Video Dream Interpretations

Holy Scriptures – Dreams for Humanity’s Evolution

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Author Dr. Laurel Fuller Clark, representing the School of Metaphysics, gave the following address with the title “The Universal Language of Mind” at the Unity-and-Diversity 30th Anniversary Festival in Los Angeles, California. This conference was designed to understand the underlying unity among seemingly diverse elements of society and to aid in creating a vision for a new universal civilization.

Our Divine Nature
a lecture by Dr. Laurel Clark
I hope before you leave here this morning you discover a solution for one of the problems that you would like to correct in humanity. I know that a lot of the talks throughout this weekend are about the problems that are facing Los Angeles and also facing the world. From the time that I was very, very young, it never made sense to me that people do things to each other that are mean. Why is it that people steal from each other, why are people cruel to each other, why is it that people rob, why are they greedy? It doesn’t make sense that people live that way or that they treat each other that way. Whether you’re talking about a problem in society like crime, or whether you’re talking about an individual problem like depression or loneliness, it never did make sense to me that people would be here and would be alive and live with problems. But a lot of people say, “Well, that’s just human nature. It’s human nature to have problems, it’s human nature to steal, it’s human nature to get angry.” And I don’t believe that and I never have believed that.

I don’t know how many of you are religious people, and whether you are or not it doesn’t really matter. If you read scripture from any religion in the world, if you read mythology, if you read literature that speaks in symbols, you will find a prevailing thought. Every scripture that I’ve ever read, from whatever religion it is, says that there is some kind of Higher Power; there is something greater than human beings. And every scripture I’ve ever read says that this greater power is a force for good, it’s not a force for evil. The other universal element that’s in every scripture of the world is that people are made like this Higher Power that is a force for good. Now it doesn’t matter whether you call it God, or whether you call it Allah, or whether you call it Brahma or whether you don’t even see it as a single deity. It might be the Buddha nature or the Tao. All of those names describe a single concept. And that concept is that there is order in the universe, that the order is toward progressive goodness, the order is toward light (which means awareness), and that all of us are connected in an interrelated whole. So whatever one person does, no matter where you are and no matter who you are, affects everything and everybody else on this entire planet. What that means is that we need each other. It also means that what I do is important to your life and what you do is important to my life. And the more that we understand that and the more that we recognize how related we are to each other the more everybody benefits.

In the Bible, which is the scripture that’s widely used in this culture, it describes creation like this: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl upon the earth. So God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.” Now in that one passage it gives you some very important keys to understand who we are, why we’re here and why it is that our true nature really is good. It says that we were created after the likeness of our creator. That means that we were created to be like our creator. If you think about a child, a physical child who is created to be like their physical parent, it means they have similar attributes to their parent. Well, the same thing is true with us being created to be like our mental parent. We have the same attributes that our Creator has. That means that we’re inherently creative beings, it means that we’re inherently divine. It also says that we were created in the image of God. The image, if you extend that word a little bit, is the same as the word imagination. It means that our creator imagined us into existence and that is also how we create, through the use of imagination.

This passage also says that man was given dominion over all the lower forms of life. And I know that some people really really react to that idea! They think it means that man destroys the planet by trying to change all the lower forms of life. Actually that picture is describing that we are creative beings and that we have the ability to create anything, that all of the substance in this world is in our hands for us to use to create. The key to being a creator like our Creator is to be responsible for what we create. Not to just create haphazardly, but to recognize that any time that we cause some kind of movement it’s going to cause a change somewhere else. Any time we transform one thing over here it’s going to transform something over there. So it doesn’t mean that it’s bad that we use our creative power. It means that we need to have vision, in order to see how what we do right here is going to affect someone somewhere else.

I live in Missouri which is where the School of Metaphysics is headquartered, and last year there were tremendous floods that wiped out much of the St. Louis area and much of the Kansas City area. Many of those floods were caused by the fact that there are man made communities that change the course of two big rivers that run through Missouri, the Mississippi and the Missouri Rivers. Well, eventually that had to give way, and so there were floods. Oftentimes that is the reason why we experience what we call disasters, because in our creative activity we don’t always pay attention to the long term effects of what we are going to cause. So in order to be responsible we need to have some kind of vision of how what we do here will affect someone else over there.

If it is true that humanity really is divine, and that we do come from a Creator and that Creator is good, and that means that we are inherently good, then why is it that people fight? Why is it that people are mean to each other, why is it that people steal from each other, why do people rape one another, why do they break into other people’s stores? People do that because they have forgotten or denied the fact that they have a creative essence. They have forgotten the fact or maybe are not even aware of the fact that they’re not physical beings. We have these physical bodies that we use to get around in, but this physical body is not who we are. Who we are is a spiritual being or a soul. You know that by the fact that when you go to sleep at night you are not aware of your physical body, you’re not aware of your physical senses, but you still exist. You exist in what we call a dream state.

The more that people become connected with their own inner Self or their own soul the more they’re able to understand why we’re here and how to use this life for the purpose that is intended for us. When you’re disconnected from your own soul or your own inner Self you also become disconnected from other people. When people are lonely, depressed, or when they are angry it is because they are not fulfilling their own inner nature. When you are not fulfilling your own inner nature you tend to take it out on other people which is unfortunate, but it still doesn’t solve the problem. If somebody thinks that they don’t have enough physical resources, let’s say, and they think that they don’t have within them what it requires to earn what they want for physical resources, and they take it from someone else or they steal it from someone else do you think that really makes them happy? I’ve never known anybody who was a criminal who was happy. I never known anybody who was not good to other people who was happy. So it tells me right there that that is not our true nature.

Life forms other than human beings harmonize with the world around them. They fulfill what their nature is because they don’t have free will like we do. We have to choose to be happy. We have to choose to create. We have to choose to harmonize with one another. So in that there’s a great blessing because it means that we can choose the greatest way to harmonize with other beings, but it also means that we have a greater responsibility. It’s not something that just comes automatically.

If you think about why we’re even here, it seems pretty obvious that we’re not here to make money, we’re not here to buy cars, we’re not here to fill our houses with physical possessions. Even though some people try to live that way. The reason why we’re here is to know who we are, to know how we can become more like our Creator; in other words, how we can become more creative in everything we do. And to know how to love. Think about what love is. Have you ever had a plant that didn’t seem to do very well and every time you watered it you said, “I hate this plant. It just won’t grow right!”? Well, you do that and in a short period of time the plant is dead. Now if you have a plant, even if it’s kind of weak and maybe not looking so great, and you just really love it and every time you water it you touch it and think to it, “I love this plant. This is such a beautiful plant, I really love it,” it flourishes. In a really short period of time you can see how powerful that energy is. And that’s not just true with plants. It’s true with animals, it’s true with people, it’s true with anything you do. Anything that you love you cause to flourish. Think about when people are in love. When people are in love, everybody around them says, “You’re beautiful, you’re so happy. What is it about you? You just have this glow around you.” That’s what love is. It’s a positive, creative, growth-filled force. And that is really why we’re here, to create and to love.

Now I want you to think about somebody you know who loves what they do in their life. It might be their job, it might be a church that they’re involved with, it might be a hobby that they have. I guarantee you that that is a person who is happy. I guarantee you that is a person who is a real pleasure to be around. I guarantee you it is also somebody who thinks about other people. They’re not just consumed in their own work, in their own hobby or in their own world. When people are creating they are at peace with themselves because they are fulfilling what their true nature is, what their divine nature is. When people love what they do, whatever the activity is, they are also at peace with themselves. And so they’re good to other people.

The people who don’t do that, the people who get involved in crime, the people who are engrossed in poverty, people who complain all the time, are people who are not creative in their lives. They are people who tend to live by habit or they tend to live for physical reasons only. A good example of that is somebody who, let’s say, is in sales, or they’re in some kind of occupation where they have physical goals only. Now people can be motivated for a period of time with physical goals like money, but it doesn’t last. I have never met anybody who is motivated by money alone. I have met people who have been motivated by the love of their families or people who have been motivated by a spiritual ideal. In fact, I bet you if you speak to any of the volunteers who are at this conference, they’re probably really delighted to be doing what they are doing even though they’re not getting paid for it. And that is true of most people who do what they love to do. They money is a nice benefit but that’s not why they do what they do. They do what they do because they have some ideal greater than themselves that they live for. And that really is what all of us seek.

I believe and have found that each one of us as an individual has some unique talent, some unique gift. There is something about each one of us that is different from everybody else. Outwardly we can see it in physical differences of race, physical differences of culture, physical differences of religion and gender. But the real difference between each one of us is our own uniqueness and what it is that each one of us has to offer to the world. Think about the world as being like a giant jig-saw puzzle and each person is one piece in the puzzle. If each person is really doing what they’re here to do this lifetime, if they’re really giving from the inner source of their being, then we have the whole puzzle and it works well together. When people don’t know why they are here or they deny why they are here — sometimes people do have some idea of their gifts but they don’t use them for whatever reason — that’s when they take away from the puzzle. It’s when they think they have to grab more than is theirs, or when they get jealous of other people and try to tear down other people. So the real solution for us to live in harmony with all of our differences is for each one of us to do what it is that we’re here to do, what is fulfilling to our souls. When you do that you know that it is not physical things themselves that make you happy.

I know sometimes people believe that there is more to why they’re here than just acquiring physical things and physical possessions. But they don’t always know how to find out what that is. There are two ways that are guaranteed to work to connect with your own inner Self, to really find out why you are here and how to do it. The first way is through stilling your mind through some kind of spiritual discipline like meditation. When you can still the chatter in your conscious mind, when you can still the thoughts that go racing through your mind all the time and really hear your Inner Self, that in itself will transform your life. The second way, and that’s what I’m going to focus on this morning, is through understanding your dreams, the dreams that you have at night. Every night when we go to sleep we shut off the chatter in our conscious mind. When you’re asleep you’re not aware of your physical body, you’re not aware of your physical senses, you’re not distracted by the fifty billion physical desires that are around you. All of that is shut off and that part of you that you can be aware of is what’s called your soul or your Inner Self. Your dreams are a communication, from your Inner Self or your soul to your outer self or your conscious mind, that tell you about you. Every dream that you have tells you about you. And when I say you I’m not talking about the physical you; I’m talking about the soul you. Your dreams tell you about the state of your own awareness. So they will tell you about what is most productive and fulfilling to your soul and they will give you very significant keys, very significant guidance to understand how to fulfill that.

In order to learn how to use those messages it means understanding the language that your dreams speak, and that language is a language of symbols. It’s what in the School of Metaphysics we have termed the Universal Language of Mind. Now the universal part of the Universal Language of Mind means that the symbols are universal. They mean the same thing for everyone no matter who they are, no matter where they’re from, no matter what they’re makeup is. If you have ever read mythology or scripture, you’ll find that the same myths and the same stories in scripture show up in whatever culture it is from, in whatever language it is in, whatever group of people it relates to. Even though the names of people are different and the outward trappings might be a little bit different, the same images run through all scriptures and through all mythology, even fairy tales. Now why is that? It’s because that language of images or symbols is universal. And it is also because at a soul level all of us are connected. All of us have universal desires, all of us have universal urges, all of us have the same reason for being here despite all of our outward physical differences.

When I was in college I studied philosophy. I remember reading Plato and this idea that Plato had of Forms. The idea is that for every physical object that exists in the universe there is a Form in the inner levels of consciousness. That idea was so stimulating to me, but I really didn’t understand it. When I learned about the Universal Language of Mind I began to understand what he was talking about. What he was talking about was that every physical thing in this world is an outward manifestation of an inner soul desire or an inner soul need. The inner essence of every physical thing is the reason why we even have desires. Any spiritual teacher understands that and that’s why spiritual teachings, for the most part, are told in stories. They’re told in allegories, they’re told in parables, because those are pictures and a picture is something that anyone can relate to.

When you see a street sign with an arrow pointing left, in a red circle with a slash through it, what does that picture mean? “No left turn.” Now if you did not speak English as your native language, you would still know that means “no left turn.” That is why symbols are used for street signs, because you don’t have to be able to read, you don’t have to be able to speak a particular language to understand it. That’s why in the cars we drive nowadays it doesn’t say the word “seat belt”; you have a little picture of a man with a seat belt on. The picture is universal and that is the Universal Language of Mind, a language of symbols or images. It’s why computers that are “user friendly” have little icons — they’re pictures so that you can understand what those commands are telling you.

The same thing is true of the Universal Language of Mind as it appears in scripture, as it appears in your dreams, as it appears in mythology. If you understand what those symbols mean then you can understand any scripture, you can understand any myth, you can understand your own Self through your dreams. So it’s a very valuable language for you to be able to understand and know.

One of the most appealing things to me about understanding the Universal Language of Mind is that it helps you to understand why you have the kinds of physical desires that you have. It helps you to understand that we do all come from a common origin. Whatever different name you choose to call it there is a common Creator, there is a common source from which we all derive. And there is a common place to which we’re all going. We’re all going toward each one of us fulfilling our complete potential, being completely divine if you want to call it that. The more that we understand what our physical desires are telling us about our soul desires, then the more directly we can fulfill that and the more directly we can be at peace with ourselves and then be at peace with one another. I bet if you talk to people from different backgrounds and different cultures, you’ll find out that people want essentially the same things.

When we were at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago there were about 7000 people from all over the world from all different faith traditions. Some of the people spoke English, some of the people didn’t, but even though there were many physical differences and people were dressed in many different kinds of clothing from their native countries, people are people. People really do have universal desires and it was very beautiful to be able to see that. If you think about what some of the things are that people want and why they want it, it helps us to live more fulfilled lives. I’ll give you an example. Most people nowadays want money. Some people want a lot of money. Some people want just enough money to care for their needs but everybody wants money. Now why is that? If you even think about where money came from and how it was developed, it is a means of exchange that we use to understand our own value. When you work, whatever it is that you have of that’s of value, whatever talent you have, whatever creativity you have, it might be physical labor, it might be mental creation…there’s something of yourself that you give to others that other people want. That’s what you have that’s of value, and you get paid for it. In most cases, the money that you get paid you then use in exchange for something that someone else has of value. Let’s say someone is an artist and they sell jewelry that they make. They have created something of value, and then you buy that with money. So money is an exchange of value. The inner reason why people want money is because they want to understand their own value. That is the reason why people who do volunteer work that they know is of value are not so concerned about whether they get paid for it. They don’t need the symbol of money to let them know that they are valuable. They know it because they know that they are doing good works. One of my ideals that everybody will give of themselves so that they know they are valuable whether they get paid for it or not.

