you the answer you seek.

Since you mention your daughter, perhaps her challenges are in some way becoming your own.  A great book we’d recommend is Indigo Children by Lee Carroll and Jan Tolen.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I’m helping an African tribe to build a wooden wall around their village to keep out a neighboring tribe (not as much helping as giving instructions, actually). When the fortress seems to be ready the hostile tribe attacks. From the walls they are being shot at with arrows and rocks are dropped on their heads. This does not stop them and it’s becoming obvious that they will soon break through the defenses.

I hurry towards a hut and slide aside the curtain that’s used to close off the entrance. Inside is a freezer filled with ice cubes (the size used in long drinks). A line of people is formed to pass the ice cubes on to the defending warriors who start throwing these new projectiles. Even though the ice cubes are not big enough to cause any damage, the attackers, confronted with such an unknown weapon, retreat in a hurry.

After the attack is over I decide to check if there aren’t any damages to the defenses. Suddenly I notice the villagers used a big curtain to close off the entrance to the village, instead of using a gate. I sigh and suddenly I feel depressed.
(European, Caucasian male)

Symbols in this dream…

Africa : foreign country: condition of mind unfamiliar
tribe : aspects having common origin
wall : limitation in thinking
instructions : blueprint, plan of action
fortress : place of defense
arrows and rocks :desires and will
hut : house:  mind
freezer : tool for preservation, keeping knowledge the same
people : aspects of self
weapon : tool intended to cause change
gate : fence: limitation in thinking, gate: opening in limitation
depressed : lack of purpose

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

This is a dream of inner conflict and self-imposed limitation.  For this dreamer, you have been creating limits in your mind symbolized by the two tribes.  One part of you is saying, “yes,” the other, “no.”  You are being defensive, in fact your defenses are set (fortress) and you are using desires and your will to force the battling aspects of self to submit.  This forcing self to action is failing.

Your answer is to use old fears to win your war.  This is symbolized by the ice cube projectiles, past experiences that have remained the same, probably in the form of memories, that you are dredging up and using as dream-weapons.  It seems to work until you realize that force lacks intelligence and it is intelligence that gives purpose to life.

It is time to go beyond the old ways, the old limits, symbolized by the gate that is really a curtain.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

When we stop allowing the past to rule us, we are free to respond in the present moment.  By imaging the person we can become, we are inspired to move forward into our ideal. Forcing ourselves becomes a motivation of the past, no longer dictating our lives.  Through contemplation, meditation, and deeper thinking, we become mindful acting with purpose and on purpose.  Our lives are brought under our direction and we experience enhanced productivity in our lives.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I was in a city-like place with lots of buildings. It was very dark out. I couldn’t tell if it was morning, day or night. I was in the alley of some buildings. I was sitting down and all of a sudden I realized there was a small beam of light on me and I was in a chair. Everything else was dark. I felt very stressed out.

My mom came into the dream somehow and she was very mad. “You failed your math test!” she said sternly. I didn’t know what she was talking about.

I then traveled to some dormitories, like those at Southwestern Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri. I was walking around there. (TB, St. Louis, MO)

Symbols in this dream…:

City: a part of the mind where many aspects of the dreamer are connected
Buildings: the mind of the dreamer and it’s condition
Alley: abbreviated means to a goal
Light: awareness
Darkness: lack of awareness
Chair: support for thinking
Mom: superconscious mind
Test: need to access what has been learned
School: place for learning

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
This is a great dream that tells the dreamer how she is changing her identity and her thoughts. It relates how she is changing the way she is thinking about her life and her experiences, from having little awareness of herself to exploring new ways of thinking.

This young woman is experiencing the dawning of a new awareness of who she is. The small beam of light symbolizes her Self awareness. The city represents what and how she thinks now. In this dream, the city is dark. This means TB is unaware of her thoughts, where they come from or what, if anything, she can do about them.

The mother represents TB’s inner authority, her connection to her Creator. Her mother is mad because she has failed a math test. Have you ever ‘failed’ one of life’s tests? To ‘fail’ means failing to learn from an experience. Life is much richer, less stressful and more fulfilling when learning is foremost in our minds.

In the conclusion of her dream, TB is exploring a campus, a part of her own mind where the focus is on learning, and particularly on higher education.

The Dreamer’s Entry

In my dream I have moved to a new house. When I am in the house, I don’t even know all the rooms yet. The house is old but the rooms are so plentiful, I always discover a new one.

In some of those dreams I wonder why I moved so suddenly, I left my old house and life behind quickly and hardly
without notice. I start to think about the flowers I planted in the old yard. I start to think about friends who don’t even know we moved. But I am positive about my new home and just say I had to start a new life here.

(LI, female, Upper Marlboro, MD)

Symbols in this dream…

House – represents the dreamer’s mind
Rooms – indicates a particular part or activity of the mind
Flowers – subconscious existence
Friends – familiar aspects of Self

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
Each dream is a personal message to the dreamer about self, offering insight about what he thinks, how he thinks and why he thinks the way he does. The Universal Language of Mind is the Rosetta Stone that unlocks the hidden meaning so the dreamer can understand his dream and apply it to his life. The symbols themselves are universal they apply to anybody anywhere, regardless of race, creed, religion, social status or economic level. Therefore the interpretation is universal. The dream symbols used in the dream are personal just as the words someone speaks are personal, expressing a thought in a particular way. The application to the dreamer’s life and life situation is personal. In other words, two different people can have the exact same dream and it will have the same interpretation, but the way the dream relates to their life circumstances may be totally different.

For some people, dreams represent flights of fancy or nightly entertainment, but for the enlightened mind that understands the picture language of dreams, each dream is an exploration and exclamation of Self! Our night time sojourns in the dream world reveal the greatest intimacies about our self in our waking world what we think, why we are here and who we are. LI’s dreams are short and to the point, and revelatory about her consciousness and how it is expanding.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

In LI’s dream, she is exploring her new residence…she is exploring her mind. The mind is the residence of the soul, and when you or I move to a new house in a dream, the dream is revealing how our consciousness or awareness changes to a new way of thinking. For example, with the birth of a child, the parents’ thoughts and actions focus on the needs of the baby. The parental needs for food and sleep become secondary to the care, feeding and well-being of the baby. LI is experiencing a change in her consciousness.

Each room LI discovers in her dream is a different activity of the mind or way of thinking. For example, a dining room is a place where meals are eaten. Food in a dream represents knowledge (see Previous Dreams of the Month), so a dining room in a dream would represent how the dreamer values life experiences and uses them for growth and maturity. Since LI hasn’t revealed any of the particulars about the rooms, we know only that the rooms are “plentiful” which indicates she is realizing the different ways she thinks.

LI’s bewilderment about “moving so suddenly” reveals the newness of her change in consciousness and her unease with this new way of thinking and being. It is as if she is afraid she will have to ‘give up’ something or some part of herself as represented by her old friends and the flowers she has planted. What she may discover (and verifies at the end of the dream) is that those parts of the Self (the friends and flowers) may no longer be compatible with who she is becoming.

LI now has the consciousness of freedom she needs to create and build an expanded, productive and fulfilling life.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I have these recurring dreams about lions.

About four years ago I dreamt of a large pride of lions leaving my property, but 3 turned around and came back.  And then I’ll dream of the lions and not dream of anything for a couple of months, and then have just a lion dream again.  This year I have had the lion dream, of which I am always in a cage, or in a city with very tall walls that look like buildings.  Some of my family members are with me, and I will always escape from the threat of the lions as I try higher.
PZ, female

Symbols in this dream…

lions: animals: habits
three: number are the universal structure of developing thought, 3 symbolizes creation
cage: restraint, attitude of restriction
city: condition of mind where aspects are connected

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

All dreams come to us as messages from the inner subconscious mind about the state of our awareness.  Sometimes they are solely symbolic, at others they are probable events – deja vu experiences – or actual inner level experiences.  All are part of our experience as thinking beings and dreams are the means of communication from the inner mind to the outer.

When we have the same dream more than once that means the message in the dream is again pertinent.  This can be like someone repeating a question, or it can be like taking the same course of study in school more than once.  What is universally true is that whatever the subconscious mind was telling you before, it is telling you the very same thing now.

Quite often recurring dreams come as a result of cycles in our lives.  Times when we are at the same point in our awareness and learning.  For instance, one student speaks of a recurring dream that happened the first day of school, then again when he began catechism classes as part of his religious training, then again the first week of high school, and still again the first day of his first job.  In his case the same message was pertinent concerning his state of awareness upon embarking on new avenues of his life, new terrain.

Recurring dreams can also be a key to learning, a means to stop making the same decisions in life, decisions that turn out to be mistakes.  A counseling client makes a major breakthrough when she remembers and then comes to understand the message in a dream that recurred in each of her three marriages.

Just as we tend to develop predominant themes in our lives, themes linked to our karmic obligations and our dharmic missions, the more accurately we remember dreams, the more we note similarities.  Being consciously aware, lucid, is an important element in working with dreams this way.

PZ’s dreams concern habitual ways of thinking and acting.  This is the common reoccurrence in her dream, for the dreams related are otherwise different.  The earlier lion dreams concerned a habitual way of creating in her life.  The dreams of this year signify that those habits have become restrictive.  Once those habits are identified, maybe it’s time to make some changes, when this occurs should the lions appear in PZ’s dream they will be being killed.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I am sitting at a round table with some friends and we are all receiving gifts during a party or banquet.  I am not sure why.  Some people receive gifts as a pair.  For example,the couple to my left receives a big blue mug that is really one large and one smaller mug fused together so they can drink at the same time.  There are other odd gifts and I am not sure who has brought them.

