.....a global culture that values dreaming

35st Annual National Dream Hotline®








Want a preview of our Dreamschool Scholar Program? 
Click here for a preview: INTRODUCTION to DREAM INTERPRETATION lesson. 
Begin your practice in remembering and logging your dreams.

World of Dreams

Featured Dreams

Interpretation on dreams received from all over the world.

GLiDE Research

Global Lucid Dreaming Experiments & Research.


Dream Q & A´s

Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about dreams!

Submit Your Dream

Our goal is to interpret a dream for every man, woman, and child on the planet. Submit one of your dreams today.

Expand Your Dream Studies


Join online webinars for in-depth discussions with dream experts.

Personal Consultations

Psi Counselors are available to assist you through coursework and learning the art and science of dream interpretation.

Dream Meetups

Find a Dream Catcher Meetup near you!

Dreamschool Scholars Program

Sign up for online study of the art and science of dream interpretation based upon a core teaching at the School of Metaphysics.

Explore More Dream Resources

Public Media

Find interviews, published articles, and radio shows with SOM educators.

DS & SOM Resources

Delve into 40 years of continuous research on the study of dreams.

Other Sources

Additional videos and research related to dreams and their importance in our lives.

Dreamschool Store

Additional videos and research related to dreams and their importance in our lives.