Now think about somebody who never has enough money; no matter how much money they have it’s never enough. They could have a million dollars and it’s not enough or they could have five dollars and it’s not enough. There are some people that are like that, whatever they have, it’s never enough. That is a person who does not know their own value. They don’t understand what it is about them that is valuable. I know many people who are like that. I remember talking to one in particular, and telling her some of the things that I really appreciated about her, and she didn’t believe me. She did not believe that those were actually qualities in herself that I thought were of value. So it really began to make sense to me why this person also never seems to think that the money that she has is enough, because she is not aware of how valuable she is as a person.

When people know what money represents and understand that, then they can begin to put the desire for money into perspective. Now I know a lot of people think that one of the problems we have these days is that there are not enough resources to go around, for the number of people we have on this planet there are not enough physical resources. Their idea is that this universe is a pie that has a fixed number of pieces. So if you have ten people and there’s only eight pieces of the pie, there’s not enough to go around. But on a spiritual level that is not true. We have unlimited resources and the more creative we are the better use we make of the resources we have. On a physical level you can see how that happens when you have finished with a piece of clothing you have worn, it’s still in good condition and you donate it to a charity so someone else gets to wear it. That physical resource has been used for more than one person. Or think about being able to make something with your hands rather than buying it, that is another way that you can increase resources. There are many, many ways that we can increase the amount of resources that we have available for our use. Probably the best way to discover that there is more than enough on this planet for everyone is to eliminate waste. If you, in even small ways, eliminate the amount of resources that you waste, if you don’t use up as much as you are used to using up because you don’t really need it, then that’s available for someone else to use.

The more that you learn how to find soul fulfillment, the more you discover the difference between what you really need to be fulfilled and what you want. There are unlimited physical desires that you could satisfy, and if all you think about are your physical desires, without thinking about what those represent in terms of your soul needs, then you’re never satisfied. For example, you buy a car and there’s ten more new cars that come out, so you could want ten more new cars, or you buy an article of clothing, then there’s fifty thousand other articles of clothing that you could buy. If you think about what it is that you need and you satisfy what you need there’s plenty, there’s more than plenty to be fulfilled. And that is what the Universal Language of Mind can help you to understand. What does this physical thing represents to me as a soul and how can I fulfill that soul desire?

Another example that sometimes is kind of surprising to people is what other people in your life represent. If you think about the people that you know who you’re drawn to or attracted to, it’s not that you are physically attracted to them even though you might think of it that way. You’re drawn to a quality within that person that you admire, and probably one that you want to make a part of your own expression. Now think about the flip side of that, a person who just gets under your skin. There is a quality in them that irritates you, and although most people don’t like to admit it, in most cases that is a quality in you as well. The more that you learn to understand yourself, and how to understand those qualities in yourself that are a source of conflict, the more you harmonize with other people. You have fewer conflicts with other people. And this is one of the most valuable lessons that you can learn from your dreams, because what we have discovered in our research in the School of Metaphysics is that when you dream about other people you’re not really dreaming about other people. Those people in your dreams symbolize aspects or qualities in yourself so you’re dreaming about you when you dream about those other people.

Now I’ve been teaching dream interpretation since 1979 and sometimes people hate hearing that. They say “Oh no, no, there’s no way I’m like my ex-husband!” But they dream about him all the time. What they’re dreaming about is a part of themselves that they want to understand. And the beautiful thing about that is when you do admit that those qualities are in you, and you learn to understand them and transform them in yourself, it transforms your relationships with other people. When I first started studying metaphysics I was pretty passive and indecisive outwardly. I had strong ideas and convictions but I would never speak my mind. And I could not understand why throughout my life I was around people who were really bossy and domineering who would always tell me what to do. Well, the fact is, I wanted to incorporate into myself being more decisive and being more directive. But because I wasn’t doing that I kept drawing people toward me and choosing people who would tell me what to do, because I wasn’t deciding myself what I wanted to do. When I finally admitted that and started changing some of the passivity by being more directive, lo and behold, I found that those people didn’t bug me so much any more. I didn’t find so much anymore that they seemed bossy and domineering. And I also found that I was able to get along with them better because I was speaking my mind more and I didn’t let them push me around and they didn’t try to push me around. You probably have heard this idea before: people do not become victimized by accident. People bring it upon themselves. It may be hard to admit that, but when you do admit that and change it, then your life really changes and your relationships with other people change.

So the more that you understand what the experiences and events out here in your physical world represent to you as a soul, the more rapidly you can cause transformation in yourself. The more rapidly you can understand how to make choices that will be productive and fulfilling for your Self. One of the reasons why the School of Metaphysics was brought into being was so that we could teach people how to understand the Universal Language of Mind. Throughout history there have been many cultures that have understood the value of dreams. In a lot of cultures the only people who interpret dreams are the holy people like the priests or the shamans. The same thing is true with scripture interpretation. In a lot of religions only priests or the ministers interpret the scriptures. One of our missions in the School of Metaphysics is to teach everyone about the Universal Language of Mind, so that the understanding of what have been inner secrets of the mind and the Self is not secret any more, so that everybody can understand, so that everybody can become more fulfilled and more productive. When you cause peace within your Self it causes peace among other people and one of our ideals is to cause that to come about.

We are an educational organization and the word education means to draw forth. Sometimes people think that education means that you have a teacher who tells you what to do, and a good teacher is one who tells you what to do and then you do it. When you do it, you draw forth from within yourself your own potential and that’s what true education is, to draw forth from within the individual what they already have inside. The kind of education that we provide enables people to draw forth, develop, use, and fulfill their full potential. Then they can really bring about the fulfillment and fruition of what is divine within themselves.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

What are Typical 18/19-year-old Americans dreaming about?

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The week of May 12, 2008, an interesting phenomenon occurred at  As we began sorting the dreams received, we noticed that an unusual number of dreams came from people in the same city: Harrisburg, Oregon.  Upon further investigation we learned the dreamers heard about dreamschool from either their school or teacher.  Using reasoning and intuition, we determined that the dreams were stimulated by an insightful teacher who assigned his or her class to submit a dream.  We, here at dreamschool, appreciate and commend the teacher and the students who submitted these dreams because it affords us a wonderful opportunity for our research.  The result is:

Dreams tell us about ourselves.  Dreams have universal meaning as well as personal relevance to the dreamer.  Dream messages are like receiving personal counsel on your state of being each day.  Learning how to interpret these nighttime images allows the dreamer to open up worlds of possibilities in Self awareness.

In this study, we received 29 dreams.  Sixteen of the dreamers were male; 13, female.  Those reporting their age were either 18 or 19.  All hailed from Oregon with over half, reporting where they live as Harrisburg.  We are examining these dreams in two categories: state and content.

State of Consciousness

State of consciousness is defined as the condition of one’s intelligence.  It can be thought of as temperament.  State can be inner or outer, focused or dispersed, divided or united, clear or cloudy, flexible or hard, relaxed or tense, sharp or dull, available or protected.

State can be revealed by how the dreamer describes the images given in the dream. In this study we will examine the following two factors of state, whether the dream is defined as being repetitive or reported as being lucid.

Of the 29 dreams, 38% reported were recurring dreams.

I have this dream on and off that I cant breathe in the dream and I panic in my sleep because I feel like I cant breathe for real. male/OR, United States

I have a dream whereim falling in to water and i just keep falling. and i see people swim past me. female/OR, United States

I keep having dreams and at the end I always get really close to dieing but I never do. like I’ll be falling or I’ll get shot. but right before I die I wake up abruptly, like if I’m falling right before I hit the ground I like jerk out of bedmale/OR, United States

Recurring dreams arise when the same dream message is pertinent to the dreamer.  This happens when  the thoughts and attitudes of the dreamer remain the same.  It is similar to repeating the same grade in school until the information presented is used and learning is accelerated. Only then can the student advance to the next grade and be successful at the new level of learning. The dream message will repeatedly surface until the message is interpreted and a response is made that changes the dreamer’s awareness.  When this occurs, a new dream message will give insight to the changes in the dreamer’s attitude.

For instance, in the case of the male who repeatedly panics in his dream, a change will need to occur in his waking life concerning how he receives the energy from the environment.  Since the dream repeats, the dreamer might want to learn martial arts or yoga for their benefits in wielding pranayama.  When female (who falls through the water) begins making choices in her life so she can direct her conscious life experiences and control what is happening in her life.  The last dream in our examples above is common and indicates a desire to change that is never being fulfilled. This man needs to learn how to follow through on his goals.

Seven of the Harrisburg dreamers identified their dreams as lucid.  Lucid dreams describe the ability to become consciously aware during the dream state.  With refined concentration, an individual can actively observe the dream as it is transpiring, a skill taught at the School of Metaphysics, the educational parent organization for dreamschool.  The following dreams were reported by our dreamers as being lucid.

I was running down the street, being chased by a man in a brown ford pickup truck, and when I ran past one of the intersections in town, I ran straight through a food stand, the kind that is normally seen during the fourth of July.  When I ran through, there was an opossum and the stand happened to be a Dairy Queen stand.  My best friend was working the stand at the time. female/OR, United States

i always attempt to kill my dads girlfriend in my dreams female/OR, United States

In the ten year history of we have seen an increase in dreams being reported as lucid.  Part of this is due to more people becoming aware of their dreams, remembering and recording them.  There is a difference between remembering a dream and being aware that you are dreaming.  In the dream examples above, the female who attempts to kill her dad’s girlfriend is aware that she is doing this in her dream.


Content of Consciousness

Content of consciousness is defined as the product of one’s intelligence.  Content is comprised of thoughts, memories, fantasies, visualized images, attitudes, beliefs our own as well as that of others.  Content is mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.  It is both desire and fulfillment, fear and love, doubt and resolve.

Dreams relate the state of awareness of the dreamer.  The dream content can differ depending on what would be most relevant to the dreamer, what will grab the attention of the dreamer.  Media can play a role in this by allowing the images to enter into our brains.  Some of these images are purposeful and intentional, others are not.  Just as a writer or an artist chooses the right words or colors to convey what they want to say, the subconscious mind chooses images that relate the message most relevant to the dreamer.  This is why one person may dream of the movie they just saw and another would dream of something they never seen before.

waking up in the middle of the night and facing my bedroom window and finding a man just staring at me. I’ve dreamnt about the same men twice. He’s kind of an ariabian with black hair and a blue vest. The next thing I knew I was going to the prom and after the prom I couldn’t get a hold of my parents to come and pick me up so I walked home alone. It wasn’t that far. All of a sudden a bum came up to me angerly asking where the paper branch is. He had a friend and was starting to attack me. I was scared and ran home. That night I was in bed and I thought I was awake but i wasn’t. I started having a cesar all over the bed even on the sides like I was magnetic. I thought I was having a cesar but I realized I was being attacked by someone but I didn’t see his face. Probably that man. Then I woke up with my heart beating really fast. I couldn’t get out of my dream even how hard I  tried. It was like something out of nightmare on elm street. I have had a dream about freddy too.male/OR, United States

This was the longest dream we received.  It was submitted by an 18-year-old male.

There are ways this dreamer experiences conflict in his life.  There are thoughts, qualities, and emotions that the dreamer has absorbed from his environment that is unknown to him.  These unknown aspects the dreamer experiences are most likely the result of media.  Movies, cell phones, and television symbolize other people’s thoughts and emotions being in the dreamer’s head.  This leads to conflict within the self.  Internal conflict is the result of doubt and fear.  It is resolved by applying will toward a desired object.  Once the dreamer identifies what is troubling him, he will be able to determine the source of the conflict.

The first step for this dreamer is to become aware what is being put into the brain.  He needs to ask, “What kind of TV am I watching?  Is this show aiding me towards fulfilling my desires or pushing me further away?”  Becoming clear in the goals that he desires to accomplish in his life will exercise his own imagination rather than fantasizing with someone else’s.  Image an ideal, establish a purpose for that ideal, and pursue that activity that will cause this ideal to manifest.  This is the formula for success.

The shortest dream (below) came from an 18-year-old female.

i always have dreams that there is a spider falling on me. female/OR, United States, Age: 18

The habit in this dreamer’s life could be the little annoyances that are done without much thought such as, using filler words like, “you know”, “so”, “um” could be a “dream spider”.  As the dreamer becomes more aware of the little things she does each day, her dreams will deliver a new message.  This is true whether the dream is referring to a little habit as the one highlighted here or a more destructive habit which we will discuss later as we explore the “things” that appear in dreams.

These two dreams bring to light two of the three themes running through the Oregon dreams.  These themes are animals, houses and family relationships.  These illustrate the three major components of any dream; people (family members), places (houses) and things (animals).


First we will examine people.  The Dreamer’s Dictionary written by Dr. Barbara Condron, a leading expert in the field of dreamology, states:

“People in dreams represent the many aspects of Self.  An aspect is a particular way of thinking and expressing.  An easy way to recognize aspects of Self is to acknowledge the roles the thinker plays in life — the devoted spouse, loving parents, reliable employee, the good friend.  Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, and we are merely players.”  What becomes most important in interpreting the aspects of Self in a dream is noting the qualities the dreamer attributes to them.  Aspects reflect characteristics of the dreamer — the comic, the shy one, the ambitious one, the generous one.  Whatever quality the dreamer attaches to that person is the quality of Self being addressed in the dream message.”

As we look at the dreams chosen from the group we can see similarities and differences.  One of the most common dream symbols amongst the group is people, particularly people who are part of their family.  These people are aspects of the dreamer indicating how the dreamer looks at him or herself.

People of the same sex refer to conscious mind aspects.  Conscious mind aspects are the ways of expressing ourselves in our waking, everyday life.  When we know the people in our dreams we can ascertain what they represent.  When we do not, the people symbolize unconscious aspects of the conscious mind.  Determining what these represent requires noting our attitude with or toward these people in the dream itself.

In the Universal Language of Mind, family members indicate longstanding attitudes, familiar to the dreamer, that shape his/her concept of the self and the world.  When the dream includes the dreamer’s parents or grandparents this represents the superconscious mind, the dreamer’s inner authority and divinity.  The purpose of the superconscious mind is to hold the seed idea for the thinker’s maturity as a creator.  The superconscious mind is the part of mind that is closest to the source, the Creator.  The attitude toward and the activity of the parent who appears in the dream will reveal the dreamer’s relationship with their own superconscious mind.

It was that my dad was leaving on a trip and my mom, sister and me were on a gravel road, listening to a radio station. On the station, an alert came on about a head on accident. My mom called in and it turned out to be my dad.  It was a suicidal accident they said and i choose not to believe it saying that dad wouldn’t purposily kill himself. My mom then sat me down and explianed my dad had always been suicidal and that hes not coming back. i then woke up female/OR, United States

i always attempt to kill my dads girlfriend in my dreams female/OR, United States

These dreams are examples of how the dreamers are making changes in how they perceive their inner authority.  This occurs when the dreamer is experiencing new ways of thinking, maybe a new environment in which she is becoming more responsible for her own thoughts and attitudes.  Sometimes growing up, we imagine what it would be like to live in our own house or apartment, sometimes the reality of living “on our own” is different from what was imagined, largely impart to lack of experience.  These new experiences lend themselves to creating changes in our belief systems, awakening us to possibilities and awareness that was once unconceivable.