I receive a snake.  It is very pretty, but I can only think that I don’t have the time to take proper care of a pet.  I show my brother as he passes by, thinking he might want to keep him.  Then, the snake turns into a blob-like pretzel dough before it is twisted, but still brightly colored.  I stroke it a little and try to keep it from coming apart and then the head appears again and it is again a snake.   This time the colors are in a different pattern and the snake is a little bigger.

People leave the table and when I look around, I am the only one there and my mother has appeared.  The table is now in a dense forest, yet most of the vegetation is dried or maybe burned-dark in color.  There is just a little light streaming from the tall trees.  We decide we should leave and then see a huge crocodile or alligator come out of a hole. Just when I think it is a good thing that they do not move quickly on land, another one darts by with lightning speed.  I wonder how we will get out of the door (I can still seethe direction everyone else left the banquet) safely and how I will hold on to my snake.

My mother and I get on the table and wait for a break to run up the hill and out-but I am not really afraid, just a little panicked like trying to make a u-turn at a really busyintersection.  We run and when we exit the door we are in a bathroom in my mother’s house.  We open one of the windows and there is a doll on the ledge.  In the doll’s arms is atiny bird (I assume a baby because there aren’t really feathers yet, just gray fuzz) that is nursing on a bottle or something.  A note is pinned to the doll that says not to stare toolong.  I go to another window on the other wall to see if we can get out that way.  My mother doesn’t really want to climb out because it is dangerous and she is not sure themagnolia tree branches will hold her weight.  Also, there is a voltage box just outside.  I tell her that I will go first.  Then I awake.

-NRW, female
Symbols in this dream…

table: a means of support
friends: familiar aspects of self
gifts: indicate value
party/banquet: time and place of receiving a wide variety of knowledge
left: past
mug: receptive tool for the mind
snake: compulsive use of creative energy
brother:  subconscious aspect
mother :  superconscious aspect
forest :  subconscious existence
crocodile:  habit
hill: challenge/obstacle
bathroom: condition of the mind for purifying/cleansing
house: mind
windows: means for awareness
doll: imagination
bird: subconscious thought
voltage box:  control point of life force

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

You were in a familiar and comfortable frame of mind the day before this this dream symbolized by your friends who represent aspects of yourself you know well.  This frame of mind enabled you to view what you have gained or learned.  Of particular note was how you use the aggressive and receptive qualities to learn, as symbolized by the couples receiving the gifts.  In the past you have focused on receiving knowledge, learning that feeds the brain and stimulates you into action.  Now you are focusing on
creating with that knowledge as symbolized by the snake.

You see your creativity as a “pet” you don’t have time for meaning you are not yet sure how to incorporate creativity into your present experiences.  You want to give the power to create to your subconscious mind (brother) but when you try to it changes form because you have yet to complete your creation.  Each time you try this you learn something about creativity thus the snake in your dream grows.

Your dream then reveals a related factor.  Your tendency when things don’t work out as you expected is to turn them over to your
superconscious mind (mother) or subconscious, thus the talbe is no longer a table but a forest.  Like someone who prays for help or just expects everything will work out, you relinquish responsibility for the outcome.

Somewhere, however, you have adopted the idea that can be best described as “God helps those who help themselves” for that’s exactly what you end up doing in the dream!  You beat the habit (crocodile) by taking charge – which brings you back from subconscious “forest” to the conscious “banquet room”.  You are empowered by your creativity.  Fortified by superconscious mind you meet the obstacle of doing things as you have in the past and create a new way thereby releasing old ways of pretending. Although the change of mind you are crating is not yet complete, you are committed to seeing your creative ability in a new way.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
The details in this dream are rich and so it is easy for us to see the progression of this message.  A few words about how the three major divisions of mind work together may add additional insight into how the mind can be more fully employed.  The conscious, waking mind has a power that is best described as reasoning.  Reasoning is the combination of memory, attention, and imagination.  Thus reasoning is conscious creativity harnessed and directed.

This is what this dreamer is learning right now in her responses to her life situations.  The dream affirms that she has understandings of the past and that her present challenge is to keep her attention upon what she is creating right now.  This will also aid her in overcoming the tendency to consciously let go, thus retainnig conscious awareness and control of what she is creating and how.  This is a most exciting prospect for 2001, numerologically a three year teaming with Creative Power!  It’s good advice for us all.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I went to my house and Bernadette was there with her three children. I talked to her about what she had been doing. Then Karen was there by surprise and she showed me her new born baby. It was strange because it looked just like a doll. Karen still had a little stomach. I held the baby.

I went to my neighbor Judy’s house to bake. I was in her kitchen and started baking with apples and other foods. I went out to the garage and she was giving Jackie, another friend, a massage. I didn’t want to talk to Jackie because she is negative and nosy, so I said nothing to her. Back inside, Judy came in the kitchen and I thought she might be angry with me because I was using her kitchen. Also she is a drinker and she can get in strange moods so I was hoping she wouldn’t be in a weird mood. Angela was in my dream also. (KG, female, San Diego, CA)

Symbols in this dream…

Friends: familiar aspects of the dreamer
Children: new or recently developing ideas
Baby: a new idea
Doll: imagination
Kitchen: condition of mind where knowledge is available
Garage: condition of the body, usually rest or healing
Food: knowledge
Massage: healing
Alcohol: interference with the conscious will


Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

This dream is about self-awareness, how the dreamer is becoming more aware of herself and how she thinks. She is realizing there are ways that she is most productive in her thinking and ways of thinking that hold her back from living up to her own potential! Self-awareness is the greatest benefit of writing your dreams down, interpreting them and then applying them in your life.

KG is aware of new ideas she is forming and has been forming. These ideas are represented by the children. These may be goals related to her physical life such as starting her own business or accomplishing sales goals or they might be spiritual ideals such as meditating daily or being fulfilled by every activity. The dreamer will have to decide for herself. Bernadette and Karen are aspects of the dreamer’s waking consciousness and they provide clues to the ideas the dream is talking about. The baby that “looks just like a doll” is an idea that is not quite “real” to her yet. Holding the baby is nurturing the idea that this represents.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
KG is creating opportunities to gain knowledge, represented by her cooking in the kitchen. Jackie and Judy represent qualities of thought or ways of thinking that limit the dreamer; Jackie is identified as negative and Judy as limiting the way KG makes choices. Jackie may be KG’s pessimistic side while Judy is that part of KG that makes choices based on physical comfort rather than what she knows would really be best.

There is also a recognition that a change needs to occur in the ways that KG thinks. Healing or productive thinking can result despite “wrong” or unproductive choices she has made in the past. Perhaps the key to this dream is Angela, the final aspect to appear in the dream.

This last dream episode represents the dreamer as she is and thinks now. The first dream episode may well represent ideas about who she wants to become and how she wants to think, but that will be for KG to determine how these two episodes relate.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I consistently have recurring dreams with water themes.

I have had one several times in which I am swimming in a lake where we had a summer house as a child. In one, I saved the President of our company from drowning.

Last night, I had a dream theme that I find puzzling reoccur. The first time I had the dream I was in an old wooden powerboat in a wharf type of area at night (very dark and wet). I wasn’t alone, but I do not remember who I was with. It was a power boat and we were idling through quay areas until we pulled along one and disembarked. We then went through some tunnels and I was the first to go through a narrow passage (all still VERY dark). The passage then opened into a cavernous room that was much brighter. As I turned my gaze upward I became increasingly afraid until I woke up out of fear of what I was going to see. The feeling I had while we were on the boat and going through the passages was one of being on a mission- calm, determined, with perhaps a little apprehension.

Last night, I had a dream about embarking on a sailboat with several masts. The setting is again a quayside on an especially dark and wet night (raining, quite possibly). A coworker was with me and we were preparing to take this large boat out at night, rigging sails, etc. Several other people were joining us, but they were not familiar to me except for a young lady I had met that evening. As we set sail, it became apparent in my dream that we were in a cold climate with ice in the water. Someone missed jumping into the boat and fell into the water as we pulled from the quay. I helped them in. My coworker then jumped into the water as if to go for a dip and never surfaced. Suddenly my dream flashed into an industrial type of setting with what seemed to be a HUGE smelting operation with an overhead raw material transfer system in an immense room, again, with firing and lots of hot metal. We (I don’t know who) were looking onto it from a room above and off to the side of this process as this operation was in production. (BW, male, Denver, CO)
Symbols in this dream…

Water: conscious life experiences
Power boat: see boat
Boat: physical body
President: see people
People: aspects of self
Night: indicates lack of awareness
Tunnel: means of moving from one level of mind to another
Room: particular part or activity of the mind
Sailboat: see wind, body
Wind: movement of thoughts
Rain: see water
Large boat: see ship
Ship: an organization
Lady: see woman
Woman: subconscious aspect of male dreamer
Ice: unchanging life experiences
Death: change
Smelting room: see fire
Fire: expansion

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
The subconscious mind is like a best friend, it always relates truth and it never gives up on you! When you have the same dream over and over or a series of similar dreams as BW has, the subconscious mind is trying repeatedly to get a message to you. This series or repeated them in BW’s dream illustrates how he can use his dreams to change himself and his day-to-day experiences by applying his dreams to his life.

The subconscious mind will relate a dream message in many ways to get the dreamer to remember, understand and in some way apply the dream. The story or plot may be similar but the scene, theme and characters may change to grab the attention or to give a little different perspective as situation develop from day-to-day in ‘real’ life.

The recurring theme in BW’s dream is water, representing his daily experiences. In both these dreams he is on a boat of some type. The power boat represents his physical body and the sailboat represents an organization, perhaps his job. In each dream, there is also a sense of being on a mission, but BW is unsure. This represents his own need to clarify or define what he is about in his life, for him to discover why he exists.

