[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]What is Lucid Dreaming?
“I can only say that I made my observations during normal deep and healthy sleep, and that in 352 cases, I had full recollection of my day-life and could act voluntarily, though I was so fast asleep that no bodily sensations penetrated my perception.
If anybody refuses to call that state of mind a dream, he may suggest some other name. For my part it was just this form of dream, which I call “lucid dreams” which aroused my keenest interest and which I noted most carefully.”
Dutch author and psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden was the first to coin the term lucid dreaming. The year: 1913. Since that time, giant steps have been taken to understand consciousness and increase humankind’s awareness of Self.
Dreaming remains a part of every culture. There are always those present in the tribe, race, or organization who revere their dreams in uncommon ways. There are those who possess second sight, a proclivity for interpretation, and even display extraordinary healing abilities.
Evidence of becoming aware in the dreamstate has been recorded for years. Tibetan Buddhists have practiced a form of yoga to maintain conscious alertness in the dreamstate for centuries. In more modern times, we learn of increasing numbers of people who are experiencing conscious awareness in the dreamstate. This is the result of two primary factors:
Mass communication enables a dreamer in France to learn of similar dreams in the life of someone from Brazil, the Philippines or Canada. What a hundred years ago may have appeared to be a unique and isolated ability is now proving to be an advanced use of consciousness exhibited by people all over the world. Research conducted since 1973 at the School of Metaphysics, indicates that the incidences of lucid dreaming are on the rise. Based upon yearly research conducted during the National Dream Hotline in April, the percentage of people who report experiencing lucid dreams is between 15% and 20% of the population. Lucid dreaming is defined here as the conscious perception of one’s state while dreaming.
There appears to be a corresponding acceleration in humanity’s development as a species. As we have moved from industrial revolution to the age of computers, we have multiplied the stimuli in our world a “google”-fold. The need to pull away from the physical environment has grown stronger as the desire to understand the inner self has improved. These two factors cause the attention to be drawn inward where lucid dreaming can take place. In the present day, people are more inclined to talk about their dreams than they were fifty or even twenty years ago. The advances in the area of psychology and sleep research have affected our beliefs about what happens when we sleep. Although some deny the meaning and even the existence of dreams, advances in scientific sleep research conducted at colleges and universities around the world have verified both. Yet, the reasons why we dream remain largely unanswered. Pioneering research into the Universal Language of Mind being conducted at the College of Metaphysics seeks to change this. Lucid dreaming contributes to this effort.
(by Dr. Barbara Condron, author of The Dreamer’s Dictionary and contributor LUCID DREAMING edited by Dr. Teresa Martin.)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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