I come home and my mother informs me that the band “ZZ top” is renting our spare bedroom. The dream immediately moves to the next day at school where my car won’t start and I as soon as I decided to find a ride home they pull up in the ZZ top car to give me a ride. The dream moves on the next day wear everywhere I go they play “Sharp Dressed Man” as if it were my theme music. Eventually at the end of the day they inform me they wish to play a concert. My friend C*(male) immediately says that he has a stage built on his farm we can use. We go to his house and the stage is like a really poorly built like homemade style stage. ZZ top doesn’t seem to notice and starts to play. As the play trees form around the stage and water rises to my waist and suddenly we are at a ZZ top concert in like a swamp area. No one shows up to the concert except our school secretary CA*(female) and the dream ends. male/OR, United States

This dream is another example of how the experience of something is different than first imagined.  This dream is focused on how the dreamer harmonizes with his environment.  This guides the dreamer through every aspect of the the dreamer’s life, so much so that the his conscious life experiences begin to consume the way the dreamer thinks and acts.

This dreamer might ask questions such as, “How am I using the experiences in my life?” and “How are my thoughts related to what I experience on deeper levels?  Daily meditation will aid this dreamer in expanding his conscious awareness beyond the confines of the physical level of consciousness.

A similar message is given to the following dreamer, only the content of the dream is different.  The subconscious mind gives images relating the most significant message which will grab the dreamer’s attention, like the following.

In the dream I’m older and I have about a 3 year old son, and i’m standing the living room of my ex’s parent’s house (J*), but in the dream i am still with him. I set down our son on the floor and he runs and jumps into his arms when he walks in the door of the house and I smile at both of them, as J* smiles at our son. female/OR, United States

The dreamer is in a place in mind that is related to the past.  She has caused harmony in this area of her life.  There are developing ideas that are associated with past commitments that are now being brought to the dreamer’s attention.  An example of this is finally choosing a major, based on developing ideas that has been had for a long time.

I had a dream my house was up on a rocky cliff in the middle of the night.  At the same time it was light, so I could still see everything just fine.  Me and a bunch of my family members were just hanging out, then we fell asleep outside.  I woke up and went inside, and my mom was in the kitchen.  She seemed extremely weird, and then I looked outside and saw my moms body underneath a bush.  I freaked and all of a sudden pulled two golf tee’s out of my pocket and attacked the “fake” mom in my kitchen.  Then my real mom woke up when I stabbed the fake one.  This happened with 1 other family member and then I woke up… male/OR, United States

The dreamer is changing the way he sees his own inner authority.  He is moving from a pretense way of thinking into becoming more honest and real.  This is symbolized through killing the “fake” mom.  The dreamer is employing his will with his mind in order to create this new way of life.  The dreamer is beginning to explore new aspects of himself, in essence becoming more conscious.  He might be forming new relationships or changing careers.  Continuing to move in the new direction requires the power in the conscious mind – reasoning.  Reasoning conquers doubt, freeing the mind to draw upon what is known.

This dream also highlights our next major content in dreams:  places.


Places in dreams relate to the state of mind that the dreamer is experiencing.  What kind of place we dream of and in what condition that place is in gives insight into the state of our minds.  This could be calm, relaxed, neat, orderly, messy, confused, contemplative or expressive.  Where our dreams take place tells us what conditions, limitations or expansiveness we are experiencing in our waking lives.  The most common dream place in the dreams submitted from Oregon was the house.  The Dreamer’s Dictionary describes houses in dreams this way:

“The mind is comprised of three major divisions:  conscious, subconscious, and superconscious.  Within these divisions are a total of seven levels of consciousness.  A house in a dream will symbolize the dreamer’s mind.  The floors of the house will represent different parts of the mind   (see attic, basement, etc.) and the activity in the house will signify how the dreamer is using this structure for thinking. ”

As we explored in the dream above, there were ways in which the dreamer was employing his will to use his mind more honestly.  In the following dream, the dreamer is seeking this honesty as well and however how she is responding to it is differently.

Me and my sister were building houses in Mexico. When we were finished building the bathroom my sister went over and picked up the entire bathroom and was going to steal it. I went after her shouting that it was wrong to steal. My sister sat down on the driveway of the house in Mexico with the bathroom beside her and turned her head all the way around with her body still facing away from me and started whispering “Don’t get up, don’t get up” female/OR, United States

There are ways in which this dreamer wants to purify or organize her thinking.  How she goes about it, however, takes more away from her than adds to.  This is like thinking you have to take “time away” for yourself, from certain responsibilities that you are committed to.

I dreamed I was in an old decrepit house akin to a haunted one.  It was not very large and i was standing in the center.  I began to hear noises from outside as if someone or something was coming. I was not afraid but did not want to be found.  A friend suddenly appeared from a trap door in the ground. i entered the trap door and proceeded down a passageway.

At the end of the passage way i encountered a brightly lit room with more of my friends and we played cards till i awoke. male/OR, United States

This dream shows the impact that media has upon our consciousness.  The dreamer is experiencing unknown factors that are causing confusing and limitations in the state of his mind.  There are ways the dreamer creates a game out of the way he thinks.  This is akin to how the dreamer entertains certain states of his thinking.  It is like telling yourself that everything is going to be “okay” when you know that you are doing something that is not in your best interest.


The third main content in dreaming is things.  These include anything in the dream that is not either a place or a person.  Such as cars, tables, food, and one of the most commonly dreamed about symbols in our study, animals.  The Dreamer’s Dictionary describes animals like this:

“In the Universal Language of Mind, animals represent habitual ways of thinking.  Animals function from instinct, a reaction to pleasure or pain.  Having differing degrees of memory and the ability for attention, animals do not possess the evolutionary development including a sufficient brain capacity for imagination.  Most animals in a dream will represent the dreamer’s habits.  There are four animals, which represent specific types of habits.  Ahorse or other beast of burden represents the will of the dreamer, a Fish signifies spiritual knowledge, Birds are subconscious thoughts, and a Snake represents wisdom born from creation.”

What the animal does, and how the dreamer responds in the dream will give insight to the quality of the habitual way of thinking that is occurring during the dreamer’s waking hours.  In our study of the Oregon class, we have three different examples.  The first one, the female dreamer’s spiders, we discussed earlier in our study.  These are the small annoyances in life.  As these habits continue they can be more detrimental to the dreamer’s sense of well being.  The following dream reflects what happens when habitual patterns of thinking are left unchecked and uncontrolled.

seeing a red wolf look at me every time i get in to danger or if some one in my dreams reacts to me in a non sexual way and sexual way. then the dream reacts to people yelling and screaming as if they seen the wolf and get guns and try to shoot whats not there but when i woke up i have had red lessions on my body on were i got shot at in the dream female/OR, United States, Age:19

This dream indicates the dreamer’s habitual way of using the emotions.  There are changes in the life that the dreamer wants to make, however there is an inner conflict due to the way she habitually manipulates the emotions.  What the dreamer experiences then are habits which are out of control and are disrupting her identity of who she thinks she is and are threatening force change.  An example of this could be when you give someone an innocent glance that says “come hither,” then wonder and are offended when someone is approaching you.

The following dream shows the progression of what happens when one begins to have authority with these habitual patterns of thinking.  Instead of being attacked by animals, this dreamer is beginning to nurture and care for the animals.

I had a dream that I was at some ladies house and I was a veterinarian helping animals that people left at the doorstep. Someone left two baby pandas that I had to feed.  They weren’t normal sized baby pandas they were smaller than usual. Also, someone dropped off two kittens in a box and i bottle fed them. female/OR, United States,

The dreamer is beginning to have some authority over her habits.  This is indicated by being a veterinarian.  This dreamer is learning about authority through mentally efficient ways of thinking.  Examples of this could be laying your clothes out before you retire at night, so they are ready the next morning.  Practicing a daily mental discipline, such as concentration, meditation or breathing allows the dreamer more effienct use of her time by increasing memory, relaxation, and overall well-being.


So what does the average American 18-19-year-old dream about?  These dreams indicate a desire for the dreamer to understand Self and how Self fits into the environment.  Many of the dreams had some type of conflict in them.  This implies doubts and fears which a lack of experience can produce, especially when there is a lack of goals and purpose.  This could be why many high school graduates are undecided on major area of study in college.  It could also be why many drop-out after a few years.

The influence of media is also present in these dreams.  This is in keeping with all dreams submitted to  In 10 years, society has moved from rare references to media in dreams (TV, movies, etc.) to the majority of dreams including some kind of images originating in the media.  This reflects society’s movement away from Self-awareness to other awareness and a need for autonomy.  These dreams are also brief, indicating the attention span of the dreamer.  Recalling more dream details will require greater concentration skills.

We look forward to the time that all schools will teach this essential life skill.  Until then you can learn them at  We would like to thank the teacher of this class and all those who submitted their dreams.  We hope to hear about your class discussion on these dreams soon.•[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Influential Dreamers – How many do you recognize?

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_raw_html]JTNDaWZyYW1lJTIwd2lkdGglM0QlMjI0MjAlMjIlMjBoZWlnaHQlM0QlMjIzMTUlMjIlMjBzcmMlM0QlMjJodHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRnd3dy55b3V0dWJlLmNvbSUyRmVtYmVkJTJGVXFjWkFNdWplTjQlMjIlMjBmcmFtZWJvcmRlciUzRCUyMjAlMjIlMjBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW4lM0UlM0MlMkZpZnJhbWUlM0U=[/vc_raw_html][vc_column_text]Dreamers featured in the YouTube movie are (in order of their appearance):

1 Mohandas K. Gandhi

One man’s dream manifested the vision of an absolute reality. His name was Mohandas K. Gandhi. For years, Gandhi sought ways to free his native India from British colonization into self rule. His nonviolent efforts brought him worldwide notoriety during the early 1900s. One of these came to him in a dream. In 1919, after weeks of meditation, Gandhi had a dream suggesting that the people of India suspend their usual business activities for 24 hours – devoting that time to fasting and prayer. The resulting mass strikes were called hartals. These nonviolent unified efforts, mobilized by Gandhi, marked a turning point in India’s efforts to achieve independence.

2 Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes’ discovery of Analytical Geometry was the result of a dream which revealed that all sciences could be combined through mathematics. The 17th century mathematician and philosopher experienced illumined perspectives from dreams that led to his theory of dualism. Descartes observed that man’s physical body functions in a manner similar to that of other animals while his mind operates on a metaphysical basis under the influence of the soul.

3 Sigmund Freud

In 1899, Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Sigmund Freud published The Interpretation of dreams. Known as the father of psychoanalysis, Freud called dreams the “royal road to the unconscious.” His theories and practices revolutionized the way we see and understand ourselves, opening doors to self awareness. For this reason, his name – perhaps more than any other in history – is synonymous with dreams.

4 Marie Curie

The discoverer of radium, Maria Sklodowska-Curie was a Polish-French physicist and economist In 1897 she and her husband Pierre opened the school of Industrial Physics and Chemistry. Some years later she wrote, ” At this time we were completely absorbed by the new field that opened up before us, thanks to an unexpected discovery. We were very happy despite our difficult working conditions. We spent our days in the laboratory, often eating a simple lunch there like students. A great tranquility reigned in our run-down shed (…) We lived with just one concern, as in a dream.” In almost everything written about her, Curie’s capacity to harness day dreams in this single-pointed fashion is undoubtedly what enabled her to be one of two people (the other being Linus Pauling),to date, to have received two Nobel prizes.

5 Helen Keller

The World I Live In is Helen Keller’s account of the power of subconscious realities. Deaf and blind from the age of 19 months, Helen described visiting foreign lands in her dreams where she had never been in her waking life and conversing with peoples whose languages she had never heard. “I do not remember ever to have met persons with whom I could not at once communicate” she wrote. Adept in sign language, Helen very rarely used her fingers to spell in her dreams, and she was self sufficient, enjoying “an independence quite foreign to my physical life. Wherever I turn my steps, my mind is my faithful guide and interpreter. In dreams we catch glimpses of a life larger than our own…..Thoughts are imparted to us far above our ordinary thinking..” Dreams influenced Helen Keller’s thinking, gifting her with the power of consciousness to rise far above the norm.

6 William Shakespeare

Sixteen comedies, 10 histories, 12 tragedies, and numerous sonnets are attributed to English playwright William Shakespeare. Dreams form more than a narrative device in the hands of this master of human nature, they become a stimulus for ever-deepening thought which is why his works endure and remain the great challenge for every actor. Although Shakespeare put dreamers on center stage in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” it is perhaps Hamlet’s soliloquy about death, dreaming, and consciousness that is his most famous.

To be or not to be, that is the question—
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep—
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to — ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep—
To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there’s the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life,
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th’oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despis’d love, the law’s delay,

7 Srinivasa Ramanujan

Sometimes dream inspiration can take on godlike qualities. According to an article in Scientific American in 1948, a Hindu goddess called Namakkal would appear to the Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan in his dreams. She presented him with mathematical formulae which he would verify after waking. This pattern repeated itself throughout Rama-nujan’s life and his accomplishments were so substantial that one commentator stated, “It was doubtful so prodigious a feat had ever before been accomplished in the history of thought.”

8 Carl Jung

Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology Carl Jung took a broad approach to understanding the psyche. From art to mythology, from world religion to clinical practice, Jung contributed much to our knowledge of self through dreams particularly in his expansive command of archetypal symbols found around the globe. His travels around the world led him to unite Eastern and Western concepts into a greater understanding of what is unconscious. Jung believed that the unconscious also had a creative capacity, that the collective unconscious of archetypes and images which made up the human psyche was processed and renewed within the unconscious.

9 Abraham Lincoln

About two weeks before his assassination, Abraham Lincoln dreamed he heard sobbing. Leaving his bed he sought the source. Arriving in the East Room he saw a coffin lying on a platform. When asked who was dead, the soldiers guarding the body said, “The President. He was killed by an assassin.” When the dream came to pass only days later, Lincoln’s body was laid in state in the East Room guarded by soldiers.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Cars, Planes and Trains

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]by Rory Colgan, dreamschool staff 04.28.09

Interpreting our dreams depends largely upon our ability to reason. Reasoning is the power in the conscious mind to move consciousness forward, be it answering a question, solving a problem, or understanding an experience. How reasoning is used to interpret the symbols in our dreams is illustrated well in explaining what vehicles in our dreams represent.

Here are dreams from two dreamers on opposite sides of the planet (see side bar). One is from Australia, the other from California in the United States. Both of their dreams contain vehicles, modes of transportation. Both symbolize something important, and different, in the dreamer’s life.