The specifics of each dream add more detail to the dream message. In the dream where is in onboard the power boat (which represents his physical body), the darkness represents BW’s need to become more aware of his thoughts and who he is. He is discovering parts of himself (the cavernous room) he has been unaware of but this awareness is something he has not imagined. Fear manifests in the emotions when the imagination is used in a negative fashion, to imagine what one doesn’t want to happen rather than imagining what one wants to create or cause.

In the next dream, the sailboat represents an organization such as his job. The different people represent different ways of thinking or different types of thought. The ice in the water represents unchanging experiences, such as when work becomes a drudgery, doing the same old thing every day. The coworker jumping in and not surfacing, represents a need to cause change.

The next part of the dream illustrates what kind of change to make — the smelting room represents a need to expand the self. The hot metal and ‘raw material system’ represent the cosmic material the Hindus call Akasha the subtle substance of all of creation.

The Dreamer’s Entry
You guys have given me insight to a dream I had a while back, so I’m
asking for your help again. I had a really strange dream the other night
and I wrote everything down in hopes that someone could help me.
Any insight would be great!  Thank you again!

I was walking through Queen’s Park (in Toronto) and there is a water park there with just a waterslide.  There is one guy running the slide and lots of girl lifeguards milling around. I go up to the slide and I am skeptical about its enjoyment and think it rather silly. The slide guy (don’t recognize him) tells me its the best slide ever and that I should try it out.

Suddenly the lifeguard girls become uniformed (ie. Catholic school girls, FYI I went to a Catholic uniformed school) and they proceed to shoot arrows at me and the slide guy. We duck behind the water slide and its mechanics and laugh at the attempts of the girls. The arrows aren’t the typical pointed kind the points are shaped into rabbits and roosters etc. (at work we sell these garden ornaments that are really similar to the arrows the girls were shooting) I keep asking the girls why they are shooting at us and they yell begin to threaten to expose a huge secret of mine if I don’t cooperate with them. I keep telling the slide guy that I have no idea what this big secret is b/c I don’t really have anything huge pressing me down. I try to tell the girls this and they call me a liar. All I keep thinking is why do they think that I have a secret.

A this time I’m not scared of the arrows, me and the slide guy are actually laughing at the situation and flirting etc.

The slide guy then tells me to try out the slide and keeps insisting its the best. I decide to try it and it is fun. I liked it so much I wanted to go on again. But there is no water flow on the slide so its all sticky. Slide guy tells me to get the water flow going they need the girl lifeguards to press these buttons along the slide which will release a little bit of water. I go down the slide again, but only1-2 buttons have been pressed, so its not as fun as the second time.

The slide guy takes my hand and suggests we go to the museum. (The Royal Ontario  Museum is right beside Queen’s Park) We laugh and talk and head to the museum. In the entrance is this cashier of mine ( at work she keeps pissing everyone off b/c she doesn’t show up for her one shift a week and tries to turn the managers, like me, against one another when she is there) I pretend to ignore her, but I see her watching me like a camera angle on t.v. where her head turns as I was past her. Inside the museum I pull the slide guy every which way b/c I’m so excited to see the things inside.  But he doesn’t share my enthusiasm so much and the dream finishes with us looking, happily, in the gift shop at some of the dinosaur toys.

By the way, I’m a history major at school so that could explain my fascination inside the museum, everything else I don’t get.

C, Female 20 yrs old

Symbols in this dream…

Park:  subconscious existence
Waterpark: conscious life experiences
Guy: subconscious aspect
Girl lifeguards:  conscious aspects in control of conscious life experiences
Slide: related to elevator: way to move from one level to another
Catholic school girls:  conscious aspects learning about creation
Arrows: desires
Museum: condition of mind where valued and longstanding ideas are held
Cashier: familiar conscious aspect
Dinosaur toys: way to use imagination

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
This dream begins with the way you are viewing your life experiences.  The message indicates the day of the dream that you were consciously (water) aware of your connectedness with others (symbolized by the park).  In fact you were relying on an unfamiliar subconscious aspect (slide guy) to stimulate your movement within subconscious mind.  Perhaps you were waiting until things “felt” right before making a decision or taking action.

The waiting brought into focus that the control in life you believe you have comes from what you have consciously learned about creation symbolized by the transformation in the dream of the lifeguards into Catholic school girls.  The waiting was also a hesitation which is weakening your desires.  There is something you are avoiding.  You know more than you reveal, but you don’t know how you know symbolized by secrecy theme.

The subconscious mind recreates desires.  It adds substance as energy moves through the developing process. This is symbolized by the slide in your dream.  The slide guy is the part of you that understands this process.  Your want and are ready to experience this with conscious awareness (water on the slide) but don’t know the conscious commands for this to happen.  It’s like pushing the right computer button to get what you desire to show up on the screen.  You’d rather it all happen automatically than have to put out effort.

Your dream then reveals more about what keeps you from knowing.  There is a conscious aspect (the cashier), well-known to you, that controls your sense of value concerning the past (museum).  This aspect causes you problems so you ignore it.  You become aware that this habitual way of pretending that aspect doesn’t exist is not beneficial to you symbolized by the slide guy’s lack of enthusiasm.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

The problem is you are getting what you want in life but not sure how you do it so when something comes up that you really want you may not be able to make it happen.  The key resides in the cashier.  Identifying her characteristics will tell you the part of self that you have been denying.  Stop ignoring this part of you and take command of it.  Bring your imagination into the present so you can upgrade those old ideas of value.  You will probably find greater meaning to them as an adult than you did when they were initially placed there long ago.

Your dream indicates creativity that incorporates both conscious and subconscious minds.  You would probably find the information on Creative Mind Analyses which is offered at our Creative Mind Spiritual Focus weekend.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I was in a car with Anne Mary and we were driving to a class. She sees a sign for a garage sale and wants to stop. I’m afraid we will be late for class, but I agree to go. It’s in the evening and I’m thinking ‘It’s probably ended’ but it’s not. I know it is Friday so it’s the first day of the sale and I’m thinking they probably have a lot of stuff left. First I see a beautiful wood dresser in a basement. I look at the price which is $3000.00. I can’t believe how much it is. Then the woman of the house comes downstairs. I find this fancy antique lacy underwear and I’ve never seen anything like it before.

Then I go upstairs and walk around the house. I eat a cookie I find and I’m not sure I should eat it. I hear the TV on and one of my professors is watching it, so I don’t go in the room so I won’t disturb him.

I’m in a room with two of my professors, one male and one female, and some other students. I’m lying in the bed next to Bernadette, chewing gum. The female professor comes over and looks at my eyes to see if I have been taking drugs. I say “No, you know I hate that stuff and I’ve never used it!”. She starts kissing me to see if she tastes drugs. I start laughing because she is kissing me and I think even if I was taking drugs she couldn’t taste it because I was chewing gum.

Next I was watching a scene from “On Golden Pond” where Henry Fonda is talking to Jane Fonda to her about his work, saying what he would have done differently.
In the last part of the dream, I opened a jar of peanut butter and there was green mold growing on top. I went to the chiropractor’s office where I bought it. They opened their jar of peanut butter and it had mold on it also.

(KG,  30,  female college student).

Symbols in this dream..

Car: physical body
Friend : familiar aspect or quality of the dreamer
Class: see school
School: place of learning
Basement : unconscious thinking of the dreamer
Wood dresser : see furniture
Furniture : means to implement the mind’s desires
$3000 : see money
Money : exchange of value
Woman : conscious aspect of the female dreamer
Underwear : see clothes
Clothes : how the dreamer is expressing
Cookie : see food
Food : knowledge
Television : use of imagination for visualization
Professor : see teacher
Teacher : superconscious mind
Bed : a mental tool, usually relaxation, necessary for assimilation (see asleep)
Asleep : signifies assimilation
Chewing gum : see food, teeth
Teeth : means of assimilating knowledge
Drugs : see alcohol
Alcohol : interference with the conscious will
Kiss : loving acknowledgement of a part of Self
Movie : imagination
Henry Fonda : subconscious aspect of female dreamer
Jane Fonda : conscious aspect of female dreamer
Peanut butter : see food
Chiropractor : see doctor
Doctor : superconscious mind

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

Each dream is a personal message to the dreamer about self, offering insight about what he thinks, how he thinks and why he thinks the way he does. The Universal Language of Mind is the Rosetta Stone that unlocks the hidden meaning so the dreamer can understand his dream and apply it to his life. The symbols themselves are universal — they apply to anybody anywhere, regardless of race, creed, religion, social status or economic level. Therefore the interpretation is universal.
The dream symbols used in the dream are personal just as the words someone speaks are personal, expressing a thought in a particular way. The application to the dreamer’s life and life situation is personal. In other words, two different people can have the exact same dream and it will have the same interpretation, but the way the dream relates to their life circumstances may be totally different.

What are the priorities in your life? Are they raising a family and gaining material success? Are they self-development and spiritual fulfillment? Are your physical desires in agreement with your soul’s desires? Your dreams offer guidance to help you fulfill the conscious desires that are in alignment with your subconscious or soul desires. This is evident in KG’s dream. As a college student, one of her priorities is education.

KG’s dream is about education. In fact, she is on her way to a class. The class represents how she learns. Her friend, which represents some conscious way of thinking, becomes distracted by a garage sale sign. Ann Marie then represents one way that KG becomes distracted. Later in the dream, more insight is offered regarding this distraction.

A garage sale is where someone sells what they no longer need or want. The garage sale in the dream represents how KG has done a type of self-assessment, determining what qualities and ways of thinking that are no longer compatible with who she wants to be. Imagine if you want to be more confident and self-assuring. Thoughts of doubt or fear would be attitudes and thought patterns you would want to get rid off, to replace with more productive thinking. That is the case with KG. She is identifying what will and will not help her to produce her ideal image of who she is and wants to be.

