Had a dream in which I went to an art museum and called Libby to see if she wanted to come.  She had things to do and I didn’t feel like being there anymore.  So, I returned to “dream home” and found her cooking pork, shrimp and some sort of vegetable dish.  I remember feeling a bit sad that it seemed like we never really spent any time together.

Today was well suited to think and act peaceably through out the day.  At the Pre-Parliament event “Living peaceably begins by thinking peacefully” my attention was focused on peace through out the day.  Particularly toward capturing the sounds of peace.  With a Zoom 122 digital recorder, I walked around, interviewed people about their motivations and aspirations peace and coming to the peace event and attended several of the presentations upon peace from the different guest speakers.  Content wise peace was very rich in the experience.  State-wise peace was very present as the focus on capturing peace was strong.  There were times when peace was absent, when my mind drifted to things I recognized as being unresolved in my experiences.  However, self-examination will eventually lead to the peace I desire in the long run.  I felt peace the most when I recording in a group of interviews; one woman came from Austin, TX to be at the event, invited by an SOM alumni.  She explained how the event was fitting, in the sense that she desired peace in many aspects of her life and this was affording her an opportunity to learn.  Another man came because he was friends with Will Bowen, the keynote speaker, and had a home made CD recording of music he desired to share about peace.  He mentioned the desire to so something with his music and films.  I introduced him to Dr. T*female  He ended up giving the SOM permission to listen to it and potentially use it in some film and youtube footage of the event.  Fulfilling one man’s desire to give and a projects group desire to receive music – something they had been looking for right then and there.  Peace is providing avenues for people to both give and receive, to learn and to teach.  Peace is flowing with and existing within the normal energy flow; life force that normally flows when the mind set can hold it and move within it.  The peace thought I chose to focus on and infuse into the tile I laid this morning in the peace mandala was that of “Universal Perspective”.  I was able to experience the many expressions of peace.

To participate in the next experiment…


Dream 4- DP GLiDE#: 3f071y

I dreamt I lived in a nice, comfortable mansion. There were many people in the dream, not all at once though. I was counseling or tutoring the people that would visit. I recall D*male was there and may have lived with me in the house with a couple other people. K*female and V*female were in the dream at some point. There was more to the dream, I just don’t remember.

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