Laurel Clark, D.D., D.M., Psi.D. is a certified dreamologist with 40 years’ experience recording and interpreting her own dreams and aiding others to do the same. A graduate and past president of the School of Metaphysics, Laurel is an ordained minister in the Interfaith Community of Metaphysics and a psi counselor.

Laurel is one of the contributors/writers of the coursework in the program. She has appeared on radio programs around the world aiding people to understand their dreams, has led dream groups and taught classes on understanding dreams since 1979.

Laurel frequently offers workshops on dream incubation and methods of understanding dreams. She speaks about dreams to groups and organizations and loves to aid people to grow through dreamwork.

She is the author of the book Intuitive Dreaming, co-editor of and contributing author to Interpreting Dreams for Self Discovery, chapter editor/author of Dreams that Change Our Lives, and contributing author to The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams, Weaving Dreams in the Classroom, Lucid Dreaming and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and the Unexplainable.

Laurel has been a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams since 2008, serving as Secretary, Vice President and President. She is currently the Board Chair. She has presented at each annual conference since 2008.

Please contact Laurel at to arrange instructor support.