I did not remember a dream.

Today I began with reading the Universal Peace Covenant w/ about 40 other Metaphysicians.  I then meditated for about an hour in the upper chamber of the Dome where I read the UPC.  I was blissful.  Then I laid a tile in the mandala and organized the Dome and my thoughts/goals to accomplish or direct others to accomplish.  I sang in rehearsal “One Voice” and it was going long so I emoted sharp emotion to get it moving.  Then I got all in order for the day and everything flowed so well.  It was beautiful to spend it with N*female and J*female and A*female and A*male and B*male.  I loved singing “One Voice”.  It was a perfect day.  I appreciate N*female and J*female’s love, A*male’s calm, A*female’s faithfulness.  Getting to see and connect with JF*male, MS*male and Li*female and J*female and others was a blessing.  I spent it in peace in the Peace Dome all day – no complaining and lots of loving.  It flowed so well and so harmonious.  The people I was with were so cooperative.  I loved talking about the 50 states giving Peace Proclamations and than approaching congress.  I loved getting to know Will Bowen and his family more as well as talking to D*male about a whole functioning school.  N*female, Dr. S*female and I realized I was the responsible adult or wisdom phase in the Dome all day teaching and sharing.  I love the SOM.  I didn’t eat dessert – I didn’t even want to after dark.  Singing with everyone was such an incredible experience – connected, aligned and harmonious.  I wanted to be where all the people were in the invitation.  I gave clear direction to the peace ambassador ushers – and they made it happen.  I felt such love.  I experienced some fatigue yet it was smooth and easy and worked without me always having to do everything.  I don’t know what else to say but it was open hearted.

To participate in the next experiment…


Dream 1- DP GLiDE#: 3f070Y

I was sitting with B*male (Trees of Life) at dining room table in Moon Valley Ranch House. He was talking and I was listening. The next image was me in a motorized vehicle (car) that took off flying very quickly through the air.

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Dream 2- DP GLiDE#: 3f060y

In a large outdoor park walking with N*male and a young child who is a boy. He (N*male) is pushing the stroller. I notice orange flowers blooming and birds flying low overhead. I hear children laughing in the distance.

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