The dresser represents an unconscious (since the dresser is in the basement) way of thinking associated with self-worth. Perhaps KG doesn’t see her own worth or how she contributes. Perhaps she doesn’t give herself the credit she deserves though others in her life do. The antique underwear represents a way that KG expressed in the past, perhaps a way that of expressing that is not visible since it is undergarments rather than outer garments.

Exploring other parts of the house represent how KG is getting to know more of herself. The house represents her mind and each room is a particular activity of the mind. The cookie represents knowledge the knowledge gained from some life experience that will feed her soul’s desire for learning. It will be up KG to determine what the knowledge was (and how productive the knowledge was) that she gained in the 24 to 48 hours before the dream. The professor watching television represents how KG uses her imagination.

The second part of the dream illustrates again how KG becomes distracted from her priority. The two professors represent the aggressive (male) and receptive (female) qualities of the superconscious mind.

Chewing is the first step in digestion, breaking food down to smaller particles so the physical body can process it and use the energy. Chewing gum is to chew. This would be like having a thought in your conscious mind something such as worry, guilt, analyzing or some other mental action. It is this way of thinking for KG that produces ‘will-busting’ or the way she procrastinates about making decisions or accomplishing what she wants.

The last part of the dream represents how KG’s learning opportunities become less than ideal when she analyzes, worries, feels guilty or whatever her mental action is represented by the chewing of the gum. KG will benefit the most from her learning opportunities, as each of us will, when those opportunities are fresh in the mind.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
How can KG use this dream? Applying a dream is the most important part of dream interpretation, the practical aspect. KG can determine how she uses her imagination productively and counter-productively. She can also determine what image she has of herself and how she is living up to her image. And last, she can determine how she keeps herself from learning by identifying her distractions – these might be thoughts of worry or guilt, analyzing things in her head or some similar way of thinking. The dream offers her a great deal of insight about how she can pursue the highest form of education, the education of the spirit!

The Dreamer’s Entry
I had a dream recently where my lover was telling me that he couldn’t spend time with me because he was busy helping an old girlfriend who needed his help and comfort while she dealt with some mental and emotional troubles she was having.  He wouldn’t tell me who this girl was, or explain why he needed to devote so much of his time to her.

At one point in the dream, I needed to get to work and for some reason, instead of my car, I was taking a bus.  I wasn’t sure where to meet the bus so I asked him to help.  He quickly ran out the door yelling at me to follow him.  I ran as fast as I could and could always see him, but could never catch up to him.  At one point he yelled back at me not to take a certain detour because the road had been closed.

When I finally reached the place where the bus was going to pick me up, I found my lover dancing around in a very strange fashion.  I tried to get him to tell me more of his relationship with this girl, but he was very concerned that someone would overhear us talking.  My boss was at the bus stop trying desperately to overhear our conversation.

When the bus came, I got on and realized that the bus was full of small children.  We had just stared down the road, when suddenly there was a huge bird at the side of the road that was dead.  Another, of the same type of bird swooped down and picked up the dead bird in its arms and flew off with it.

A few seconds later the same scenario happened, but instead of being at the side of the road, the birds were right in front of the bus. This time the bird was even sadder looking when it swooped down and picked up the dead one.

At that point I awakened. Any thoughts you could give me on this dream would certainly be interesting.

Thank you,
Symbols in this dream..

Lover: subconscious aspect that dreamer is in harmony with
Old girlfriend: conscious aspect
Work: how dreamer is choosing to be productive in life to promote growth and learning
Car: automobile: physical body
Bus: organization
Running: rapid mental motion
Detour: deviating from achieving goal
Road: dreamer’s direction in life
Dancing: coordination of aspects producing harmony in thinking
Boss: superconscious mind
Small children:  new, recently developed ideas
Bird: compulsive thoughts in subconscious mind
Death: change

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…
This dream is about how you were using conscious and subconscious minds today.  You have a strong relationship with your subconscious mind symbolized by your lover who is very involved in your activities.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
Earlier in your life your relationship with subconscious mind was more unconscious (his old girlfriend) and you had the opportunity today to make some of that conscious (the troubles).  You want to know the answers, feel your subconscious mind has them but is not forthcoming with them.  You probably “felt” you knew the right thing to do but weren’t sure.

Rather than stay in that mental condition or “head space” you put your attention, with the help of others, back on how you’re being productive with your life and how you are promoting your learning and growth.  You found your mind racing which caused a delay to reaching a goal.  You might have gotten distracted and missed a deadline.

At some point today you changed the direction your life was taking and aligned yourself with your inner authority.  Maybe this was standing up for someone or yourself or trusting your instincts or doing the right thing.  However it expressed the change brought many new ideas but you have yet to make them yours.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I’m stranded on an “uninhabited” island.

That week a movie was to be shown on television about a Japanese and an American soldier who got stranded together on an uninhabited island. I did not watch the movie but had seen it already ten years before.

In the dream I too bump into Japanese soldiers. They live on the beach around large campfires. They are not hostile and in fact invite me to join their project. In the jungle they have already built great parts of a city with wood and cardboard. The façades have been crafted in great details and there even are metal garbage cans in the streets. On the inside however the houses are empty. But they all have roofs and this gives me the idea to set up residence in one of the rudimentary interiors. I tell this to the Japanese and ask why they don’t live in the houses themselves. Their answer is that they can’t afford to pay the rent. Suddenly, (don’t ask me why) I too find that the rent is too high.

FOOB, male

Symbols in this dream…

Island : removal attention from physical world
Japan :  foreign country:  unfamiliar condition of mind
Soldiers : aspects of self, disciplined
Campfires : expansion
Jungle : subconscious existence
City : condition of mind where aspects are connected
Facades : outer presentation, ideas only
Garbage cans : trash:  no value, no longer needed
Streets :  direction dreamer taking toward goals
Houses :  mind
Pay :  assessment of worth, exchange of valued energies

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

What happens when we try to escape from something in life?  This dream answers this for one dreamer.

During the day or so preceding this dream, you just wanted either it or you to go away, so you retreated into the inner mind, most probably through sleep but drugs or alcohol are other ways of doing so.  However you have a sense of discipline, that is unfamiliar to you, that can cause experience in how you think.  These aspects symbolized by the Japanese soldiers have drawn upon subconscious mind in superficial ways without giving anything in return (the facades and empty houses).

The disciplined aspects realize they are not worthy of using mind in this way.  You admit this yourself when in the dream you discover you can not afford the rent.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:
This dream is encouraging the dreamer to evaluate his/her values, to discern what is most important to the self.  Becoming aware of the place discipline holds in creating your life, heightens awareness and increases the capacity for responding to what brings you.  This dream reveals the way you dealt with situations during your day.  This may very well be a pattern for you.  The pattern looks like this to your subconscious mind:
When you desire to escape, your will takes over, programming your subconscious mind, and you begin functioning automatically.  Many of the ideas in this programming are incomplete and so the direction they lead you is of no value to you.  Because the mind is not engaged, no learning takes place.  When you run from situations in your life, this is where you live.
It will help to realize your thoughts are real; they have substance and use energy.  The truth of your dream is you need to give more rather than avoid what is transpiring in your life.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I am at a part in a house with a large amount of people when a young woman and man walk in with three children.  They ask for a man named “Luke” stating they have brought his two nieces and nephews for him to see and if he doesn’t hurry they will leave and he won’t get to see them again.  We call out for Luke but cannot find him, the couple leave with the children and then Luke appears in the room.  When we relay the message to him, he becomes very excited and runs out the door to follow them.  My boyfriend then appears and he and I get into a car and follow Luke in his vehicle.  We drive through a city and arrive at a stockyard and see Luke running ahead of us.  At that time, a very large grey bull appears and runs after Luke.

The next moment I am in a room with three other men and we are standing near a small table and chair occupied by a mousy man with glasses.  The man calls “Next” and people continue to line up beside me.  As he continues to call “next”, he skips me each time.  I finally ask why, “Okay, you are next.”

I see in front of him several papers or documents and my passport, which seems to stand out and is much more blue that normal.  He voices to others hovering near the table if they know where I have been, and where I am going?  They ignore him  He slams his fist down on the table, and again makes the statement.   This time the woman and two men sitting at the table turn their heads and acknowledge him by shaking their heads yes.

With that the man turns to me, and there is a huge gush of water emitting from his eyes.  He says, “Please excuse me, but I had the misfortune to sign your former husband’s death certificate 4 years ago.  I don’t want to sign yours.  Your boyfriend is a good man.”

BA, female

Symbols in this dream…

House:  Symbolizes the dreamer’s mind
People: Aspects of self
Young Woman: Aspect of conscious mind (same sex as dreamer)
Men: Aspects of subconscious mind (opposite sex)
Children: Developing aspects of self
Luke: Aspect of subconscious mind
Door : Access to a place in mind
Boyfriend: Aspect of subconscious mind
Car: Physical body
City: Condition of mind where many aspects are connected
Stockyard: Collection of many habits (animals)
Running: Rapid forward motion
Bull : Habit
Room : Place in dreamer’s mind
Table/Chair: Tools of mind such as concentration, awareness, visualization
Glasses : Need to improve perception
Documents :    Information available to dreamer
Passport : Way of identification of self
Water : Conscious life experiences
Eyes : Perception
Death: Change
Death Certificate :Acknowledgment of change in self
Husband : Commitment to wholeness

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind….
You are making significant self discoveries that are reforming the way you see yourself.  Here’s how the dream reveals this…

You were learning about new parts of yourself today, one in particular was important to you, the aspect of your subconscious mind known as Luke.  You want this quality but it at first eludes you.  When you do bring out this desired quality, you lose sight of the other qualities that called them forth.  (It’s like driving to the store and once you’re there forgetting what you came there for.)  You wanted to integrate all of these parts of you but you fell short due to a very habitual way of thinking.  A predominant habit kept you from identifying “Luke”.

