I was in a building, a SOM facility with some people, D*male was a part of the event and organization. His father, Mi*male came to get him, upset that he was there. M*male took D*male with him. E*female, A*female and I were in a kitchen or in some room and I was talking with A*female about using her car. Ariadne was upset that we were using her car again. E*female was upset and I was asking her, “I thought we had covered this, how are you upset again.” I felt pretty good and little confused.
Today I experienced Peace, A*male said “I love you, I just had to tell you that you look so peaceful.” We started today with meditation. I experienced some peace in meditation. Because my morning began with some peace. It was close by all day when I set my mind to finding it. My day was filled with purposeful activity. This allowed much opportunity for a directed mind. I was also with a fire for most of the day. Very purifying helpful stimulator of peace.
Dream 4- DP GLiDE#: 3f071y
I dreamt I lived in a nice, comfortable mansion. There were many people in the dream, not all at once though. I was counseling or tutoring the people that would visit. I recall D*male was there and may have lived with me in the house with a couple other people. K*female and V*female were in the dream at some point. There was more to the dream, I just don’t remember.
read moreDream 5- DP GLiDE#: 3f099y
I am disappointed to have no dream memory to report.
read moreDream 6- DP GLiDE#: 3f098y
I didn’t remember a dream this morning.
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