[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Dream Date: 06/11/2014
Dream: I remember the feeling i am wearing a white gown that has to many beads and it has a color black on the chest side i am holding a bucket of flowers its color white and pink flowers . and i looked everyhwere its like a paradise for me im seeing a sea on my right side and trees and mountains on my left side and while im walking down the aisle i noticed everyone is crying and they don’t have a face i feel scared and when i am near at my groom he dón’t have face and there another bride on he rside and also doesn’t have a face and shes laughing and that’s end.
i always got that dreams three times same situation
female, 20, Philippines
Dream Response:
At the School of Metaphysics, we teach that dreams act like picture metaphors for what is occurring within the dreamer’s mind, emotions and experiences during the previous day. One of the most important aspects when viewing dreams in this light is examining the setting of a dream. The setting or place in a dream will reveal the dreamer’s mindset or prevalent attitudes of the previous day. In this case, what this dreamer describes as being “a paradise for me” is important.
Settings of paradise reflect peak moments in consciousness. These moments are like ones that you don’t want to forget and wish would last forever. This is “the zone” that athletes experience when they are at the top of their game. These are times when musicians experience total surrender to expressing a message in a song. These are times when teachers witness their students learning and changing right before their very eyes. This dreamer experienced something like this, and this dream provides this context for how she felt about it.
There is a juxtaposition between the peak state she describes as paradise and the emotional intensity and fear she experiences at the wedding. This shows that while she may have had a “paradise mindset” the feeling of it may have surprised or shocked her, because she could not identify what it was (no faces). She did not have any context for what she was experiencing. Therefore, she experienced fear or the presence of the unknown.
What will help this dreamer is identifying her inner most heart-felt desires. Because weddings represent commitment in dreams, knowing what she truly wants will shed light on where to direct her mind. Commitment is a form of concentration that directs all of the mind’s energies towards the object of commitment. This involves sticking with a goal until it’s met, or holding an ideal in mind throughout a day, a week, a month, a year, or even a life time. As she identifies what’s most important for her to commit to, she will begin to recognize the people at her dream wedding.
Overall, this dream reflects an opportunity to know herself on a deeper level. Often times, a person’s greatness is hidden in plain sight. We recommend the book Dharma: Finding Your Soul’s Purpose by Dr. Laurel Clark. This book shares several stories of people coming face to face with who they are after years of searching.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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