Our Dreamer from Australia finds herself in a small vehicle: an older car driven by a “trusted driver” who she hasn’t seen in years, and in the second dream she finds herself in a car being driven by her friend.

Dream nouns, the people, places, and things that appear in a dream are interpreted based on what they do, what function they perform. Looking at a car’s function illuminates the interpretation of it in the Universal Language of Mind. A car goes from one point to another point and then stops or continues onto another destination. People are direct the vehicle from stop to stop. When one reaches his destination he gets out of the vehicle. It is for this reason that a small vehicle represents the dreamer’s physical body. The physical body is used by the Self to move from place to place in the waking life. When people meditate deeply, practice deep breathing for a period of time, astral project, or sleep, the mind’s attention temporarily leaves the body. This might appear in a dream as the dreamer getting out of the car.

Our Australian Dreamer is having dreams of the body under unproductive circumstances. Water and cars do not mix. Water tends to defeat the purpose of cars. Even small amounts of water cause hazardous conditions like hydroplaning, therefore it becomes important to identity the interpretation of water to see what our dreamer’s dreams are saying about her body.

Water represents conscious life experience because water is essential for sustained life in the physical. It is necessary to have experiences to sustain life in the physical, for if the mind is not used, it begins to fall apart. It is for this reason that water is the way to describe conscious life experiences in dreams. Our dreamer is putting the body into life experiences that are creating mental emergencies where much energy is needed to be exerted in order for her to continue on in daily life. In short, this is an example of a dream describing the health of the dreamer, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

With this in mind, there is something this dreamer can do to experience greater health in her life, mentally, emotionally, and physically. In both dreams, the cars go into water. In both dreams, the vehicles make a U-turn before going into the water. This is the choice, made in the days before her dreams, that leads to health problems for our dreamer. A U-turn is a mental command that changes the direction of the body, and in fact goes in the exact opposite direction one was heading.

It could be as simple as this dreamer forgetting her checkbook on the way to the grocery store and once realizing this feeling overwhelmed by this simple error because she is now thinking about how she is going to be late for picking up her child at school, which she imagines will anger her daughter, and how that then makes dinner late, and the list goes on and on in terms of how one action has a “domino” affect on the rest of her day. This type of action could stimulate a lot of mental stress, hence tax the body like water filling up in a car. As our dreamer takes command of her body by getting into the “driver’s seat” and concentrates on where she wants to go mentally, emotionally, and physically, then she will produce healthier experiences for herself.

The Dreamer from the U.S. also experiences vehicles in her dreams, though they do not represent the physical body. The nature of planes and trains include more seating capacity than that of a car which allows more people to ride them to a common destination. In dreams, these larger vehicles represent organizations because organizations comprise many people with a common mission or goal to reach. This is similar to how a bus or train takes everyone to the next stop.

Our California Dreamer is showing apprehension and anxiety in this organization, feeling that she may lose some of her thoughts or skills that she holds valuable (her bag) because of the unknown related to the organization(hole in the plane). After weathering her ride, aware that she is seeing an opportunity to mature, to grow, to expand, she evaluates her experience afterwards, and hindsight being 20/20 realizes that she was okay the entire time because the nature of organization is more stable and has a clear path or “track.” Her anxiety came from a misinterpretation of the energies with this organization believing she was on a plane when actually she was on a train. Ending with the train station shows the dreamer’s awareness is open the many possible “tracks” she can journey on with this organization.

Identifying facts, self evaluation/coaching and counseling, and being in the present moment with objective and subjective awareness allows anyone to be more accurate with their interpretations of life.

Concentration and meditation are keys for this type of mental command and awareness, allowing one to harmonize with organizations, people, and most importantly one’s inner Self.•[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’ ~ Sleepers’ Insights on a Troubled Economy

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]

Sleepers’ Insights on a Troubled Economy

The economy can affect our waking lives—how about our dreams?

A journalist from California, who specializes in mental health reporting, wanted to know the impact of California’s economic woes on the people there.  Her husband is a political analyst, so it was easy for her to put her field of knowledge with his and come up with a question:  Are attitudes about the economy reflected in people’s dreams?  Her question reached our staff at, where people all over the world submit their dreams for interpretations.  Because she asked about dreamers in her state, we reviewed the dreams sent to us from California to explore the connections between dreams and the California economy.  Here’s what we found.

First, some background on California’s economic conditions.  It is the most populous state, with an estimated 37 million[i] people; it has the biggest economy[ii] of all the states in the union.  From January 2008 to August 2010, its unemployment rate has climbed from 5.9% to 12.8%[iii], third highest in the nation.  A Field Poll released October 5, 2010,shows that 93% of California voters believe the state is in bad economic times and 70% of Californians expect their own financial situation to remain the same or worsen in the future.  This is the longest period of poor economic numbers in the poll’s history.[iv]

Since 2008, when the present economic changes started manifesting, polls, surveys, interviews with mental health workers, and even the number of people with mental problems showing up at places like homeless shelters and jails all show there has been a rise in stress and mental problems.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Dreams bring new meaning to Early Warning Signs

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]by Dr. Sheila Benjamin

Have you ever thought to yourself, if only there was some sign that I could have to prepare for my future, and more specifically, my health? We feel so helpless and vulnerable when we get sick. Most of the time we don’t know how we got sick or where the germs came from.

Consider the idea that your thoughts create the circumstances and conditions in your life, even the state of health that you experience mentally, emotionally and physically. With this in mind, you can become increasingly aware of how you can cause wellness in your life.

Your dreams are one way your mind communicates to you about the way you think. Your dreams are messages from your inner Self; we call this our subconscious mind or our soul. Our dreams reflect our thoughts and attitudes that are present in our waking life.

The messages from our inner Self are meant to be interpreted symbolically. There are many people who look at their dreams very literally and become frightened or confused, believing that they must be angry or disturbed because of their nightly dramas. Through the use of the Universal Language of Mind, we are able to use our nightly conversations to improve our waking lives and to change our ways of thinking to promote wellness throughout our being.

Using the Universal Language of Mind, in a dream a small vehicle such as a car or a boat or a small plane symbolizes your physical body. The condition of the vehicle in your dreams will communicate specific conditions within your body, sometimes indicating potential illness. You might ask, why a small vehicle? Why does my car symbolize my body? A car is a vehicle that we use to get from one place to another. Our mind uses our physical body in the same way to move from one experience to another.

When you are dreaming of your car and there is something impairing its function, your subconscious mind is communicating to you that your body is afflicted. For instance, you have been “burning the candle at both ends,” which means you have overloaded yourself and your life with many activities and projects. In your attempt to be productive, you decide that you don’t need as much sleep as you usually get, so you quickly work yourself towards being sleep deprived. The one night you decide to sleep at least four and a half hours you might remember a dream where your car battery is dead and your car is not going anywhere. Your subconscious mind is telling you that your way of thinking and behaving is depleting your energy and can physically immobilize you, so you’d better slow down and enjoy life.

When you dream of being physically ill, this is pinpointing a specific mental attitude that is causing nonproductivity and many times pain. When you think in dis-eased ways, the diseased thought will seek expression. It will either express in our relations with others, causing turmoil, upheavel, and misunderstanding with loved ones and friends, or it will express in our physical body as illness.

For example, a man who called the National Dream Hotline® last year dreamed he was in an operating room at a hospital following a heart attack. The surgeon and his team were quickly working to save the man’s life. The dreamer could hear the heart monitor beeping, then it went dead and he awoke. This was a very frightening dream for this man, for given his lifestyle and physical condition he believed it could be precognitive. In the Language of Mind, this dream was telling the man he needed to agressively respond to his desires. The dream illness symbolized his long-standing pattern of competition, it had pushed him in life but it had also left him empty. To repair his “broken heart” he would need to love his life, seeking meaning and understanding from his experiences instead of trying to keep up with someone else or beat his competitors. Following the interpretation of the dream, the SOM teacher discussed the man’s physical health, including suggestions for change in diet, more mobility, and possible herbs and vitamins to strengthen the cardio-vascular system, to give him ways to take control of his health.

When you begin to understand the meaning of your nightly dreams and apply the messages to your waking thoughts and actions, then you can change the way you are thinking to prevent illness and promote health. The average person may have a health dream several weeks before they begin to experience any physical symptoms. It is important to learn how to interpret your dreams so that you can cause yourself to think in a healthy manner.

A woman named Helen had a disturbing dream that she shared with her daughter who interprets dreams. “I was sitting in a car on my sister’s driveway. I was backing out into the street when out of nowhere another car came speeding down the street and ran into the back end of my car. I wasn’t hurt but my car was smashed. When I woke up from this dream it left me with a scared, uneasy feeling.”

The car symbolizes Helen’s body. In the dream, Helen’s attention was directed behind her with no awareness of what was around her. The driveway symbolizes the dreamer’s path of life on which she is moving backwards. Since all of her attention was on the past, she wasn’t paying attention to what she was learning now. As a result, something in her life — the condition of her physical body symbolized by the oncoming car — quickly jolted her attention into the present.

Four months after Helen had this dream she was hospitalized and diagnosed with diabetes. She even became legally blind as a result of the disease. In her life she had been living in the past, comfortable with her what was familiar. Helen’s younger daughter and family had been living with her. The younger daughter had been talking about moving. Helen was selfish (which is the mental cause for diabetes) in the sense that she was thinking only about what she was going to lose. She began to discourage her daughter from pursuing her plans to move. Since this time, Helen has made many changes and is now supporting her daughter’s desires. Helen is beginning to recognize that her thoughts create her state of health.

As we begin to listen to the “Inner Teacher” within, we are able to create and accept many miracles into our lives. When we respond to our inner teacher we are able to accomplish great things in our lives for ourselves and for others. Knowing how to interpret your dreams can aid you to know yourself and produce peace of mind. Think of all the counseling and doctor bills you can save!

Begin now recording your dreams each morning. Make this the first thing you do in the morning. From this day forward you will become increasingly aware of your whole self. A great book which can help you learn the Universal Language of the Mind and teach you the purpose of each symbol is The Dreamer’s Dictionary by Dr. Barbara Condron. This wonderful resource can be the key to opening you to your soul. Sweet Dreams!

from Thresholds Quarterly August 1998[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

An Intuitive Rosetta Stone

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Our major discovery is comparable to the unearthing of the Rosetta Stone. Like the system which is the basis for all computer activity, so the inner subconscious communication is based upon a common system, a system SOM researchers refer to as the Universal Language of Mind. The Universal Language of Mind is a language that goes beyond physical limitations. It is symbolic, pictorial. A language of images drawn from mankind’s experiences in the world.

To understand this concept of dreams being meaningful messages conveyed through symbolic pictures consider this: You and I are attending an international gathering. We speak English. We meet someone who only knows the physical language of Chinese. Then we are joined by an Italian who only speaks Italian, and someone who only speaks Spanish. We are all in the same room and if we don’t find some way to exchange our ideas other than the familiar but uncommon physical languages we know then it leaves a lot of room for misunderstanding, misinterpretation, at best a breakdown in the communication. In the absence of a common language is there any doubt of the cause for mankind’s misery and conflict?

When we learn to communicate using a form that can be readily grasped we transcend physical language. Images or pictures provide this. Think about it, don’t we teach our children to read a physical language through the use of pictures or by acting out the meaning of the words? Words are the means of communication for the outer consciousness; images are the means for the inner subconsciousness.

Images bypass the brain and speak directly to the soul. This is one of the reasons why art endures. No matter what your opinion of Picasso’s talent, he created pictures. In fact much of his work resembles many four-year-olds’ efforts. The reason why his pictures endure, the reason why they are famous and the reason why his paintings draw millions of dollars, is because there is that inner recognition in people that responds to the ethereal quality in imagery, that transcends any kind of physicalness of ourselves.

The language of mind is a form of communication built around these kinds of images and built around what they represent to an individual. So if there is a picture of a man and a woman and a child, smiling broadly as they standing in front of some charming house — that Italian and that Spaniard and that Chinese person and you and I as the English-speaking Americans sitting in a room where we can’t communicate physically — we can all look at this same picture and gather a similar attitude from it, the common thought, the essence of the image. This is communication beyond the physical and this is the kind of communication that occurs in our dreams.


The Dalai Lama Dreams

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From transcribing Sanskrit to Star Trek these are …

The Dalai Lama Dreams
by Barbara O’Guinn Condron

The spring of 2010, I had the good fortune to be in the presence of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. He was teaching The Heart Sutra, the great treatise on emptiness and bliss, written around 350 as part of thePerfection of Wisdom sutras.

Gaté, gaté, paragaté, parasamgaté. Bodhi! Svaha!

Which means…

Gone, gone, gone over, gone fully over. Awakened! So be it!

For the first night, His Holiness designed a special meditation practice to quicken the wisdom for those attending. On Friday the 14th, I attended the Dalai Lama’s public talk in Indianapolis. Before retiring that night, I meditated on assimilating this time with Kundun. It is the presence I appreciate the most about His Holiness.

There is an expectation that exists in the minds of those who attend his teachings, particularly in Bloomington. It is the small midwestern space where His Holiness comes because his older brother lived there for years and established a center that is now thriving as a result of the Dalai Lama’s choice in leadership and the local people’s dedication. The expectation creates a mindfulness, even an emptiness in those attending and His Holiness gives freely.

The public talks allow a different expectation, broader. Anyone is free to attend, and the extremes widen. The field reflects this. He speaks in English the entire time.

I wanted to assimilate the essence of what I had learned, received, become. I wanted to complete my INITIATION so I incubated this before going to sleep.

I received an AVATAR dream.

DREAM RECORD of Sunday, May 16, 2010

I awoke in the middle of the night with this image:

I am transcribing texts in Sanskrit. One is for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. One for me that I wil give to the School of Metaphysics. They are being etched into a manuscript with a fine bamboo stick onto paper woven of fibers. They reveal Truth and Light on the subjects of autonomy and self-government.

The second dream comes later in the early morning hours and is the AVATAR dream I have been awaiting since the end of April.

It appears like watching a movie, a science fiction movie. A large airship, primarily metallic, a silver/grey diamond, is downed on a planet. The people are Firefly-like characters in attitude. Meaning they are independent, quick in thought and action,balancing head and heart, unified by common need. The indigenous people see the ship land and are afraid. Then fear gives way to curiosity and they start coming toward the ship.

One alien has found a baby. The aliens are part metal in construction and the baby is a ball of energy, electricity solidifying into a kind of pup, although it is not a dog. Nor is it a child. It is indigenous. The alien takes the pupchild to the ship.