You were also drawing upon unfamiliar parts of your subconscious mind which have been attempting to fulfill your desires.  In this way your identity has changed, both consciously and subconsciously.  This has been a result of your choices.  Whatever is new in your life brought new awarenesses to you today while teaching you the value of soul growth.
Putting the Dream into Your Life:
This first part of your dream focuses on the subconscious aspect of yourself symbolized by “Luke”.  You seem to not recognize this person when you relate your dream so you will want to look at his actions in your dream:  he is elusive to the people in your dream and being chased by a bull.  This aspect probably has to do with a habit that you are just now becoming aware of (hence he has a name in your dream even when you don’t know him in waking life).  Discerning Luke’s dream activity it would be helpful for you to look for tendencies of stopping then rushing, for instance  procrastinating, then doing a flurry of catch-up activity.

Your dream then focuses on subconscious aspects and your identity.  You want to be recognized by your subconscious mind and today you were.  Today’s experienced caused you to think more deeply about your thoughts and actions.  This dream is encouraging this self-reflection.  Be it looking for the cause of something happening in your life or identifying the purpose for your existence or  coming to know your spiritual progenitor, intuitive abilities can help you in finding the answers.

By developing courage and perceiving clearly the way things are, you will cause movement toward your desire and openly embrace the parts of yourself that you do not want to face.  Be in the present moment and create a meaningful purpose for everything you do.  You have some determination to discover truth, and this quality does help you to arrive at the cause of whatever situation you are in.  You will find that your mind is very strong when you have a clear purpose.  Your dream messages will always show you truth and guidance, by interpreting them, will you understand these messages.

The Dreamer’s Entry

Some people and I were walking down a dirt road. We passed a house where my brother lived and walked on by. We then saw my brother walking home from school. Everybody was making fun of his purple hair. I ran up to ask him why he wasn’t living with Mom anymore and he didn’t tell me.

Then I was walking in my hometown and there were large planes being destroyed by terrorists. I ran as fast as I could to avoid disaster. I then came to a place where lots of construction-workers and machinery were working. They burned trash in the bed of the huge earth movers which were partially buried underneath the ground. I remember someone saying never go anywhere alone because people were turning up dead everywhere. A construction worker was killed because he fell into a place and got buried.

As I was walking to my home through a small alley way with trees and leaves on the ground, I prayed for God to help me, to protect me and then I saw this stuff lying on the ground. I took it home and it was a sword and a sheath disguised to look like a walking stick. (JC, male, 18)

Symbols in this dream…

Road: dreamers direction in life
House: dreamer’s mind
Brother : familiar aspect of the dreamer
Mom, mother: superconscious mind
People: aspects of the dreamer
Truck: the physical body
Earth : subconscious mind substance
School : place for learning
Hair : conscious thoughts
Planes : organizations of people
Fire: expansion
Terrorists : see “people”
Construction workers: see “people”
Construction equipment: see “truck”
Death: change
Alley: abbreviated means to a goal
Trees : subconscious existence
God: unknown creation
Praying : aggressive communication towards unknown creation
Sword : tool for change

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind….

Each dream is a personal message to the dreamer about self, offering insight about what he thinks, how he thinks and why he thinks the way he does. The Universal Language of Mind is the Rosetta Stone that unlocks the hidden meaning so the dreamer can understand his dream and apply it to his life. The symbols themselves are universal they apply to anybody anywhere, regardless of race, creed, religion, social status or economic level. Therefore the interpretation is universal. The dream symbols used in the dream are personal just as the words someone speaks are personal, expressing a thought in a particular way. The application to the dreamer’s life and life situation is personal. In other words, two different people can have the exact same dream and it will have the same interpretation, but the way the dream relates to their life circumstances may be totally different.

This dream, perhaps like some of your own, sounds like it might make a good plot for the next Hollywood thriller. This dream is a spiritual thriller. It is a tale of a quest and a young hero lost in a spiritual desert, far from where his soul desires to be. On his journey, he is fraught with many dangers but along the way he discovers who he is and how he can return home.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

The first part of the dream tells us of our hero’s past, where he has come from. There are parts of himself he has yet to discover, but there is also present a familiar way of thinking, a way of being that is spiritual in nature represented by the brother. ‘Purple hair’ represents spiritual thoughts and returning from school reveals spiritual growth and learning. The unanswered question about his brother’s living arrangements relates our hero’s dilemma, his dragon to battle. The answer has to do with his spiritual consciousness. As he creates and lives this consciousness, this is where he will find happiness and fulfillment, where his soul will find ‘home’.

Consider perhaps that JC knows how to meditate. This is a spiritual practice, a way of thinking and being. He is a master meditator. He loves to meditate. He can meditate for hours. People from all over know he is a great meditator. If JC meditates so others will know how great he is, meditation won’t help him get ‘home’. If his mission is to teach others to meditate, then meditating alone won’t get our hero home either. Only teaching meditation will. But our young hero is yet to discover what he should be doing with his life.

In part two of the dream, our hero is in the present, where he is now in his spiritual growth and development. It is a familiar place but in unfamiliar and uncomfortable conditions. There is uncontrolled change occurring in his life, changes he has neither planned for nor consciously identified, represented by the acts of terrorism and the unfamiliar people dying in the dream. He is experiencing changes in an organization, changes he doesn’t want, changes he’s ‘running from’.

Perhaps he’s discovered that, despite his natural comfort with meditation, he’s uneasy with the prospect of teaching meditation, of the responsibility or maturity that is required in such an endeavor. The desire of the soul is to gather understandings, to build something permanent as a result of the lifetime and the lifetime experiences, as symbolized by the construction workers and construction equipment. To glean understandings, the dreamer must let go of what is no longer useful, the ‘trash’, transforming that mental energy to cause expansion. Have you ever experienced thoughts of guilt, worry or condemnation that were all consuming, where you couldn’t think of anything else? This is an example of ‘trash’ that, when put in its proper place, releases a great deal of mental and emotional energy that can be used productively.

Our young hero discovers something else about himself, ‘the earth movers partially buried underground’ are permanent understandings that are part of his soul, his spiritual makeup and strengths he can use and rely on. To ‘never go anywhere alone’ sets a Biblical tone akin to John’s letters to the churches in Revelation. In the letters and in this dream, the admonition is to be aware of the strengths that have been built.

The final episode gives JC a glimpse of the future, where our hero is going, how he will get ‘home’. In the dream, he is on his way home indicating another step deeper into self. The dream progression has been from the house where his brother lived to his hometown to finally coming home. The ‘small alley’ is similar to the Biblical reference to a ‘straight and narrow path’ meaning the disciplined way of life this is the path that will lead him home into the inner levels of his own consciousness. To pray means to use creative visualization, to formulate a desire and image it in his mind. God symbolizes unknown creation. JC has the freedom to create his life in any way he imagines. The result of JC’s prayer is how he can begin causing change in his life. His thoughts are real, they have substance. His visualized thoughts is how he will cause change in his life, how he will move forward.

Evident throughout the dream is our hero’s unawareness. He is unaware of where his brother is living. He is unaware of who the people are that are dying or how they died. The disguised sword is his lack of awareness of how to cause change. The inherent desire from the soul is to cause greater and greater self-awareness, to cause change within the Self for spiritual growth, awareness and fulfillment. Like the mythical Odysseus, ou modern day hero’s journey home is one of enlightenment.

The Dreamer’s Entry

My mother and I were entering a crowded auditorium and I was afraid she might get lost. We went down to the front and sat in the second row. As soon as I sat down I noticed that my mother was not there.

Looking around, I spotted her standing at the top of the stairs leading onto the stage. She was standing there observing a panel of experts discuss spiritual education and the ideals of their organization. There was fencing or a barricade around the stage enclosing the panelists and my mother was on the outside of the fence which she could see over clearly. The fence was slight, just a string type fence.

I went up the stairs and brought my mother back to our row of seats. She was in front of me and scurried through the row and went back up to her place at the top of the stage stairs. I didn’t follow her.

(BS, female, Chicago, IL)

Symbols in this dream…

mother: superconscious mind
auditorium: place in mind
stairs: astral projection, way of moving within the inner levels of consciousness
experts: aspects who are aware
fence: a limitation in thinking

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind….

This dreamer has reached a point of accessing the way she sees herself and the world as symbolized by the crowded auditorium. She is concerned that she is losing touch with her inner authority (losing her mother) and in fact is realizing ways this has already happened.

The dream reveals it this way: what she is learning in her everyday life, as symbolized by the dream-experts, is causing her to rely upon authority rooted in the physical world separating  (fence) her from her own Higher Self.  The separation is clear, something her inner authority can easily discern, something BS has not seen until now.

She aligns her consciousness with her Higher Self once again but fails to surrender to that greater good and so remains separated from that inner authority.

Putting the dream into life:

This woman is conscientious about her communion with her Higher Self, her superconscious mind. She is continually vigilant most probably through prayer and/or meditation. It is serving her well. She has a very full consciousness, an active mind. In fact she has reached a point where she can now more clearly understand her reason for existing; it is more than what “meets the eye”, what the dream-experts discuss. She may be realizing there is a greater reason for everything that happens in her life. The question the dream poses is, will the understanding be based upon inner spiritual communion as symbolized by her dream-mother or her outer experiences of spirituality defined by the dream-experts and dream-crowd?

