All I remember this morning was an image of the path leading to the Healing Wall.
My day started with reading the Peace Covenant and meditation. I was really centered and calm. I noticed as I went about getting ready that everyone was calm and purposeful. Everyone was excited but they were calm, cooperative and attentive. It was wonderful. I thought of this being created (this attitude and consciousness) because of the meditation and disciplines we do in our studies. I sat by the Healing Wall area and all day people were drawn to the area around the dome, talking and quiet. There was a sense of tranquility in everyone. The singer at the Dome during the afternoon sang many songs about the goodness in the world and about things in her life. Then she told us, her two sons in their early 20’s were being shipped to Afghanistan. I, at the time worried that Drew would join the army and shipped over seas. I thought about what Will Bowen said about honest communication and how necessary it is to bring about peace and understanding in our lives. I talked with many people, J*male and others like S*female. We talked about the times we had lived together and what we had learned from each other and how grateful we were for the growth we had experienced. Because the disciplines and what I have learned I am able to use all situations in my life to learn and grow instead of passing time complaining. It allows me to have real conversations with others, to find truths and to release resentments and judgmentation. This is the kind of world I want to live in. A world of learning, growth, understanding and peace within myself. Many people I talked with commented on how peaceful things were. Everyone was open and receptive to each other. It was refreshing. This was peace to me. I loved the openness with which people shared who they were with each other. People came to me -presents- and thanked us for the opportunity to be part of our event. There was a very peaceful quality to the day. It was living what is in the Peace Covenant. This whole day exemplifies the Peace Covenant.
Dream 7- DP GLiDE#: 3f098y
I was in a store like a Wal-Mart. I was walking down the pet food aisle and there was a rancid smell. I looked in a trash can at the end of the aisle and there was murky water in it. (It was near the fish tanks). I alerted someone who worked there. I continued to shop and not very long after that I walked back and the can was clean and I turned down another aisle there was a dead squirrel on the floor. It had been dead a long time and was stiff. I thought “What is a dead squirrel doing in here? I was dreading having to tell them of another problem. When I turned the corner, a man was sweeping under stuff getting a lot of hidden dirt out in the open. I realized that was how the squirrel became exposed into the open.
read moreDream 8- DP GLiDE#: 4m061y
I was walking down a path in the woods, a wide path, almost a road. I head a multiple lead leash as I was holding on to 15 friends who had the other end of the leash around their necks. 4 of the 15 people I recognized from this life. L*male (discipline), A*male (visionary), T*female (Healing) A*female (Rhythm, balance)
read moreDream 9- DP GLiDE#: 4f031y
I was in and at the College of Metaphysics. Tents went up and down. The song of “One Voice” was playing in background. The violin part was stronger than rest. It was like a movie playing of the peace event. I noticed in the dream that the music of the violin was dominant like it was a different song. I even thought it was a different song then realized it was a part of the “One Voice”.
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