[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Date of Dream: 5/26/14
Dream: I begin in a high school classroom with my two favourite high school teachers. My assignment is to tell a story that I have made up on the spot. I tell a story of a fatherless teen boy who works on the docks and doesn’t socialize well so every Friday his mom bakes cupcakes and sends them with him in order for him to make friends. He then plays the violin for them while they eat them… The coworkers always take the cupcakes and listen to the music but none ever become his friends. He begins to become paranoid that they are talking about him all the time and saying rude things about him so the next week he makes the cupcakes himself…with poison. He plays the violin while they all eat them.
The class loves my story but then my mother tells me that it is already a story from years ago and I get really freaked out. Then I am suddenly at the boys house and I see the poisoned muffins on the counter and I expect myself to throw them out but instead I eat one. I guess the boy was watching and called one of my friends to let them know that I ate one. They then call me and I am so nonchalant about the fact that I will soon die. I try throwing up once, it doesn’t work so I give up.
I feel a tightening in my throat and then I am in a forest which I assume represents the afterlife. Everyone I know is there but they are the height if my finger and I cannot hear them. I then wake up.
Female, 21, Canada
Dream response:
This dream is focused on the dreamer’s learning. The setting is high school presided by two favorite teachers. In the Universal Language of Mind, this conveys the message that the dreamer is concerned with her superconscious mind. This is echoed later by the presence of her mother in the dream.
The superconscious mind is one of three divisions of mind. It is the closest to our origin as Thinkers. It can be described as inner authority because its purpose is to preserve the blueprint for the evolution of the individual’s consciousness as a creator. It is super-conscious because this blueprint encompasses the nature of what some cultures describe as the True reality. The subconscious mind and the conscious mind owes their existence to superconscious mind. You might think of this as the proverbial question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” When we are speaking about the superconscious mind, holding the blueprint/egg comes first.
This is important background information because your dream is focused on answering the question, “Who is the Creator?”
In your dream, you are asked to tell a story which you do. You are the creator of that story. The story ends up being integrated into your dream life. In this way the dream is instructive of the responsibilities of a Creator. There are three movements in your dream.
First the message in the story the dreamer tells to the class. The story itself is a symbol representing how the dreamer uses her imagination. The message in this part of the dream is a need to receive super conscious guidance. There is a longing to aggressively use knowledge to transform the self. This is what is the dreamer is imagining in her conscious mind.
Second when the mother tells her, “It is already a story from years ago.” The dreamer has an insight into the difference between the conscious self as a creator and the super conscious purpose for creation.
Third there is an awakening in the conscious mind of the dreamer as a result. The dreamer wants to cause a change in her conscious mind. The change will come through assimilating knowledge. She accepts the necessity to align with super conscious mind, that inner blueprint to become a creator. That acceptance leads to a willingness that opens her mind to subconscious (or soul) realities which she is just beginning to admit.
This dream carries an important message beyond this individual dreamer. It instructs us
to the need, advantage, and wisdom of knowing the power of our minds to create. The power in the superconscious mind has already been discussed here. The power in the conscious mind is only partially in the hands of imagination. Equal power must be given to two other actions of the conscious mind. One of these is memory: the capacity to resonate with previous experiences and understandings. This comes into the dream through the appearance of the mother. The other is willfulness: the capacity to be completely present through mastery of one’s attention in time and space. This comes into the dream when the action turns “real” and the dreamer finds herself at the boy’s house, eating the poison cupcakes, trying to throw up and ending up in the forest. Through the dream progression, the power in the conscious mind, arising from the union of memory, imagination and will is demonstrated. That power can be described in a single word: reasoning.
In this way this dream becomes a study of the relationship between the superconscious mind, the individual’s grasp of divinity, and the younger and more temporary self we call the conscious mind. When the conscious mind uses its power to align with the superconscious blueprint, our perspective of Self, life, and our reason for existence changes.
Since every dream is about the dreamer and it relates to the state of conscious awareness of the dreamer, it would aid this dreamer to reflect upon the events of the previous day with an eye to how what she is imagining is contributing to what is happening in her life.
An example of what this might look like would be an imagined hope of harmony that continually seems thwarted. In her walking life, the dreamer wants this to change and is actively seeking ways to make it do so. She spends a good deal of time thinking about this and it is beginning to effect the way in which she interacts with other people. She is willing to be the change in order for harmony to exist. To encourage and to assist this dreamer on her quest for greater self awareness as a creator of her life, we recommend reading, “Superconscious Meditation” by Dr. Daniel Condron.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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