The Dreamer’s Entry

Last night I had 3 kind of crazy dreams.  First I entered my office to find that the office beside mine had knocked out my wall and taken over my office.  I had moved to the break room, and I was okay with it.  (I get along great with the girl next to my office).

Then I looked across the room into another office, and the room was filled with about 50 totally white chickens.  They were all over the office and the girl inside didn’t seem to mind at all.  The chickens were quite calm and did not leave the boundaries of her office.

Then the dream switched and I was visiting a patient that I used to see several years ago when I was a home health nurse.  I walked into the house and from floor to ceiling the place was covered with ice and ice sculptures.  There were two cats in the house and they began to bite at me which was both scary and annoying.  I stayed a while for the visit and then left.
That’s it.  Thanks so much for your interpretation.

JZ, female

Symbols in this dream…

Office: Place in mind where learning and growth occur.
Wall: Barrier
Break Room: A place in mind for relaxation.
Girl: Aspect of Self
Chickens:  Habitual or compulsive ways of thinking
Patient: Aspect of self that needs to be healed
Ice, Ice Sculptures:   Unchanging life experiences
Cats: Habitual or compulsive ways of thinking

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

What may have seemed like three different dreams are actually parts of one message.  When interpreted you will see they are very connected.

Your dream says you have gone beyond previous limits but you’re unaware as to how. You need to relax in growth.  This helps you realize the habits you have formed about learning. You have the capacity to assist in wholeness but an aspect of yourself has remained the same – reacting the same over and over in your conscious, waking mind.  You are now more attentive to habits and are coming closer to changing them.

Changes have occurred in this dreamer’s life which have moved him (or her) out of a productive way of growth and learning into a passive way of thinking due to many habitual thoughts.  This is causing the dreamer’s life experiences to be stagnant and unchanging.  The dreamer thinks he has been using his creative abilities to cause change in his life, as represented by the ice sculptures, but is not really doing anything new or different to cause new learning and growth.  The dreamer is becoming aware that this way of thinking is beginning to cause pain and fear in his life.

Putting the Dream into Your Life:

Suggestions….It would be helpful to create an ideal and purpose for each activity you, the dreamer, engage in.  In other words, image yourself being/having what you desire and how it will free you to be/express in more expansive ways.  See yourself as delegating authority if you want to be a manager.  Image yourself as being kind, considerate and loving if you want to move your relationship toward emotional commitment.  Begin being what you desire.

Go even further…Create new and more difficult challenges in life to overcome in order to learn from and cause meaningful change.  Set yourself up to speak in front of fifty people.  Learn to skydive.  Go on a juice fast.  Use reasoning to create and cause new experiences that will stretch and build upon what you have already learned and built within yourself.  Doing this will help make your life happier and more joyful.

The Dreamer’s Entry


The dream started out with me being two separate entities. A physical body and a spirit body.  I knew that I was burned very badly, and had died in a burning car crash.  I never saw my physical body, but I was watching it all from above for a while.  I saw people look at my body which was half in and half out of the car, then cringe from the sight.

At some point in the dream, I saw a dog approach and get ready to attack.   My spirit self drew back and cringed, waiting for pain from the maul, but I felt nothing.  I didn’t actually see the dog viciously maul the body.  (just saw it bite the arm) But I somehow knew that’s what it was there for.  Then I saw a large bird land nearby and walk over to the body and poke at it, but again, there was no pain felt by me.  It bothered me a little to see ‘A’ body being poked and prodded by an animal, but I didn’t think or feel anything personal with it.

I wasn’t upset at being dead myself, but I knew that I had to tell my loved ones, and that greatly distressed me. I knew everyone was going to be at a dinner party, and I knew I had to get there some way.

In my dream, I remember looking around wondering how I was supposed to get from point A to point B.  No one told me how to do that. So, I sat down on the passenger side of the ‘spirit’ crashed car and waited.  I remember thinking how strange that I would sit on that side instead of the drivers side.But suddenly the car flew off (off the ground) and I suddenly found myself in the kitchen of the dinner party.  I was helping the kitchen staff prepare for the party.  The staff knew that I was dead, and was there in spirit form.  They were also distressed because I had to tell my loved ones.  They could actually FEEL what I felt.  They knew that I was all right myself, but their compassion showed for what they knew would be difficult for me to do.  I remember looking out from the kitchen, and seeing my mother and a few other loved ones entering the dinner party.

Then, I woke up.   I thought it was odd that I KNEW I was in my spirit body, and felt no pain or remorse from the physical body at all.  I watched people cringing from the sight of my physical body, and I watched as the dog and bird went into attack mode. The only pain I felt was the heartfelt distress of having to tell my loved ones.  (but that was about THEM, not ME) Of course, how I was supposed to tell them myself is confusing, looking at it now.  But it seemed natural in my dream.

Symbols in this dream…

physical body:   signifies the mental attitudes of the dreamer
spirit body:     signifies the mental energy of the dreamer
car:    Represents the mind, specifically spirituality
people: Aspects of dreamer
burned: related to fire:  meaning expansion
dog (animal):    compulsive thought
arm:   purposeful intention
bird:compulsive thoughts in subconscious mind
dead:   signifies a change that has been experienced
kitchen: condition of mind where knowledge is available
dinner party:    opportunity receive knowledge

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

This is a most illuminating dream, the dream of someone who thinks deeply about life.  The dream begins as a health dream not because the physical body is burned but because there was the burning car crash.  Automobiles in a dream signify your body, when it’s wrecked in a dream that means you need to pay attention to your health.  It is compulsive thoughts about your intention (the thoughts behind your acts) that are affecting your mental and subconscious attitudes.  Your habits are more than physical they are imbedded in brain pathways and in subconscious mind pathways.  You realize this, but you aren’t doing anything about it.

The result has been a change in you, one you are willing to accept.  Your challenge  is aligning the familiar aspects of yourself
to the change.  You are seeking knowledge that will aid in this, in fact actively pursuing it.  You are now experiencing the impact of the change emotionally, and this dream lets you know about it so you can prepare to receive it physically.

Putting the dream into life….

The way you have been using your thoughts and energies has overridden your current physical capacities.  Maybe you have gone overboard with dietary and exercise changes, but more likely you have began realizing a connection between positive/negative thinking and increased/depleted energy.  The important thing is to identify the habitual way you get what you want.  Intentions are the thoughts behind our actions.  They are so important that the Bible even notes, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  The Hindu talks about “Right thinking”, meaning the intention that will bring the resolve of Karma.  Be more alert to your intentions, every day.  Change those you don’t find acceptable.  Build on those you do.  This will deepen your understanding.

As for garnering the support of other aspects of yourself, this is self discipline.  As you elevate your purposes (intentions) you will find it easier to bring to you what you desire.  This is the essence of self discipline.  Since you are experiencing the difference between mind and energy and matter, I would recommend the Mastering Consciousness course taught through the School of Metaphysics.  It provides you with lessons and spiritual/mental practices that will enhance your awareness and command of the multidimensional consciousness existing within.  Whether through correspondence or at one of our branches, you will have a teacher who has studied and applied the teachings to help guide you and answer questions.

It will also aid you to understand the workings of your emotions.  Emotions express in two ways; they act in subconscious mind and react in the conscious mind.  By expanding our consciousness beyond the limits of the body and physical world, we can know ourselves in six other worlds.  One of these is the emotional level of consciousness.  Your dream indicates you are exploring this level as well as other subconscious levels.  I would encourage you to take advantage of literally centuries of experience by hundreds of people.

The Dreamer’s Entry
I’m walking with a friend (female but don’t know who). We’re walking along by the sea, along a wall, when we notice that a bit of the sea has been cornered off by a wall, sort of making an enclosure. In it is a boat, so we dive in to see what’s going on.

When we get on the boat, my friend is now my friend Sarah, and she says that she’s been studying dolphins on this boat. One dolphin jumps out of the water and moves towards the boat. These dolphins don’t actually look like dolphins though! It’s really odd. Sarah tells me that there’s another dolphin under the boat but it’s shy, so I jump into the water to see it. Whenever I swim underwater in dreams I can always breathe, so that was no problem.  I saw the dolphin and it gave me a shy smile. Then I noticed some huge furry starfish on the side of the walls. I went to see them and as I swam past, I brushed against one and it felt really nice! For some reason I thought of my mum then.

Anyway, I surfaced and climbed out of the walled off bit of the sea via a ladder. I was standing on a wall, looking at the shore. On the sea’s horizon, there were lots of waterspouts, and a huge storm cloud with loads of lightning. My family were in the water, as well as lots of other people, so I had to go and warn them.

Then I was with my boyfriend on the wall, and we had to jump in and swim to shore, taking everyone with us. But the sea had little whirlpools in it, so when we jumped in we had to avoid them. Then all I remember was swimming to shore, screaming to everyone to get out of the water because a storm was coming. Everyone got out, and I remember finding my family and then the dream changed.

It was the next day and I was walking along the beach with 2 friends. We were looking for the enclosed bit where the boat was, but as we were walking, we saw little paper boats coming towards us from the sea. I told my friends to go warn people because we were being invaded and they ran off. As the paper boats got nearer, they changed into huge warships (sort of like Viking ships). The leader of the ships came over and started shouting that he needed a healer. The crew told him that he killed the last one so he needed a new one. Then 2 different friends of mine (2 guys) were beside me and grabbed my arms and said that I was a healer, but I wasn’t human. I didn’t fight them because I knew it was true. The leader from the ship said it didn’t matter and took me into an elevator that was on the beach.

Then we went down and were in a cafe. He told me to sit down and eat because this had all been a part of the Role Play Society here at University.