I now am on board. Now all the characters are SOM people, I know this, rather than address them directly by name. I do not engage them. I ask the captain, who is my husband Daniel appearing in temperament and affectation like Capt. Kirk from the television series Star Trek, about the rate of repairs and possibility of mobility.

I realize the time that has passed without any seeming progress. I also know the indigenous people are coming for the pup-child.

I tell the captain he needs to lift off. The locals intend to break the seal in the middle of the ship. Then come in with fire weapons. They would not break the ship from top to bottom but that doesn’t matter because they will attack for access. They want their baby back. It is a treasure for them, either their next ruler or the means for rulership.

The only hope is to get the ship airborne, otherwise we will perish. All aliens are mobilized in this effort.

While awakening, I realize this dream is like Pandora, like the recent movie Avatar‘s dream world. I also realize it is coming following the Dalai Lama’s teaching. Becoming lucid, I return into the dream with awareness of choice for the work ahead of us.

This is the work that is done. The first choice is to let go of layers determined “inevitable” and open to “possibilities”.

First layer is fire. I see it coming from the indigenous people. It comes as a wave across the space between land and sky.

The second layer is water that comes in a tidal wave, cleansing the fire.

The third layer is wind that moves across the waters, evaporating them.

When this clears, the earth becomes like light, transparent.

The people on the ship have also become moving light forms.

When the indigenous people arrive, they cannot see us. Only their pup-child is visible to them and it is now dual. It is physical to the planet and spiritual to those not of this world. Since he is too young to choose which way he will go, his mother chooses. She has become like us so she keeps the child.

Transforming as she is, we become like vapor, rays of light into vapor. All the indigenous people can see is a system of rainbows in the shape of a ship that was or had been. We are becoming flickers like fireflies, moving around the lines that are now the ship. Until we are gone….

The indigenous worship the area. They have never seen such a sight. Their attention feeds it once we are no longer there.

This becomes a sacred space for these people. No weapons can enter the space. They are absorbed in the energy of the field.

No separate thought can be withstood in the field. It is as if there is no entry point.Should such a one (with separate thoughts) step over, the field seems to be gone, to disappear as if it was never there. That one retreats to find the space-ship appearing again. This experience happens only with the separatists.

All others continue to “see” the sacred form because their attention feeds it, sustains it.

One by one, those who came cast their weapons into the form. They go through the same process described here, quickly. The indigenous people come to cleanse themselves like a new Ganges. The people are made anew.

As we ascend from the planet, all this can be seen. Powers of Ten measurements of distance and time become apparent as we move into space.

The firefly ship pattern is Shiva’s drum. The Sri Yantra transitions into the pattern of life eternal, the evolution of consciousness that is the Cosmic Seed, the consciousness of the atom.

I awake fully comprehending what I have experienced in the inner levels. These are symbols reflecting the movement of consciousness in the Kundalini Experience. First is the still awakening that comes from neutrality. This is followed by repentance, the response to the awakened conscience. Repentance brings a resurrection of consciousness that reveals the whole Self. Thus does the vibration of the I AM reverberate through every thought, word and deed leaving Self to experience the ecstasy that is neither-either, yet both.

In biofeedback, it is called the Resonant Frequency Pattern. A resonant frequency is the key frequency of vibration of an object or animal. Like E strings on a guitar or Ella Fitzgerald’s voice shattering glass, resonant frequency reveals the true reality. In this reality, we are each tuning forks.

Every human being has an energetic and informational constitution, particular to him or her. For each physical manifestation in the body, there is an energetic and informational correspondence on the appropriate levels. In the past, this correspondence between physical, energetic and informational levels, has been described in mystical traditions and alchemical healing methods for centuries. It has only recently been addressed using the methods of modern science.

In Vedic teachings, avatars descend from spirit in the time of humanity’s need. Vishnu is the preserver of the universe, ever peaceful. Though there are ten incarnations that are widely seen as his major appearance, the Bhagavata Purana describes Vishnu’s avatars as innumerable. Krishna is the eighth of these; Buddha, the ninth. In the Dhammapada, Guatama, the one most refer to when speaking of “the Buddha” in today’s world, said, “We are all Buddhas”. Jesus, who became the Christ, said, “the one who believes in me will also do what I am doing. He will do even greater things than these.” Every great master of consciousness knew our common destiny. Their lives were their testaments to it.

We are all Avatars descended from Spirit in the time of humanity’s need. Once this is honored, we can ascend to heights from which we have fallen and the revelation of God in man will be ours to receive.

In her new book The Taraka Yoga of Kuan Yin, Dr. Barbara “Gael O’Guinn” Condron interprets The Heart Sutra in Universal Language of Mind. Read it online at


Inception: First Impressions of a Movie on the Mind

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]by Dr. Teresa Martin

Last night I attended a screening of Inception and thought I would share some thoughts.  The movie explores the realm of the subconscious mind.  There is a long discourse by the main character, played by Leonardo DiCaprio about what the subconscious is. This takes place while in the subconscious mind walking along a street.  He is conversing with someone being “interviewed” for a position as an architect of dreams that will be planted in the mind of someone else.  While he is talking, she is practicing and it illustrates the immediate responsiveness of the subconscious mind to thought.

She gets the “job” and becomes the architect for the dream creation that will be planted in a man’s mind for the betterment of humanity, which is also a means for the main character to take care of some karmic debts (my words, not the movies).  There is some discussion as to how to properly plant a thought in someone else’s mind so they believe it will be their own thought and make choices accordingly.

At one point, the movie goes back and forth between three dreams occurring simultaneously within the minds of all who are part of the team that enters the dream.  The characters begin the planning of the Inception which is to plant the idea in a man who has received an inheritance. They realize that in order to do so there would have to be three steps, three different dreams where a part of the thought form is placed. The dreams that are created end up occurring sequentially and continue simultaneously. The three dreams portrayed illustrate the differences in time from one level of mind to another.

From this point on there is so much going on that my experience of viewing the movie was like being in a very intense dream.  Sometimes I wondered whether the characters were dreaming or were awake.  As the three dreams progress, there is demonstration of the effect of what happens in one level of mind on the other levels.  For example, a van that they are driving in one dream tilts as they run off the road and down an incline.  In the second dream, that has been created/experienced while walking down a hotel hallway, suddenly people are floating and have to pull themselves along using their hands.

Probably one of the most effective ideas presented in the movie arises from the lead character, Cobb’s need to control his attention.  When he is directed, the architecture of the dream remains undisturbed.  When he loses control of his attention due to memory distractions, the dreams are effected.  He grows in his capacity to hold his attention through recognizing the cause and effect of his thoughts.  In the end, he seems to have learned a basic universal truth:  Thoughts are things.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Does TV Affect Your Dreams?

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]by Jonathan Duerbeck, dreamschool staff

How does TV influence dreams?  At Dreamschool, we understand that our dreams show us our own state of consciousness.  That is, the state and content of our minds.  The impact of watching TV on our consciousness is shown in our dreams.  One place we see it in waking life is in more passive use of imagination.  We can see examples of this in dreams. 

Passive imagination?  Where do we get that idea?  What does that mean?

When we watch TV (or a movie, or a show on the internet), we can easily let our mind become engrossed in the images that someone else created.  Unlike a book, no original imagining is required on our part.  The TV images we receive are designed to entertain, and they come at us in a rapid-fire succession of camera shots designed to keep our attention engaged with very little effort.  We can get curious, excited, or happy as we watch and hear this make-believe experience. 

Yet, unlike real life or even a video game, we don’t have to respond at all to what we’re experiencing. 

We can just sit and do nothing about it, because “it’s not real.”  For many people, it’s a vacation from reality!  Watching TV is like practicing passive imagination.  That is, allowing a succession of images and thoughts to entertain the mind and engross the attention.  How does marathon TV-watching train our minds?  Instead of imagining for ourselves and responding with action, we let someone else give us mental images, and our imagination muscle gets kind of weak and flabby from disuse, and we’re more apt to keep our attention occupied with a separate world of imagined mental content.

If people watch enough TV, does their attention span shorten?  Does their willful control of their own thinking weaken?  Do they have more fantasy thoughts and TV images in their mind?

Sometimes we receive dreams at dreamschool that seem to show the influence of TV.  Here are two examples.

DS1545 … Age: 17 … Dream Date: 4/7/09


I dreamt that I was a federal agent working for the FBI.  Mark Harmon (the actor) came over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.  He then told me that I needed to find the young boy that was missing.  I said okay and proceeded to load my gun.  Next, I was in a old barn.  I went over to a chest and opened it, and inside was the missing child. – female/IN, United States

In this dream, we have TV images (an actor, being in a situation similar to a TV crime drama) making up the bulk of the dream.  People in dreams are images of the different ways that we think and express.  The dream figure of an actor represents a way that the dreamer uses the action of pretending in waking life, just as actors are part of a pretend reality.  Dreaming of Mark Harmon doesn’t show the dreamer who she IS; it shows the dreamer who she pretendsto be, who she imagines she is, or who she wishes to be.  When the main characters in a dream are actors, the dreamer has had more attention on thinking and pretending than on the reality of what exists.  This is a predictable after-effect of allowing the mind to passively follow pretend TV images. 

The Mark Harmon dream figure tells the dreamer what to do, and she obeys.  This shows that this way of pretending was actually directing the dreamer, who was following the direction of her own mental images in waking life.  That’s backwards from directing our own imagination, and that’s what we practice with TV images.  Then if we continue that mental action, even after our bodies get up and leave the TV set, we keep following the mental TV of our own imagined thoughts…instead of choosing what to imagine and directing our own thinking.

 DS1552 …. Age: 31 … Dream Date: 4/19/09


I had previously watched a reality show a few hours before I went to sleep. In my dream I embodied one of the characters and the person directing me was also a character from the show, who plays a more leadership role. In the dream she asks me to dress up in a stylish outfit and practice my runway walk for an upcoming show. I repeatedly walk up and down a hallway practicing my walk, but she repeatedly tells me my walk just isn’t right. I don’t feel comfortable with my walk- it was as though my rhythm was off somehow. But the rare times she would look away, somehow my walk would improve, but as soon as she returned, I would mess up again. My dream continues on this way till I suddenly wake up. –female/IL, United States

This dream takes place in the TV program the dreamer just watched. 

Well, that’s not such a big deal, you might say.  Someone had an experience, and then they dreamed about it.  There’s something else here that relates to TV, though. 

Here also, the dreamer is being directed by someone from TV.  Again, the TV person is a dream figure that shows the dreamer a way that she pretends in waking life…kind of like what she practices when watching TV!  A kind of pretending is directing the dreamer in waking life, and she can only direct herself in the here-and-now reality when she stops imagining things about herself.  This shows up in the dream when the TV character isn’t looking at her—and then she does just fine.  She may have been preoccupied with worry-images of how she might fail in some endeavor, or distracted with fantasy images of what she wants to be like.  Perhaps the biggest pretense that people get lost in is self-imagination, what we imagine about ourselves.  When we’re not in control of our mental images, those thoughts get in the way of doing and being our best.

Has watching TV affected your waking consciousness…and your dreams? 

In waking life, check yourself to see if your attention is on creating and responding in the now…or were you thinking about what happened on your favorite show last night?  Check to see if your mind is on the things that YOU are choosing to imagine and plan and create…or were you fantasizing a hypothetical conversation you’ll probably never have? 

In your dreams, check to see how often you have actors and TV characters playing a major role.  See how often your dreams revolve around thoughts and dream-conversations with no dream-action.  How often are your dream scenes disjointed with no transition, like a sudden uncontrolled, automatic movement of your attention?

You can use your dreams to be mindful of whether you are in control of your imagination.  You can program your mind a lot better than a TV can.•


The Simple Truth About Dreams

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The Simple Truth About Dreams

By Laurel Clark, D.M.

When I first became a student in the School of Metaphysics my teacher used to say, “If it’s simple and it works, it’s metaphysics.” I have always remembered that. Metaphysics is simple because it is Universal Truth. Truth is profound, clear, and direct. I think sometimes people forget that. They think that something has to be complicated to be meaningful.

The School of Metaphysics sponsors the National Dream Hotline® each year (the last weekend in April) to educate people around the world about dreams. Freud became known for the truth that every dream is about the dreamer. Jung discovered that dreams are symbolic and there are universal symbols. The School of Metaphysics research into dreams has brought to light the universal language in which dreams communicate. We call it the Universal Language of Mind. Knowing the symbolic Universal Language of Mind gives all of us tremendous power to know ourselves.

Learning this language changes lives because it enables people to see themselves from the perspective of their soul.

The School of Metaphysics teaches two principles about dreams: (1) every dream is about the dreamer and (2) every person in the dream symbolizes an aspect of the dreamer. Putting this knowledge into practice revolutionizes how you see yourself, your life, and the world. During National Dream Hotline® we aid people to Self Respect by helping them understand that their dreams are about them.

Simply knowing that a dream is not literal but symbolic can completely alter how people view themselves and their relationships. People often call us because they dream about an old boyfriend returning and they think it means that their boyfriend is going to come back into their life. Or they dream of their spouse with another partner and start believing that their spouse is having an affair. When they learn that these dream-people symbolize aspects of themselves, it gives them power. The dreams tell them about their own thoughts and attitudes, not about the physical events in their lives. Because people can control themselves and their minds, knowing what a dream is telling you about yourself enables you to have understanding and self control.

Recently I spoke with a student who remembered that before entering the School of Metaphysics she used to have dreams about her niece and nephew drowning, and was afraid it meant that these children were going to die. When she learned that the dream was about her, and that her nephew and niece symbolized her own new ideas, her fears were relieved. Even before she knew what the dream meant by having the symbols interpreted, knowing that they were symbols changed her feelings of helplessness and panic.

The woman had her dream interpreted, and learned that it meant that she often felt “overwhelmed” by having so many activities going on in her life. When she got busy, she’d lose sight of the new ideas she was beginning to form. This interpretation made sense, as she had been thinking for awhile that she wanted to live a more purposeful existence. She was tired of getting up, going to work, making money, and coming home. She had ideas that there was something “more” to life, she wanted to know what it was, but she’d put that aside when she had too many things to do. She thought she didn’t have time to fulfill her desire for a more spiritual life with deeper meaning. Knowing what her dream meant helped her to become more committed to forging a new direction for herself. She became a student in the School of Metaphysics, learned to concentrate and meditate, to set goals, to be more purposeful, and she ceased to have the dreams of her nephew and niece drowning!

Many people think that dreams are literal, either coming from memory or foretelling a future event. During the National Dream Hotline® at our World Headquarters we received phone calls and e-mails from many people who feared that the dreams they remembered were telling them about some physical event in their life. One woman (who has had some undiagnosed health problems) dreamed of having cancer and losing all her hair to chemotherapy. She thought the dream was a cancer diagnosis. Several people had dreams of spouses or boyfriends or girlfriends who were “cheating” and they thought it meant that their partner in life was being adulterous. A number of people had dreams of being shot or killed and feared it meant their own impending death.

