Dreamschool Membership
If you’ve found your way here, there’s a good chance that you’re looking for more. Dreamschool Members are people who want to increase their dream recall, learn how to keep dream records, have a growing feeling inside that dreams are important and want to explore their dreams to a greater depth. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!
To support Dreamschool Members in their quest to glean insight and inspiration from their dreams, we provide:
Research Lab-Study Hall
Find weekly lessons to hone your dream interpretation skills for the entire year! Dreamschool Members work with real dreams to formulate their interpretations and check their work alongside interpretations from dream experts.
Archived Webinars
Dreamschool webinar series cover a range of dream topics. From nightmares and time travel to children’s dreams and the six elements of dreams, School of Metaphysics faculty share their insights into the vast world of dreaming. Dreamschool Members have the opportunity to reference our collection of archived webinars to further their dream studies.
Audio Podcast
Dream experts cover many dream topics in these audio podcasts.
Book Excerpts
Dreamschool Members receive excerpts from books like The Dreamer’s Dictionary and Master Living by Dr. Barbara Condron and Intuitive Dreaming by Dr. Laurel Clark. These excerpts will enrich any dreamer’s life while asleep and awake!