Long dream I know. But the bit that keeps coming up is the storm.

Thanks for your help.
Take care!

Symbols in this dream…

Friend (female, unknown): unknown conscious aspect
sea:  conscious life experiences
wall:        limit in the thinking
boat:        physical body
Sarah:        familiar conscious aspect
dolphins:    animals: habits
breathe:    cosmic energy
starfish:    fish:  symbolize compulsive thinking
mum:        superconscious aspect
ladder:        means to move from one inner level to another
storm:        turmoil
Family:    familiar aspects
boyfriend:    subconscious aspect
day:        awareness
paper boats:    toys:  ways to use imagination
warships:    organization
leader:        aspect of self
heal:        make whole
Role Play Society:  theater:  imaginative frame of mind
University:     place in mind for learning

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind….
You are using your conscious mind to understand your experiences.  Drawing on an aspect of Self symbolized by Sarah, you can use your brain more effectively.  This aspect of yourself can identity what is memory (symbolized by the dolphins) and what is imagination (symbolized by the dolphins that aren’t really dolphins).
You use your energy in waking life toward reasoning while being compulsively linked you to Superconscious.  As you explore reasoning, you can perceive trouble before it happens thus direct aspects of self to be prepared.  This brings new awarenesses to you.
There is a difference between what you imagine and what actually manifests, or occurs in your life.  This is particularly concerning people and groups.  This brings conflict into your life.  There is an awareness that you possess what is necessary to bring wholeness into your life, resolve, because you are a reasoner.
The answer seems to lie in your capacity to imagine.  The dream says you are in a place of learning where knowledge is available to you concerning imagination.

Putting the dream into life…
To understand and respond to this dream realize the reasoning power in the conscious, waking mind is threefold.  First, memory is the faculty to resonate to experiences which have passed.  These experiences happened to us but no longer are happening in the present.  They are only real in our recall of them.  They are helpful in making learning efficient as well as certain.  Until we learn the lessons we are here to learn, the situations keep manifesting in our lives for the opportunities.  For instance, if we need to learn to give unconditional love to a sibling, we will have that opportunity repeatedly.  It may come through direct interaction with a brother or sister, or it may come in the form of a good friend that we “love like a sister”.  The opportunity will be there.
The second component of reasoning is imagination.  This is the creative faculty to build upon memory in a new way, thus inventing something new, be it a device, a relationship, or most importantly our own thoughts and attitudes!  Imagination sparks forward thinking, evolution, illumination.  It is the wonderful faculty of “What if” that frees our minds and hearts to become aligned in the present with love and hope.
The third element is attention.  Attention is directed by the will.  t is the sense of the mind.  Physically, the body possesses five senses with which to receive experiences of our outer world.  Attention enables us to experience in the inner world, the inner mind and is the key to bringing past and future into the NOW.
Your dream is about you as a reasoner and how you conduct your life.  It speaks of when you are aligned with your own divinity, your inner authority, and when you are compulsive in thought.   Because you remain connected to Superconscious mind, you have an entrainment, an alignment of conscious and subconscious minds that gives you the “gift” of clairvoyance.  When you draw upon reasoning, you can see lines of probabilities.  This requires a still mind, and can be cultivated purposefully.
Your challenge is to separate true clairvoyant experiences from “it might be just my imagination” type conscious thinking.  This distracts you from the truth.  Self doubt is the result.
Stilling the conscious mind, gives you the understanding and control you are lacking.  By practicing concentration exercises you can hone this skill, thus having a greater degree of understanding in your life which will free you from the “storm”y turmoil that sometimes surfaces on the horizon.

The Dreamer’s Entry
My dream starts out on a long pier.  On the pier there is first a grocery store, then scrap metal yard, and finally a Chinese herb stand.  Across from the pier is an island.  At first I am in the grocery store shopping.  I seem to be confused why I am there and can’t remember to many details.  Suddenly, I am viewing the pier as described above.  Then I am whisked to the far end of the pier at the opposite side of the Chinese herb stand.  As I am standing there my Sifu (Tai Chi instructor) shows up.  Things seem very serene and he tells me that he wants to show the herbs at the Chinese stand.  We walk over, there is an older Chinese woman standing behind the herbs, and he begins to tell what the herbs are and how the benefit.  He then says that he has to leave and we say goodbye. 


I am now standing out away from the stand with first my three year old daughter and then she changes to my seven year old daughter.  In flash my daughter runs behind the Chinese stand and jumps into the water.  I am terrified.  The pier is very high, the water is icy cold and so I jump in the water to save her.  Suddenly I emerge from the water looking back at the pier and my daughter is standing by the stand glaring at me with a blank expression.  It’s as though she had planned for me to jump in to hurt me. 

I immediately start swimming for the scrap yard because there in rusted metal debris piled into the water but as I begin to struggle up the pile the rusted, sharp metal begins to fall out from under me.  In fear of being cut by it or worse drug to the bottom of the water.  I swim out away from it.  It is now apparent that I have no way of getting out of the water and am not the greatest swimmer.  Suddenly some force pushes me under the water at a high speed.  I keep surfacing gasping for air (as I see the pier moving farther away) and I am getting closer to the island behind me.  It seems to be a force that is trying to kill me.  I can feel the cold water all around my body and my feet dangling with what seemed to be no bottom to the water.  As I get pushed under my feet are pushed farther down in the water and my eyes are open looking at the light above the water and still moving at a rapid speed further out.  I come up one more time now facing the island, it is getting very close, but I know that I will not make it. 

At this point I realize I am dreaming and must know what or who is pushing down in the water.  As I turn I am once again pushed deep into the water but as I am looking up I can make out a silhouette of a child I believe to me my daughter.  She is trying to drown me. 

Out of shock I jolted awake from my dream.  What is strange is that the dream does not stop.  My eyes are wide open, I am definitely awake, but I can still see the dream as if inside my head.  Almost like having duel vision.  I can’t shake it so I turn over in bed and see three white figures moving slowly on my bedroom door (all equal sized).  It scared me so I closed my eyes.

Still the dream continued until I had to pray for it to go away.

I hope you can help.  Sorry if it is too wordy.


Symbols in the dream…

pier:  see bridge:  a means of transition in life
grocery store:  act of giving or procuring knowledge
metal yard:  act of giving or gaining structure
China:  foreign country:  unfamiliar condition of mind
herb:  plants:  subconscious knowledge
Sifu:    Teacher:  Superconscious aspect
older Chinese woman:  unfamiliar conscious aspect
3 yr. old daughter:    conscious idea way of life
7 yr. old daugher:    conscious idea way of life
water:  conscious life experience
swimming:  directing life experiences
island:  removal of attention from physical
feet:  spiritual foundation
eyes:  receiving information through perception
drown: see swimming:  drowning indicates dreamer is overwhelmed by experiences

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

This dream is about how the dreamer feels about her life.  She is trying to make a transition in her life involving how she gives and receives.  Knowledge and structure are important elements to her, but only in an objective sense, rather than a practical one
Her sense of superconsciousness or inner authority is known to her through how she uses energy.  She’s been drawing on superconscious energy for a long time but without realizing it.  Something has caused the dreamer to become aware of the importance of giving and receiving with her own inner self.

The dream shifts to what is keeping her from making this transition, to being able to go to a new level of giving and receiving.  This is the conflict between two different ideas of how she will live her life.  Each is symbolized by one of her daughters.  She is trying to put both together and the result is losing control of her direction and ability to function in her daily experiences.  She is increasingly overwhelmed, no matter how hard she tries, it just doesn’t seem to be working.

Through what she knows to be true and her willingness to admit what was before unknown to her she realizes it is this idea of a new way of life that is causing her distress.  It is changing her in ways she does not welcome.
Putting the Dream into Your Life…

This dream may be in reference to something specific that happened the day before the dream, but it also has the flavor of a deeper message that probably has been brewing in the dreamer’s mind for a while.  A key is identifying what the transition is that she is trying to make.  Whatever it is, the idea of it is incomplete otherwise the dream image would be a bridge that spans from one side of the water to the other.

Water is core in this dream and so the entire dream is about how the dreamer is faring in life.  The key here are the daughters – the two ways of life that this one has been trying to blend into one with disasterous results.  Maybe this is trying to merge two families.  The strain of divorce and remarriage can be a toll especially when we expect things to be like they were or have fixed ideas of what we want them to be.  Maybe she is trying to be a “working mother”, trying to cram two full time endeavors into the space of the same time.  Maybe it is something more visceral like trying to merge two religious beliefs into one workable system and finding the task overwhelming.

Whatever these are, this dreamer needs to come back to what she believes her purpose in life is.  Beyond conscious desires, even beyond subconscious missions, her answer is in the connection with superconscious mind for besides her daughters and the older woman she doesn’t know, he is the only other person in her dream.  We all draw from superconsciousness. This is the source of chi, cosmic energy, prana, ki, eternal infinite energy. We receive this energy into mind thus energizing our individuality.  This dreamer has understandings concerning the use of this energy that may well be the key to taking control of her life in a way that harmonizes with her inner authority.

The Dreamer’s Entry
Hi, I am only 15 years old, turning 16 really soon. I have a great fear of losing teeth. I never had that much of a problem when I was losing my baby teeth when I as younger, but it seems I have a problem it now. I lost all of my baby teeth when I was in 4th grade. It grosses me out now to see someone wiggle their teeth when they are loose, not people my age, but the kids I babysit for. And the more and more I see loose teeth I get more wigged out. And I can’t remember when but I frequently have dreams that I am doing something and they fall out.