One particularly poignant dream was reported by a woman whose ex-husband had had a fatal car wreck. The dreamer said that at the time of the accident her ex-husband was in the process of leaving his second wife. The dreamer and her ex-husband had planned to get back together when his divorce was finalized, but he was killed in the car wreck before they could resume their relationship. His wife at the time of his death had his body cremated. The dreamer said that when she and this man were together they had discussed cremation and “were both very much against it.” In her dream, the man was behind a closed door, yelling for her to help him as they cremate his body. She can’t get to him and can’t open the door.

The dreamer said that her ex-husband’s death had occurred over 12 years ago, and she had had this nightmare at the same time each year ever since he died. She also said that she had been in counseling for years. “I understand this deals with items I have not been able to deal with. But what items?”

When I read this, my heart went out to this woman. She had been trying for over 12 years to sort out what was troubling her, but she didn’t have the insight she wanted. The dream wasn’t telling her that her dead husband was haunting her for letting him be cremated! The dream was telling her of her own need to change, to use her experiences to expand her awareness and to produce understanding. She needs to open the door to understanding. Her subconscious mind was screaming at her to learn, to change! The death of her ex-husband obviously stimulated thoughts and emotions that she had yet to understand. She was fixated on the past experience of her husband’s death and cremation because she had not used it to learn about herself and transform. The subconscious mind wants understanding. Helping her dream ex-husband means giving understanding to the subconscious mind.

Understanding the meaning of the dream can bring this woman peace of mind. Simply knowing that a person in a dream is an aspect of yourself, that death in a dream symbolizes change and fire symbolizes expansion can completely transform how this woman views herself from now on. In five minutes of hearing what her dream means she might make more progress into self-awareness than 12 years of counseling has provided.

To make dream interpretation a part of your life, begin by writing down your own dreams. You can learn the Universal Language of Mind through studies with the School of Metaphysics, in person or online at The Dreamer’s Dictionary by Dr. Barbara Condron is an excellent reference book that you can use to look up symbols and to consider why particular symbols appear in your dreams. Use the messages to make a difference in your life! Apply them, cause changes in your self and your attitudes, and your dreams will change.

Some people think of dream interpretation as a fun thing to do. I see it as a fundamental skill that all people need to know. We all dream every night. Our dreams come from the inner self, or soul, for the purpose of communicating the Truth about who we are, how we think, and how we can fulfill our reason for being here. Sometimes people ask why the messages in dreams are veiled. They aren’t; we need to learn the language they speak. Just as a child learns words to speak their native language, learning the symbolic picture language of the mind enables us to receive communication from our soul.

When everyone on the planet knows how to interpret dreams, the consciousness of the universe will be raised! We will get along much better with one another, for as we know ourselves, we have greater peace of mind. When our fears are relieved (and dream interpretation will do this), we trust each other more completely. A simple thing like remembering and interpreting dreams has profound consequences for ourselves, our lives, our relationships, and our world.

Laurel Clark, D.M.,D.D., Psi.D., is President Emeritus of the School of Metaphysics and Dean of Intuitive Research at the College of Metaphysics. She has been studying and teaching dreams and their meaning since 1979. An author, public speaker, psi counselor, and interfaith minister., some of Dr. Clark’s books are Intuitive Dreaming, Dharma: Finding Your Soul’s Purpose, The Law of Attraction and Other Secrets of Visualization, Interpreting Dreams for Self Discovery, Karmic Healing, and Concentration. You can learn more about the teachings of the School of Metaphysics at or The National Dream Hotline® is the last weekend in April every year. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The Metaphysical Approaches to Dream Incubation

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Metaphysical Approaches to Dream Incubation

Laurel Clark, D.M., D.D.

Some years ago I wrote a book on visualization, including practical knowledge of how to understand and harmonize with Universal Law. When the book was complete, there was a final and crucial missing element: a title. I did not have a title I was satisfied with. I had lots of ideas jotted down in notebooks, on the backs of envelopes and scraps of paper, but nothing really struck me as being the right title.

One evening, after giving a lecture on visualization, I asked the audience if anyone had ideas for a good book idea. People brainstormed lots of suggestions, but I had yet to find the right one. So, that night, before going to sleep, I asked my subconscious mind to give me a dream with the book title that would work, drawing attention to the book so that it would reach the people it was intended to serve.

I wrote my intention for a book title in my dream notebook, dating the notebook for the next morning with the question, “Please give me the title for my book on visualization.”

The next morning before I had even fully awakened I “heard” in my mind, “The Law of Attraction and Other Secrets of Visualization.” I immediately wrote it down in my dream notebook. When I was fully awake, I read that and thought (consciously), “that’s a boring title!” I almost discounted it. But … I knew it had come from my subconscious mind, because I heard it before I was completely back to waking consciousness. I also knew that if I was serious about wanting my subconscious mind to give me a message, I had better heed it!

I chose to use that title, and the book was the most popular one I’ve written. It sold out in the first year of publication. Asking my subconscious mind to give me a dream for a particular purpose and heeding the response gave me what I needed: guidance beyond the scope of my brain and conscious mind. This is called dream incubation.

Dream incubation is the process of consciously invoking a specific dream or asking a dream to provide an answer to a specific problem or question. Dream incubation is an ancient practice that became prominent in the classical period when dreams were incubated for healing.

In physical science incubation refers to providing the proper conditions for growth and development; for example, incubating a virus in the body or incubating a chick in a special device that keeps the egg warm. As applied to the creative process, incubation may be considered as a time of subconscious reflection. An idea can incubate in the subconscious mind after putting aside the conscious mind research, letting go of preconceived ideas, and letting the brain and conscious mind rest so that the subconscious mind can crystallize or bring together in new ways the insight needed.

Incubating a dream involves a conscious decision to ask for a specific kind of dream (such as a flying dream, or a lucid dream) or asking for a solution to problem (solving a brain teaser or more serious questions like career choices or scientific formulas).

Scholars note that written records of incubating dreams can be traced back to the 3rd millennium B.C. Dream incubation became well known in the temples of the Greek god Asclepius. In ancient Greece, dreams were considered to be divine transmissions; thus, dreams were incubated to receive healing from the god Asclepius. In some cases, the dreamer received healing in the dream and awakened cured. In other cases, Asclepius diagnosed and prescribed treatments in the dream that were administered to the dreamer upon awakening.

Dream incubation is reported as a custom in many societies and cultures, including ancient Egypt, Assyria and Mesopotamia, China, American Indian tribes including the Ojibwa, and the Islamic tradition. In modern times, incubation is used for guidance and problem solving. Modern dream researchers and psychologists report the effectiveness of dream incubation.

Both ancient and modern-day incubators report specific steps that are necessary for the incubation process. Metaphysical research on visualization describes how the conscious mind communicates with the subconscious mind to incubate a dream. The conscious mind produces a “seed idea” or intention, then shines mind light upon it by writing, drawing, and preparing with sacred ritual. Relaxing the mind and body enables the dreamer to release the seed idea from the conscious mind so that it can develop, or incubate, in the subconscious mind.

The School of Metaphysics, a not-for-profit educational organization headquartered in Missouri, USA, teaches a practical science of mind/body/spirit integration. Students of metaphysics practice daily exercises to develop skills in concentration, meditation, and visualization. These practices are effective for dreamers who want to consciously “incept” an idea in their own subconscious mind.

Metaphysics defines “mind” as a whole system that includes the spirit and what some people describe as soul, or inner self. This is understood as separate from the brain and physical neuro-pathways. Incubation begins with the dreamer’s conscious imaging. The dreamer formulates a clear idea or question that he or she wants answered from a dream, or an experience that he or wants to have in the dream state. This idea or question must be pictured, or imaged. The School of Metaphysics describes the “language of the mind” as one of images or pictures.

Asking the right question is part of learning the art of incubating dreams. The subconscious mind does not reason or make decisions; it responds to the conscious mind’s direction. So, for example, asking a question like, “Should I marry this person?” will probably elicit an uncertain response, because it is not the subconscious mind’s duty to make choices for you. A better question is something like, “Please give me a dream to aid me to understand the learning opportunities available to me in this relationship.” Or, “What do I need to learn to be prepared for marriage?”

Questions that are open-ended, that relate to learning or understanding, are conducive to dream incubation. The subconscious mind stores permanent understanding of Self and creation. Its realm is universal knowledge.

To effectively plant this idea in the subconscious mind, the dreamer concentrates on the image through practices like drawing and writing. Keeping a dream journal by the bed, and writing the next morning’s date, demonstrates an expectation that the dreamer will receive the desired answer or dream experience. The proper mental conditions and the ideal physical conditions, along with a clear expectation of receiving the desired dream answer, are all requirements for successful dream incubation.

The final step in dream incubation is to learn how to interpret the dream to discern its message. When the dreamer acts on the message, it communicates to the subconscious mind that he or she is serious about wanting that inner communication.

I encourage all dreamers to experiment with incubating dreams and learning to interpret them. There is vast knowledge available to us in the inner realms of the mind!

Laurel Clark is a regional director with the School of Metaphysics, a 501(c)(3) educational organization headquartered in Missouri with 16 branches in nine states. She is a certified psi counselor, interfaith minister, and has been teaching metaphysics since 1979.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Intuitive Dreaming: Visitations from “Beyond”

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Intuitive Dreaming: Visitations from “Beyond”

By Laurel Clark

“I have absolutely no fear of death. From my near-death research and my personal experiences, death is, in my judgment, simply a transition into another kind of reality.” – Dr. Raymond Moody

Most people fear death. Although we know that death is inevitable, there is often a difference between what we believe intellectually and what we experience emotionally. Why is this so? It would seem that such a universal experience could be met with acceptance. Instead, at least in American culture, we often think of death as a failure. Some people don’t even want to talk about it.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, author of On Death and Dying identified five stages people go through in the process of dying: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The first stage, denial, is prevalent in Western culture. People with terminal illness are often counseled to “fight” the disease. Family members who learn that their loved one has a terminal illness may even be advised not to tell the person that death is imminent.

Being attentive to our dreams can be a tremendous help in understanding and even eliminating the fear of death. Dreams can awaken us to the reality that there is experience beyond the physical body. They can give us a taste of life on the “other side,” thus, stimulating curiosity rather than dread.

Dreams can give us comfort, helping those who remain alive to know that they are not really separated from their loved ones who die. They can also help to prepare us for their death. They can be a valuable source of guidance and encouragement.

Precognitive dreams, visitation dreams, andtelepathic dreams awaken us to the reality of existence beyond the physical body. It is one thing to believe that there is an afterlife; it is another to taste the experience. People who have had near death experiences report a sense of peace, comfort and bliss, absence of pain, and a feeling of compassionate love on the “other side.” People who experience dream visitations from deceased loved ones report similar feelings.

Through dreamstates, we can aid one another and communicate with one another in ways beyond the reach of our (sometimes limited) conscious mind and brain. People who are aware of these “psi” dreams experience the profound realization that there is much more to us than we can see, touch, taste, feel, and hear with our physical senses.

The Peace of Death

I was married to a man who had juvenile diabetes. When he died at the young age of 42, I felt as if our time together had been cut short. We had only been married for six years and there was much of life we had never had a chance to share. John and I met through the School of Metaphysics, an educational institution where we were learning to develop our spirituality, to understand dreams, and to cultivate intuitive connections.

When the complications of diabetes finally took their toll, John withdrew from the physical (died) on September 10, 2000. A year later, on September 11, 2001, I decided that I was going to take a day off of work and spend it quietly by myself to complete a year of mourning.

I was driving to the closest town when I heard the news on the radio. “The second tower has been hit!” The announcer in an alarmed voice was reporting the second attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. That was the first I knew of the tragedy. I spent the rest of that day in a kind of stupor. Every place I went, people looked stricken, their faces ashen, their eyes glazed over. No one could believe what had happened.

I grew up just outside of New York City and have friends who live there. John’s oldest sister and her son live in Manhattan. I tried to call them to see if they were okay, but none of the phone lines were connecting. Everything seemed very surreal and it was impossible to make any physical connection with anyone I knew in New York.

That night, I had the following dream:

I dream that John is in New York, helping the people who died in the World Trade Center. I am so happy to see him. I ask him, “Are they okay?” He smiles this beautiful smile, full of light, and radiates love. “Yes!” he says. “They’re fine! Once they are out, they’re fine!” I know he means that once they are out of the body they are fine, with no pain because they are released from the bodily prison. I can feel the peace and exhilaration.

I woke up feeling relieved, peaceful, and happy. I knew that when John was alive he was always helping other people, so it made sense that he was still helping people on the other side. I also knew that this was a visitation, an actual communication from him. It helped me to be at peace and to be a calming presence for other people I knew who were extremely grief-stricken and outraged at what had occurred. It also helped me to ease my grief at John’s passing, because in the dream he could see, he was vibrant, and he was at his best, helping other people.


This dream is called a visitation. It is fairly common for people who have died to come to their loved ones in a dream, to “visit” in the inner levels of the subconscious mind. Most people experience visitation dreams as comforting and reassuring.

Before my husband died, his health was up and down. None of the doctors ever said how long John had to live; they were expecting that he would have a kidney transplant so no one spoke of him as being terminally ill. So his death came as a surprise. I wasn’t home when John died and I never had a chance to say goodbye to him.

We were both students of metaphysics and spiritual disciplines such as meditation, dream interpretation, lucid dreaming, and intuitive training. I had practiced telepathy with John and we had experienced a strong intuitive connection when he was alive.

So I believed that after John died he would come to me in my dreams. I was very disappointed when that didn’t happen right away. John was my best friend and I really missed him. I just wanted to talk to him, to say goodbye, to let him know that I loved him and hear him tell me that he loved me one last time.

For the first couple of weeks after his death I had difficulty sleeping and wanted to sleep so that John could visit me in my dreams! About a month after his death, when I still had not had a visitation dream, I decided that I would clearly ask John to come to me. Before going to bed, I wrote a long letter to him in my journal. I meditated. Then I wrote in my dream journal, “John, please come to me in my dreams.”

That night I had the following dream:

I am in a large auditorium. There is a ceremony on stage, like a graduation ceremony. I see John on the stage, wearing a baseball cap. I wave to him but I am not sure if he sees me. Later, someone brings me my Bible which has been left on the stage. I open it and there is a heart, drawn in John’s handwriting. I cry, because I know it is him saying, “I love you.”

This dream was bittersweet. When I awoke, I knew that it was a visitation. I also knew that the reason John had not come to me in my dreams before this was that he was still getting used to his body in the inner levels. He was just “graduating” to his new stage of life after death. He couldn’t talk yet and couldn’t write. He could gesture and communicate in pictures.

