B*male, L*female and I were walking in a large building to an elevator for an appointment with a psychiatrist. As we approached the elevator, we saw a lady on a large green bouncy ball with a handle on it. We stopped and she invited us to play with her. We all said yes. We bounced around and laughed and laughed. We were bouncing in a large (20′ x 20′) square arena that had dark linoleum as the floor covering. We went back toward the elevator and started looking at the director and said the doctor’s name. The lady said, “That’s me” She was interacting with us to get an idea of how we were. Then I dreamt L*female had leaned over and kissed me. A big lingering kiss. This woke me and it was time to wake L*female for breakfast.
I made peace with the weather. The pace that came to me most vividly, while it was misting at about 11:30am. I was in the parking area directing the traffic into rows and it began misting. I was contemplating whether or not the mist was the beginning of another round of rain, but I was not attached to it either way. If it was a sign of more rain, it was time for more rain. If the rain didn’t come that was OK too. The thoughts of move or not to move passed through quickly and naturally. I was with peace. The thoughts came but they didn’t stay. Five minutes after I felt warmth on my head and turned to see the sun peeking through the clouds. I was at peace. My ideal was to radiate joy and light for this weekend. So I stayed with my activities for my ideal. Peace was in me then too. The invitation always affects me deeply because each person in it chose peace in times when it wasn’t the easy choice. That always humbles and inspires me. Today I understood why they each made that choice. It is because peace is the natural response we get when we choose to listen. It is in us all. Peace is there all we need to do is choose it.
Dream 10- DP GLiDE#: 2m086y
I was in a building, a SOM facility with some people, D*male was a part of the event and organization. His father, Mi*male came to get him, upset that he was there. M*male took D*male with him. E*female, A*female and I were in a kitchen or in some room and I was talking with A*female about using her car. Ariadne was upset that we were using her car again. E*female was upset and I was asking her, “I thought we had covered this, how are you upset again.” I felt pretty good and little confused.
read moreDream 11- DP GLiDE#: 3m100y
I did not remember a dream.
read moreDream 12- DP GLiDE#: 3m051y
Last night I dreamt I woke up in my tent and water was dripping down in a steady stream onto the middle of my blanket. I looked up to find a hole torn in the top of my tent and it was raining. When I looked for the cause of the tear, I noticed a dark shape stuck in on the top of the tent, so I kicked it off (from inside the tent). I looked out the tent flap to see a vultures/eagle like bird dead on the ground. I knew it’s talons had caused the tears in the canvas.
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