Last night I had this dream, and I told my parents and they said that losing teeth has meaning, and considering my family had a fight yesterday I came on here to find out the meaning and came to your sight. This is my dream:

I was in my school and in the front of the building before the main stairway. But it wasn’t really the entrance way it was different because the stairs weren’t really there, instead there was some jungle theme like a hut covered with flowers and a stream. And people were supposed to gather for big group pictures. I had already taken a couple I think.

I kind of went to another dream where I was on a little forest/jungle excursion or something because I was with people I didn’t know, or just that I can’t remember their faces now. We were sitting on a stone ledge, kind of like the one my cousins have around their lake. Then we were in the swamp muddy water below looking at the creatures in it and trying to catch them to learn how to eat it when we are “camping”.
Then I had to go to take another group picture but I was late when I got there and I didn’t know anyone and I didn’t know where I was supposed to stand. There were 3 different groups and we were all to be standing on bleachers like they do when you have a chorus recital/concert. I just stood on one side up to the front because it had to be in size order and I am taller than most people. So I go towards the front and I am standing by some popular guys in the school who are really short but they are just fooling around and not in the right spot. I try to find out from people where to stand but no one says. I see some of my friends, J* and this other girl L* who I am not that friendly with. They are with my best friend K* so I stand by them. I am standing up there on the top bleacher and I am a lot taller than everyone so I try to bend down a little to be up to their height.

Then we are all supposed to sit. And I don’t know which grade group I am in. The people to the right of me aren’t even in my grade they must be the failing group I think ’cause they are in a grade but this is only sophomores. So I am thinking I am with my friends who get A’s like me so I should be in the right group but most of my other friends are on the other side so I am confused on where to go. Then this kid sitting next to me puts his arm around me and then takes it off. I slide back somehow and he puts his arm around K*. This boy is from the Disney movie alley cats. The black boy who is friends with the main character but isn’t the hot shot one. And I ask her, “Since when have you guys been going out?” She just turns around and doesn’t answer. (Just recently in real life she had a boyfriend going back out with her ex actually and forgot to tell me and then forgot to tell me they broke up.)

All of a sudden he disappears and I am sitting by her with J* slightly behind me and this L* girl next to me but not talking to me ’cause I am facing K*. I start to talk to her and this whole time that things are happening I feel like my teeth are loose. And then all of a sudden it bothers me so much I feel it with my tongue ’cause I don’t know if it really is or not. And it is and it is so loose. And I can’t talk ’cause I am afraid it will fall out but it does and I don’t want to swallow it so I spit it out. And I show K* and I am horrified because these are the teeth that are supposed to be there. But no one is paying attention. No one cares and then I feel in my mouth others loose and falling out. They are in my hand some barely hanging on in my mouth. I can’t do anything ’cause I know I’ll swallow or lose them. And I am scared.
And then my dad woke me up.

Can you please tell me what this means? Because it is similar to other dreams but what I have read it is so various, with so many diverse meanings. And I would like to know what could have caused it. They all end with my teeth falling into my hands or under my tongue or in my mouth or something. I hope you can find an answer thank you


Symbols in the dream

school:  a place for learning

stairway:  way of moving from one level of mind to another

jungle:  subconscious existence that is foreign to dreamer

flowers:  subconscious existence produced by dreamer

stream:  water:  conscious life experiences

people:    aspects of dreamer

pictures:  manifested thought forms

forest/jungle:    subconscious existence

stone:    will in subconscious mind

muddy water::  blending of conscious life experience and subconscious existence

creatures::  unidentified habits

J*:  familiar conscious aspect

L*:  familiar conscious aspect

K*:  familiar conscious aspect

grade:  level of learning

boy: subconscious aspect

movie: imagination

teeth: means of assimilating knowledge so it can be used

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind

This dreamer is undergoing a change in how she understands her use of imagination. The dream message first concerns the dreamer’s learning which affects both her conscious and subconscious minds, her outer and inner self, symbolized by the dream vegetation in the school. There are many desires she has expected her subconscious mind to fulfill, so many that it appears as a jungle in her dream. Many of these desires (the flowers) are growing, maturing, and manifesting into her physical life (stream). In other words she is getting what she wants.

More importantly the dream says she beginning to realize that her thoughts (group pictures) are what have caused this. “Thought is cause” is a Universal Truth. It applies to anyone, any time, anywhere. Your thoughts are real. They have energy and substance. How we intelligently use our capacity to create with thought determines the quality of our lives. This dreamer is realizing what she has created (forest/jungle), the desires she has had, has expanded her view of herself. There are many aspects of herself (unfamiliar people) that she is not familiar with that are operating in her life at this time. She is holding onto what is familiar to keep some perspective, for it would be easy for her to become confused (muddy water) by the habits she is only now becoming aware of (creatures).

The dreamer’s attempts to identify these habits reveals the ways she has used her imagination. These are patterns of conscious thinking revealed to her through her friends. Each girl is a conscious aspect of the dreamer that needs to be identified (see below) so the dreamer can identify the level of her learning. She is unsure now and that is why in the dream she doesn’t know what grade she is in. She looks for what is familiar (others students and friends) in order to know where she is, she is evaluating the components of her imagination and finds doubts that are particularly linked to the aspect of self represented by K.

K is the key here. She is the part of the dreamer that invites indecision into her mind. She may be the aspect of the dreamer that is most familiar, most called upon, but she is also the one that now detracts from what the dreamer wants most in life. The change that needs to happen is revealed as the dreamer’s teeth loosen. The dreamer does not presently have what she needs to understand. To make this change she will need new tools: new information, new points of view, new practices, new ways to understand and use her imagination.
Putting the Dream into Your Life:

This dreamer is learning how to use life for the understandings that can be gathered. She can either amass physical achievements – like the good grades – and be content for what it looks like, or she can go further, transforming herself through accomplishing her goals. This is the challenge each of us face in going for doing or for being. It is the constant lesson of physical life, which god will you serve, indeed who will be your god?

This dreamer has an opportunity to use her imagination in expansive ways because she is willing to evaluate herself and her own motives. She will want to draw upon the conscious aspects symbolized by K and J, and she will want to come to terms with whatever L symbolizes in her. L is obviously a part of herself she does not appreciate, and therefore needs to change. Each girl is a conscious aspect of the dreamer that needs to be identified. Each is a part of her persona, a face or mask she wears for particular purposes. One may be the “good” girl while another is the “bad.” One may be brainy, one cute, and one engaging. One may be trustworthy while another is daring. Only the dreamer can determine what each aspect in the dream represents to her. This is why her subconscious mind placed these girls in her dream instead of other people.

The element of uncertainty in the dream concerns the level of the dreamer’s learning. She is unsure what grade is being photographed. In trying to identify where she is, she looks to other aspects to define this. This indicates the dreamer tends to understand her experiences through the use of her own intelligence and energy. She makes her own decisions. Yet this self reliance is being tested. She has begun to entertain doubts. The doubts are not real, they are imagined and they work on the aspect of herself symbolized by K. Find out what K represents and the doubts can be dispelled.

The dream even gives the dreamer the answers to how to do this. Although she is unsettled by the idea of it, the dreamer is aware that she has outgrown old ways of thinking. Maybe the dreamer is realizing she no longer fits in at school or in other activities, that her tastes and likes have changed. Maybe she is ready for new challenges, having outgrown the old, and wants more authority and responsibility. Maybe she’s outgrowing the imagined fears of childhood or buying into others’ imagined fears. Whatever direction the dream’s meaning takes in this dreamer’s life, she is at a point of closure, standing on the brink of a new perspective on her life. Probably the most outstanding attribute in her corner: her powerful imagination. This is a person who can create anything she desires.

The Dreamer’s Entry

I dreamt I entered the office where I worked, but in my dream it was like a beautiful palace, open with a grand staircase, and lighted golden chandeliers. As I was marveling at the beauty of the office, I dreamt I felt a presence next to me in bed. (I’m a single person.) While still taking in the grandeur of the office, I asked myself, while dreaming, what is this invisible presence right next to me?….no, WHO is this presence next to me? As soon as I asked myself this question, I felt this presence (though still asleep dreaming) surge into my body with a great force starting from my feet, filling my body up through my head. I felt this presence pulling me up and away from my bed. I didn’t like being pulled from bed against my will, and tried to fight the force that entered my body; but I realized this force was stronger and greater than my physical body. I told myself to wake up, and did, finding my pulse elevated and breathing as if I’d been running.

Any help you may provide in what this presence was all about would be very much appreciated.

Best regards and thoughts for all the work and help you provide.

CB , female

Symbols in this dream…

Office: Productive place in mind
Staircase: ability to move within the inner levels of the subconsious mind
chandeliers: tools of the mind to illuminate
invisible presence: Astral body

Interpretation in the Universal Language of Mind…

To shed more light on your experience, the dream says that you were exploring the value of your mind’s awareness with an emphasis toward how you are productive in your life. This is an enjoyable dream, we like to call them pat on the back dreams, and you didn’t want to wake up. For what ever reason your attention was drawn out into the physical world. You were somewhat conscious of the process of your consciousness moving from the inner subconscious levels out into the waking conscious mind. Having limited information and education about the fuctioning of the mind available to you, you interpreted your experiences as best you can.

The invisible presence you sensed was your own astral body coming back into alignment with your physical body lying in the bed. The best way you knew to describe the experience was that it was like someone else being next to you. In reality it was you. There are several accounts of similar occurrences here at dream school that you might want to take time to investigate.

Your elevated physical pulse and rapid breathing in your physical body upon awaking were direct reflections of the emotion you experienced. This emotion was precipitated by the thought you were being pulled against your will. This part of your experience gives you verifiable proof of the connection between thought and in this case the physical body. We hope this alleviates any anxiety this dream may have produced and gives you some insight into why it occurred.