I cherished this dream, because the feeling was very loving and peaceful. It helped me to respect where John was in his process of assimilation, and to be patient, to wait for him to be “born again” in the inner levels and develop greater facility using his new body.

How Intuitive Dreaming Can Help Us

Precognitive dreams and visitation dreams can help alleviate fear because the subconscious mind is omniscient and objective. The subconscious mind or soul views life from the perspective of learning. It does not judge experience as good or bad, pleasurable or painful, happy or sad. It accepts. It sees what is.

Learning to receive from the subconscious mind can help us to create a similar kind of objective, compassionate state of mind. Remembering and experiencing these dreams gives us a taste of our Real Self, the self that exists beyond the limitations of physical time, physical senses, and the accompanying pain or judgment.


Laurel Clark, D.D., D.M., is President Emeritus of the School of Metaphysics headquartered in Windyville, Missouri. She is a teacher, ordained minister in the Interfaith Church of Metaphysics, a Psi Counselor, and intuitive reporter of Past Life Profiles and Intuitive Health Analyses conducted through the School of Metaphysics. An author of numerous books, her most recent is entitled entitled Intuitive Dreaming. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Dreams: Our Night Counselors

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Dreams: Our Night Counselors

by Laurel Clark, D.M., D.D.

Every night we all visit an invisible, intangible, mysterious world.  It is a world of relationships, reconnecting with old friends, meeting strangers who seem familiar, sometimes falling in love.  In this place, we can experience things we’ve never seen or touched in our physical life.  It can seem supernatural, mystical,and  magical.  It’s a place where blind people can see, the paralyzed can walk, and we can fly through the air like birds.  This is the world of dreams.

Have you ever awakened from a dream with the feeling that something profound had happened?  Even if you don’t remember the dream, you can wake up with the sense that something deep and meaningful had just occurred.  It is true—dreams are important.  They all have significance.

Our nighttime dreams can serve as counselors, giving us insight into our own feelings and attitudes.  Every dream is about the dreamer, and dreams can be interpreted symbolically to give us insights about ourselves.  Everything in the dream symbolizes some part of the dreamer, and every person symbolizes an aspect or quality of the dreamer.  Dreams come from the inner self, or subconscious mind. They are messages to the conscious mind, telling us about our waking state of awareness.

In these times of economic uncertainty, people are seeking lasting security.  Dreams can aid us in this endeavor, pointing the way to self-understanding.  I think that most people would agree that even difficult experiences can be rewarding when we grow through them — becoming a better person or developing our character in some way.  Our nighttime dreams can give us feedback regarding how we have learned such lessons in our waking state.

The first step in this process is to remember a dream.  Everyone dreams every night.  If you want to remember dreams, communicate that desire to your subconscious mind!  Say an affirmation before you go to bed.  Get a dream journal and put it by your bed with a pen or pencil, dating it for the following morning.

Waking up gently, without an alarm clock or using a clock radio set to classical music, is a big help in remembering dreams.  As soon as you awaken, immediately record the dream to capture as much of the action and detail as you can.  You’ll find that with practice you will remember more and more of the details in your dreams.

Some people remember dreams but don’t have any idea what they mean.  Dreams communicate in a universal language of pictures. These pictures are symbols that have universal meaning.  Learning what the symbols mean is like learning a new language, or re-awakening a forgotten language.

Once you learn the “vocabulary” or interpretation of the symbols, you put the pictures together so you can glean the meaning of the dream — the attitude or way of thinking that the dream is describing.  The next step is to understand how the dream-message applies to your waking life and then put that into practice.

For example, I knew a young woman who was making some big changes in her life.  She had just moved halfway across the country for a new job in a managerial position with much more responsibility than she had ever had before.  She was also a volunteer coordinator for a not-for-profit organization.  During the transition period, she had a recurring dream that troubled her. She kept dreaming that she was driving her car on a busy highway with lots of cars going in all directions, and her car was spinning out of control until it crashed.

The symbols in this dream are:  the car, which symbolizes the physical body, and the road or highway, a goal or path in life. The dream was telling her that she was going in too many different directions, and she needed to slow down, set some goals and determine a direction for her life or her physical body was going to crash

The young woman never learned to interpret the dream to find out what it meant.  She often thought, “I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  I need some time to visualize my goals and set priorities,” but she didn’t heed her own advice!  She kept doing the same thing — and her dream kept recurring.

After a couple of weeks, she found herself coming home from work exhausted.  She went to the doctor who ran tests to see if she had mononucleosis.  The tests were negative, but she continued to feel run down. Finally, she got so sick that she had to take time off from work to stay in bed and rest.

While in bed, she had some time to think about her life and make some plans for her future.  She set goals, put them into perspective, and decided what needed the most attention.  The planning, visualizing and goal-setting rejuvenated her.  In a short time, she felt healthier and more energetic.  As a result, she ceased having the car-crashing dream.

Had this young woman known how to interpret the dream, she might have made the changes that she needed without getting sick.  This is a great benefit of learning to interpret dreams:  they can help us to live healthier, more productive lives!

Some of the basic symbols that appear in dreams are the following:

People: aspects of the self.  When you dream of someone you know, identify the outstanding quality you see in that person.  That will tell you what aspect of yourself you are dreaming about.  (If John is in your dream and you see him as being kind, he symbolizes the aspect of kindness in yourself.  If Sally is in your dream and you see her as stubborn, she symbolizes the stubborn quality in you.)

Houses or buildings:  your mind

Clothing:  your outer expression

Face:  identity

Animals:  habits

You can learn the language of your dreams to become your own interpreter.  When you know how to interpret your dreams, you can become your own counselor, teacher, and guide by listening to the guidance of these nightly messages.

Laurel Clark, D.M., is a teacher and Regional Director with the School of Metaphysics, a not-for-profit organization with 16 branches,  She is a psi, counselor, dream coach, interfaith minister and author of several books, including Intuitive Dreaming.  Dr. Clark is a member of the International Association of the Study of Dreams and frequent presenter at their annual conferences. She was instrumental in making the pilot for the PBS television series Dreamtime.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

What is Lucid Dreaming?

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]What is Lucid Dreaming?

“I can only say that I made my observations during normal deep and healthy sleep, and that in 352 cases, I had full recollection of my day-life and could act voluntarily, though I was so fast asleep that no bodily sensations penetrated my perception.

If anybody refuses to call that state of mind a dream, he may suggest some other name. For my part it was just this form of dream, which I call “lucid dreams” which aroused my keenest interest and which I noted most carefully.”

Dutch author and psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden was the first to coin the term lucid dreaming. The year: 1913. Since that time, giant steps have been taken to understand consciousness and increase humankind’s awareness of Self.

Dreaming remains a part of every culture. There are always those present in the tribe, race, or organization who revere their dreams in uncommon ways. There are those who possess second sight, a proclivity for interpretation, and even display extraordinary healing abilities.

Evidence of becoming aware in the dreamstate has been recorded for years. Tibetan Buddhists have practiced a form of yoga to maintain conscious alertness in the dreamstate for centuries. In more modern times, we learn of increasing numbers of people who are experiencing conscious awareness in the dreamstate. This is the result of two primary factors:


Mass communication enables a dreamer in France to learn of similar dreams in the life of someone from Brazil, the Philippines or Canada. What a hundred years ago may have appeared to be a unique and isolated ability is now proving to be an advanced use of consciousness exhibited by people all over the world. Research conducted since 1973 at the School of Metaphysics, indicates that the incidences of lucid dreaming are on the rise. Based upon yearly research conducted during the National Dream Hotline in April, the percentage of people who report experiencing lucid dreams is between 15% and 20% of the population. Lucid dreaming is defined here as the conscious perception of one’s state while dreaming.


There appears to be a corresponding acceleration in humanity’s development as a species. As we have moved from industrial revolution to the age of computers, we have multiplied the stimuli in our world a “google”-fold. The need to pull away from the physical environment has grown stronger as the desire to understand the inner self has improved. These two factors cause the attention to be drawn inward where lucid dreaming can take place. In the present day, people are more inclined to talk about their dreams than they were fifty or even twenty years ago. The advances in the area of psychology and sleep research have affected our beliefs about what happens when we sleep. Although some deny the meaning and even the existence of dreams, advances in scientific sleep research conducted at colleges and universities around the world have verified both. Yet, the reasons why we dream remain largely unanswered. Pioneering research into the Universal Language of Mind being conducted at the College of Metaphysics seeks to change this. Lucid dreaming contributes to this effort.

(by Dr. Barbara Condron, author of The Dreamer’s Dictionary and contributor LUCID DREAMING edited by Dr. Teresa Martin.)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Why Do We Dream?

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Did you know that by age 60 you will sleep 175,200 hours, dream 87,000 hours with 197,100 dreams? There are a significant number of people who remember their dreams but a very small percentage who are aware of what their dreams mean. Our vision here at the School of Metaphysics is to educate people about their dreams through columns such as this one, books, the annual National Dream Hotline®, and through our classes.

There are several questions that people tend to ask about dreams. For instance, why do we dream and where do dreams come from? Your dreams tell you about your present state of awareness, this is why we dream. Dreams come from an inner place we call the subconscious mind and are presented to you in images which, when interpreted in the Universal Language of Mind, become personally relevant to you and your life.

The meaning of these nighttime messages can literally change your life. When studying dreams and learning to interpret them, you need to know the two universal principles which apply to everyone, everywhere, at all times. The first of these principles is that every dream is about the dreamer. The second principle is that every person, place and thing in the dream is the dreamer. We as human beings are very multi-faceted. A great majority of us are only aware of a small part of who we are. You can learn to expand your awareness of yourself by learning to interpret your dreams.

People in your dreams represent aspects of yourself. An aspect can be defined as a certain way in which you think and express. When you are dreaming of someone of the same sex [for example a woman is dreaming of another woman] this person symbolizes an aspect of your conscious mind. These are the ways in which you express yourself while awake. A person of the opposite sex symbolizes an aspect of your inner Self. The way to identify these aspects is to imagine yourself describing them to someone else. Here is an example: You are dreaming about a co-worker of the same sex. In your daily life you perceive this acquaintance as being compassionate, generous, and strong. These are the qualities of self (your Self) which are being addressed in the dream. You might not use these qualities to describe yourself, yet they are being brought out in your dream because your subconscious mind wants you to see that they are a part of your character. This is one way dreams expand our awareness — we learn that we possess qualities we may not have known we had.

A question often asked is, “Why do we dream?” Some theories state that dreams are a way in which we release stress. If this were true, then more people (especially those who are stressed-out) would remember their dreams. Remember that dreams come from the inner you, more specifically they are communications from your subconscious mind. All day long we are busy moving through our waking lives, taking in sensations from all around ourselves. During our nighttime slumber our conscious mind is stilled, providing us with the opportunity to receive communication from our subconscious mind.

You might ask, “Why is it so important that we receive information from our subconscious mind?” Our subconscious mind holds all of our understandings which we have gained either through this lifetime or other lifetimes. It has messages to share with the outer self that are rich with knowledge and wisdom. Our inner mind is our best friend, revealing to us the truth of our present state of thinking and expression. Others have asked, “Do we dream every night, because I rarely remember my dreams?” Yes, we do dream every night. Actually we dream several times in one night, as you might have figured out from the statistics given at the beginning of this column. We dream in ninety minute cycles. Most people do not know how to release their attention from their day’s activities when they go to sleep. They find themselves restless, tossing and turning throughout the night. If continued this restlessness forces the person to remain in a shallow level of sleep. Dreams occur in the deeper stages of sleep which means that one needs to learn how to relax and remove attention from the worries and concerns of the day in order to receive from the subconscious mind.

If you are one of those individuals who suffers from insomnia, or if you wake up feeling more tired than you did before you went to bed, there is a solution. Practice each day in every moment releasing your attention from your past situations and people in your life. Practice saying to yourself, “I am here right now and will give my full attention to what I am doing.” It will also help to practice relaxation exercises such as deep breathing exercises. To do this you take in a deep breath, filling your lungs full with air, hold the breath for a count of six, then release the breath slowly through your mouth. Attempt to remain breathless for a count of six.  Repeat these steps for ten minutes each night before going to bed.

When you wake up in the morning record your dreams. If you don’t remember a dream, record the first thoughts you had as you were waking up. This will stimulate you to capture those precious messages from your best friend, your soul.

Sweet Dreams.•[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Why Record Your Dreams?

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]This is an interesting progression of dreams sent to .  

A woman has been writing to us asking about dreams with her recently deceased husband.  We’ve compiled her dreams and the interpretations (at right). This is education for many reasons.  One you can see how dreams with a common theme change over time.  Two, it is really interesting to witness how this woman’s consciousness changes as she is grieving for her husband.  The reality that our dreams are records of our consciousness during waking life is very clear in these dreams.  

It is our hope that you are inspired to record all of your dreams and be dedicated in learning the meaning of each one.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=”” width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]DREAMING OF HUSBAND AND MOTHER, BOTH DECEASED

My husband passed away nine months ago. Last night I dreamt that I found out that he was in a nursing home in Pennsylvania. I felt confused and comforted at the same time. I saw my mother sitting on a couch (she passed away in 1989) and through tears said to her, “I have to go to him.” She said, “I know. You go to him.”

That’s all there was to it. Then I woke up.

Thanks for your help.



Dreams are communication from your inner self, your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind knows no limitations of time and space. It will use images of people from your past, present and future in order to communicate to you about your present state of mind. Each person in your dream represents an aspect of you, the dreamer. Your husband represents your subconscious mind or inner self. Your mother represents your inner authority, or highest part of yourself. This dream is communicating to you that you have a strong desire to be connected to your inner self, to learn about it, to work with it, for there is a wholeness that you desire for yourself. Your inner authority, represented by your mother, is communicating to you to go forward with this movement to connect with the inner you. Look at what your thoughts were 24 hours before this dream. You may have had thoughts that you wanted to learn about the vast universe that exists within you. When you turn within, that is where you will find peace. That is where you will find answers to your deepest questions. That is where you will find your purpose in life.

There are two main avenues that you can use to experience and learn about your inner self. The first is to learn how to interpret your dreams. Your dreams will give you important messages about yourself and will open up a whole realm of understanding who you are. You can learn how to interpret your dreams through beginning dream study at Another way to connect with and learn about your inner self is through meditation. Spiritual Focus Sessions on campus and Still Mind Present Moment Open Heart teachings around the U.S. give you a great start on learning how to meditate and the value that can be gained through regular practice of deepening your meditations.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=”” width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]ZEN JOGGING

My husband passed away in September, 2004, consequently, this has been a difficult time for me, particularly the first six to eight months since his death. In April or May of 2005 I really came to accept his death and started to move forward. Over the course of the summer, my friends have rallied and, at times, circled the wagons around me, helping me through all that I faced

My dream was of me jogging and feeling very free and exhilarated, not as if I were running away from something, but more of a celebration of myself. I was running at a steady pace, not out of breath, not in pain. Mostly it was a Zen experience. At this point, I need to mention that I have had for years, bad knees and ankles, and have never been able to jog, so this type of dream was a nice, calming surprise to me.

Thanks for your help.



Your dream does indeed indicate the forward motion you are experiencing in your waking life. You have a sense of direction and you are making choices that are taking you where you want to go. Dreams are wonderful feedback to the dreamer about his or her conscious state of awareness. This dream is a pat on the back — what you are doing is fulfilling deep in your soul.

Dreams are symbolic. This is why you are able to run in the dream even though physically it would be a difficult task. Something else to note is that attitudes affect our bodies. Your change in attitude could very well lead to relief from pain and discomfort in your legs and knees. Please make time to read an excerpt from the book Permanent Healing by Dr. Daniel Condron at the Bookstore. We’re glad you wrote in and encourage you to keep up the good work![/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Aya’s Story: Freeing Yourself from Nightmares

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]A young woman in Israel contacted us yearning for answers to her dreams.

Through dream interpretation she has reconciled seven years of debilitating nightmares…

I can remember my first nightmare as a child:

I was a ghost trapped in a locket on a chain banging in a doorway and not being able to leave either the locket or the doorway.

There were other random nightmares growing up, but they became more frequent about 7 years ago when I began University. During each testing period I would be under a lot of tension and I learned to live with a month of nightmares twice a year. This still sounded quite logical and semi-under control.

About a year and a half ago, I began having nightmares on a steadier basis. This coincided with beginning my second degree in clinical psychology and my practicum at a busy and intense public mental health clinic in Jerusalem. Eventually, it reached a point where I couldn’t remember what it felt like to wake up refreshed in the morning. There was no such thing. I used to have nightmares about bombs exploding, running from danger, being raped, Holocaust dreams, even murdering someone else or others being killed because of me. I used to get flashbacks during the day, all day long, with pictures from the night. I couldn’t even begin to explain it. My closest friends knew but still I felt no one really understood how I longed for what I called “a dreamless dream”. I would remember how I twisted someone’s arm when I killed him or how humiliated I was being raped in public with only rags on my body. I would smile and go through my intense University and practicum days as if living outside of my skin. It was so exhausting all I could do was hold my breath until I could come home to my one room apartment and cry my heart out. All day I would wait for that moment of blessed alone-ness, ignoring the thin walls in my apartment building. I never knew how I would make it through the next night and day, but I kept plowing through each one, one at a time. I felt disconnected from the world of the sleeping, that is, those that know what it feels like to go to sleep and wake up the next day and feel there is a division between yesterday and today. I felt like I was living an eternal nightmare and I didn’t know where to replenish my strength.

My therapist at the time was working with me on my past life in the Holocaust as a teenage girl in Auschwitz. I was held for about 3-4 months as a prostitute until I too was thrown into the gas chambers with the rest of my family who apparently died before me. Her only explanation was that I am going through a similar kind of hell in releasing this cellular memory, that I am being tortured night and day as I was then, not getting any rest. I wasn’t happy with this answer.

I went to a channeller. She said I am releasing past lives in my dreams and am going through a series of pictures of my lives. She suggested lighting candles and sending my future nightmares into the flames before I go to bed. This didn’t work either.

I went to another healer. She said my extreme sensitivity makes me vulnerable to all of the stories and vibrations I pick up from my surroundings, that I then translate into dreams at night. She tried to convince me to give up being a therapist and find a less emotionally demanding occupation. Great, I thought. There goes the one thing I thought I was finally doing right.

Nothing worked. I was getting more and more exhausted and despairing. All my books on dreams were irrelevant. I felt so closed off from the world, as if no one could ever understand me. It was such a lonely feeling.

For my birthday, I asked my father for an intuitive reading from the School of Metaphysics. As I browsed their site I noticed the Dream of the Month Club idea. I thought this is just ridiculous internet stuff, but I remembered how the SOM readings were helpful for my father and my sister, so I knew this site was reliable. I signed up for three months and within a few weeks my DOMC package awaited me at my doorstep. I hungrily opened the package and devoured all the reading material at once, like a snake swallowing its prey at once and only then stopping to digest. The thoroughly researched information provided in these books was completely revolutionary and different from anything I had read or heard about dreams anywhere. The principles were so simple I found them insulting. I thought I was working out past lives and reliving all kinds of dramas, when really, my subconscious was just screaming for me to wake up. My soul wants me to listen and is not relenting. I am here for something, as each one of us is. And our soul knows when we are just strong enough to bear the task at hand. So my higher self was communicating to me to wake up, take responsibility and change. For two days I was in a state of mind I could not communicate to anybody.

I was going through an internal revolution. I sent my first dreams for analysis and all my emotional dramas came back in neat explanations. They made me angry at first, as if something was being taken away from me. ?Could it really be this simple?? I kept asking myself. I realized I had a choice: to take it or leave it. I decided to take it, to try, I had nothing left to lose. I wrote down my dreams and started to look up the symbols. My dreams started to change, immediately. It was immediate.

I was scared to come out into the world and declare my nightmares were over, for fear they would return. I realized all of these emotions were necessary just to make me pay attention to the real message behind the emotions. The soul in fact is not nearly as emotional as we or I believe. It merely uses our dreams to reflect our state of mind so we can see where we can work to expand our awareness and where perhaps we have already done so. I am still amazed at this immediate change. It may require a revolution in the way you think about your problems. Sometimes we even get attached to our painful view of life, that things must be complicated and difficult, when really, if the answer is clear the solution can be immediate.

This letter is my way of saying I am not afraid of my nightmares anymore. Strange and intense dreams still occur, but I approach them now with curiosity and not with fear. Yes, there are mornings I am still exhausted and lazy to write down my dreams, but I know that I have the choice, and more importantly, I have the power and tools to understand. I think this has been the biggest lesson for me – understanding that I am my own best interpreter and healer, as we all are for ourselves.

With many thanks,

When Technology Invades our Dreams

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]by Dr. Christine Madar

Technology. Almost anything is possible in this realm anymore.  

As a result people are exposed to images that they themselves would not have generated.  This definitely affects the mass consciousness.  Think about how many times you’ve seen a television show or movie that shows a woman walking in the dark with someone stalking her – the music, the lighting, the timing all of it creates a scene of impending danger that often plays itself out on the show in the form of violence like rape and murder.  This generates fear, albeit in the name of entertainment, but the imagination does not separate fact from fiction when you are walking alone in the dark.  What in fact is a simple act of walking down the street without the benefit of light becomes a battle with the imagination.   This is true for men, women and children.  We received an e-mail this year from a mother who was worried about her four year who was dreaming of being kidnapped.  She went on to tell us that her daughter had been watching news coverage of a child kidnapped and murdered in Florida which had stimulated many questions.  In the name of safety and good will the mother had described in great detail the whole idea of being kidnapped.  This is a lot for a four year old to digest and the fears that were received first from the mother and then magnified in the child’s own imagination were showing up in her dreams.

Another way the influence of media shows up in dreams is looking at the content of the dreams.  We receive more and more dreams all the time that are long and drawn out, with scenes that jump from one subject to the next.  In general these kinds of dreams mean that the dreamer’s imagination is very active in waking life without much direction.  Long dreams also indicate the dreamer is thinking a lot of thoughts during the day.

Again, media stimulates the imagination with a billion different ideas and thoughts each day.  As a result we have to respond to this stimulus.  This is the essence of what the School of Metaphysics teaches, the development of consciousness.  Content of consciousness is the thoughts, attitudes and images in the dreamer’s brain and conscious mind.  State of consciousness is determined by the dreamer’s ability to concentrate, listen, reason, intuit and more.

One of the most obvious changes in dreams in the last thirty years is the increase of bombs, nuclear war and mass devastation in dreams.  In the Universal Language of Mind this is what a bomb means:

“A bomb indicates uncontrolled change.  Bombs in a dream are usually used in war indicating the forced change arising from internal conflict.  The nature of the physical is change.  When the mind is directed with intelligence, the thinker is free to cause and adapt to change readily.  When the mind is not being utilized productively, it often seems that change happens to the thinker or is forced upon him.  A nuclear bomb will symbolize unknown change whereas a smoke bomb will indicate unforeseen change.

[Questions for the dreamer to ask are:]  What changes are occurring in my life?  Are they welcomed and anticipated changes or unpleasant and unexpected?  Increase your adaptability to change by creating ideals and purposes to guide your activities.  This will enhance your ability to make transformations in your Self and your life.  You will cease fearing change and  begin to embrace it as an indication of progress.”

— The Dreamer’s Dictionary by Dr. Barbara Condron

The consciousness of humanity is changing.  People are talking about it in many different ways.  Things just seem different now.  More people than ever in this country are interested in the mind/body/soul connection.  Reading an article in the newspaper about dream interpretation, meditation, yoga,  vitamins and herbs is common place now.  This was not true thirty years ago.  This is a reflection of more and more people waking up to the truth that there is more to life than what meets the eye and they want the more.  Believing there is more is no longer satisfying, people want experience that will fulfill their soul desire for learning and understanding.  People want to know.

Another change we have seen in dreams reflects humanity’s evolution.  More and more people are experiencing psychic phenomena in their dreams.  There is clairvoyance – perceiving a line of probability of future events that plays out.  People see ghosts in their dreams now more than ever.  A ghost indicates subconscious awareness of the self without conscious understanding.  People are becoming more lucid in their dreams which means they know they are dreaming while the dream is occurring.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Getting a Grip! How Dreams Can Help You Handle Stress

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]

Imagine this…your day is starting out great.

You have a list of goals you want to accomplish. You’ve created a schedule of what you want to do and when you want to do it. But somewhere, something goes wrong…perhaps your computer crashes. Somebody unexpected drops by. The lawn mower won’t start…and all of a sudden your day has turned into a catastrophe. Your major project is due at the end of the day, your mother is coming over and the house is a mess, the dog is barking, you hit your thumb with the hammer…what would you do? Panic? Leave town? Wish you could go back to bed and start all over?

What would you dream about?

The following dream illustrates how the dreamer handles life situations and how he can experience peace and harmony, rather than feeling overwhelmed or thinking that his life is out of control. Would you like to know how to deal with stress? Would you like to think healthier, be kinder to yourself, experience greater peace? Every dream offers the dreamer insight. The dream message relates some kind of practical approach. It offers truth to the dreamer.

I am with some classmates on a large steel bridge. I am up on the side of the bridge hanging a sign to warn of an oncoming flood. Also, we are preparing the bridge for the flood. I look down at the bright red Ford Explorer we are using and I see the water rising quickly below us. I say to them, “Let’s go!” as the water is coming up over the road. I drive us up out of the water that is now covering the bridge surface. I have this incredible feeling of relief as I drive up the hill at the end of the bridge and out of the water.

I’m driving up the hill away from the bridge and I see a brown Plymouth Acclaim on the side of the road with Missouri license plates. I ask everyone in the car with me “Isn’t that John’s car?” Matthew in the back seat nods yes, but nobody cares about it. I don’t understand why no one cares, but I know that I have to drive us out of here so I say “Too late now” and drive up the hill.

Now we are in John’s car. I am driving and the song “White Bird” is on the radio. I am enjoying the song. My sister is in the passenger seat. She is enjoying the song too.

I am in the back seat alone. The car I am in is unrealistically long. I am far from the front seat. I cannot hear the radio. I ask someone to turn it up in back. I am enjoying the song and I awaken. 

WD, male, St. Louis, MO

Each dream is a message from the subconscious mind relating a message about the dreamer’s current state of awareness. The dream message has immediacy, applying to the thoughts and attitudes of the previous 24 to 48 hours. Everything in the dream, each person, place or thing represents some aspect, quality or way of thinking of the dreamer. In this picture language of dreams, what has been studied and taught for the past quarter century at the School of Metaphysics as the Universal Language of the Mind, lies truth that will open the dreamer’s eyes to the reality of his own thinking, to the consciousness of the Self and to the ideals of the soul.

The first part of WD’s dream shows how he handles challenges, taking a physical approach to dealing with life situations (a transition in his life represented by the bridge). WD’s thoughts are of being out of control or overwhelmed (represented by the threatening flood), but WD will approach this, as he does many things, thinking of himself as a physical being and therefore directing his physical body (represented by the car) to free him from the situation. Have you ever completed a tough homework assignment or a complex project at work feeling angry, resentful or taken advantage of, but you force yourself through to the end? This is what WD is doing — the hill represents his assignment or project and the bridge an opportunity for WD to change the way he thinks and responds.

The brown Plymouth, like the Explorer, represents WD’s physical body. It is another view or another perspective of himself as a physical being. WD’s thought is that it’s “too late”. This represents WD forcing his physical body towards a particular outcome — he already has a particular frame of mind and his own approach that he is set on. At this particular juncture of his life and whatever the experience, WD thinks of himself as a physical being, represented also by his friend Matthew, another conscious aspect of the dreamer.

The next part of the dream illustrates the freedom and peace WD can experience when he begins thinking of himself as more than a physical being. In this part of the dream, WD’s sister is riding in the passenger seat. She represents an aspect of his subconscious mind, or his inner self. When WD thinks of himself as a soul and uses life experiences for his spiritual growth, he will experience harmony (song) in the midst of his activity. This will produce both inner and outer peace rather than frustration. This will also aid WD to live a longer and healthier, more productive and fulfilling life.

The final portion of the dream illustrates how WD swings from forcing his way through life to being passive. This passivity is indicated by the fact that he is in the back seat of the car, rather than driving. This is probably a way that WD avoids responsibility, thereby making somebody or something the Creator of his life until the next crisis comes along. When WD is passive, peace and harmony elude him (someone else must turn up the radio so WD can hear the song).

This dream, like all dreams, is a stimulus for the dreamer to cause change. This dream is a stimulus for WD to change his idea of who he is and to bring his identity as soul into his everyday experiences. WD believes he is a soul. He has had some experiences as a soul but he, as yet, does not know he is a soul. As he incorporates purpose into everything he does, as he uses each life experience to cause spiritual development, WD will achieve enlightenment.•


HOW TO INTERPRET DREAMS: 7 keys to gain guidance from your inner self

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”3703″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”medium”][vc_column_text]Aneta Baranek[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Aneta Baranek, Director of the School of Metaphysics in Palatine, IL, was recently featured in The Mindful Word, an online journal of engaged living with a vision of integrating mindfulness into everyday life.  In her article, HOW TO INTERPRET DREAMS, Aneta dissolves common misunderstandings about dreams and shares some key points to learning how to interpret your dreams.


